# frozen_string_literal: true # ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # See also https://openstudio.net/license # ******************************************************************************* # start the measure class ReduceNightTimeLightingLoads < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure # define the name that a user will see def name return 'Reduce Night Time Lighting Loads' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(model) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # make a choice argument for load def with one or more instances lights_def_handles = OpenStudio::StringVector.new lights_def_display_names = OpenStudio::StringVector.new # putting load defs and names into hash light_def_args = model.getLightsDefinitions light_def_args_hash = {} light_def_args.each do |light_def_arg| light_def_args_hash[light_def_arg.name.to_s] = light_def_arg end # looping through sorted hash of load defs light_def_args_hash.sort.map do |key, value| if !value.instances.empty? lights_def_handles << value.handle.to_s lights_def_display_names << key end end # make an argument for lights definition lights_def = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('lights_def', lights_def_handles, lights_def_display_names) lights_def.setDisplayName('Pick a Lighting Definition From the Model (schedules using this will be altered)') args << lights_def # make an argument for fractional value during specified time fraction_value = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('fraction_value', true) fraction_value.setDisplayName('Fractional Value for Night Time Load') fraction_value.setDefaultValue(0.1) args << fraction_value # apply to weekday apply_weekday = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('apply_weekday', true) apply_weekday.setDisplayName('Apply Schedule Changes to Weekday and Default Profiles?') apply_weekday.setDefaultValue(true) args << apply_weekday # weekday start time start_weekday = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('start_weekday', true) start_weekday.setDisplayName('Weekday/Default Time to Start Night Time Fraction(24hr, use decimal for sub hour).') start_weekday.setDefaultValue(18.0) args << start_weekday # weekday end time end_weekday = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('end_weekday', true) end_weekday.setDisplayName('Weekday/Default Time to End Night Time Fraction(24hr, use decimal for sub hour).') end_weekday.setDefaultValue(9.0) args << end_weekday # apply to saturday apply_saturday = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('apply_saturday', true) apply_saturday.setDisplayName('Apply schedule changes to Saturdays?') apply_saturday.setDefaultValue(true) args << apply_saturday # saturday start time start_saturday = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('start_saturday', true) start_saturday.setDisplayName('Saturday Time to Start Night Time Fraction(24hr, use decimal for sub hour).') start_saturday.setDefaultValue(18.0) args << start_saturday # saturday end time end_saturday = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('end_saturday', true) end_saturday.setDisplayName('Saturday Time to End Night Time Fraction(24hr, use decimal for sub hour).') end_saturday.setDefaultValue(9.0) args << end_saturday # apply to sunday apply_sunday = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('apply_sunday', true) apply_sunday.setDisplayName('Apply Schedule Changes to Sundays?') apply_sunday.setDefaultValue(true) args << apply_sunday # sunday start time start_sunday = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('start_sunday', true) start_sunday.setDisplayName('Sunday Time to Start Night Time Fraction(24hr, use decimal for sub hour).') start_sunday.setDefaultValue(18.0) args << start_sunday # sunday end time end_sunday = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('end_sunday', true) end_sunday.setDisplayName('Sunday Time to End Night Time Fraction(24hr, use decimal for sub hour).') end_sunday.setDefaultValue(9.0) args << end_sunday # make an argument for material and installation cost material_cost = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('material_cost', true) material_cost.setDisplayName('Material and Installation Costs per Light Quantity ($).') material_cost.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << material_cost # make an argument for duration in years until costs start years_until_costs_start = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeIntegerArgument('years_until_costs_start', true) years_until_costs_start.setDisplayName('Years Until Costs Start (whole years).') years_until_costs_start.setDefaultValue(0) args << years_until_costs_start # make an argument for expected life expected_life = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeIntegerArgument('expected_life', true) expected_life.setDisplayName('Expected Life (whole years).') expected_life.setDefaultValue(20) args << expected_life # make an argument for o&m cost om_cost = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('om_cost', true) om_cost.setDisplayName('O & M Costs Costs per Light Quantity ($).') om_cost.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << om_cost # make an argument for o&m frequency om_frequency = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeIntegerArgument('om_frequency', true) om_frequency.setDisplayName('O & M Frequency (whole years).') om_frequency.setDefaultValue(1) args << om_frequency return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(model, runner, user_arguments) super(model, runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(model), user_arguments) return false end # assign the user inputs to variables lights_def = runner.getOptionalWorkspaceObjectChoiceValue('lights_def', user_arguments, model) fraction_value = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('fraction_value', user_arguments) apply_weekday = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('apply_weekday', user_arguments) start_weekday = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('start_weekday', user_arguments) end_weekday = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('end_weekday', user_arguments) apply_saturday = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('apply_saturday', user_arguments) start_saturday = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('start_saturday', user_arguments) end_saturday = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('end_saturday', user_arguments) apply_sunday = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('apply_sunday', user_arguments) start_sunday = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('start_sunday', user_arguments) end_sunday = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('end_sunday', user_arguments) material_cost = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('material_cost', user_arguments) years_until_costs_start = runner.getIntegerArgumentValue('years_until_costs_start', user_arguments) expected_life = runner.getIntegerArgumentValue('expected_life', user_arguments) om_cost = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('om_cost', user_arguments) om_frequency = runner.getIntegerArgumentValue('om_frequency', user_arguments) # check the lights_def for reasonableness if lights_def.empty? test = runner.getStringArgumentValue('lights_def', user_arguments) if test.empty? runner.registerError('No Lighting Definition was chosen.') else runner.registerError("A Lighting Definition with handle '#{lights_def}' was not found in the model. It may have been removed by another measure.") end return false else if !lights_def.get.to_LightsDefinition.empty? lights_def = lights_def.get.to_LightsDefinition.get else runner.registerError('Script Error - argument not showing up as lights definition.') return false end end # check the fraction for reasonableness if (fraction_value < 0) && (fraction_value <= 1) runner.registerError('Fractional value needs to be between or equal to 0 and 1.') return false end # check start_weekday for reasonableness and round to 15 minutes if (start_weekday < 0) && (start_weekday <= 24) runner.registerError('Time in hours needs to be between or equal to 0 and 24') return false else rounded_start_weekday = (start_weekday * 4).round / 4.0 if start_weekday != rounded_start_weekday runner.registerInfo("Weekday start time rounded to nearest 15 minutes: #{rounded_start_weekday}") end wk_after_hour = rounded_start_weekday.truncate wk_after_min = (rounded_start_weekday - wk_after_hour) * 60 wk_after_min = wk_after_min.to_i end # check end_weekday for reasonableness and round to 15 minutes if (end_weekday < 0) && (end_weekday <= 24) runner.registerError('Time in hours needs to be between or equal to 0 and 24.') return false elsif end_weekday > start_weekday runner.registerError('Please enter an end time earlier in the day than start time.') return false else rounded_end_weekday = (end_weekday * 4).round / 4.0 if end_weekday != rounded_end_weekday runner.registerInfo("Weekday end time rounded to nearest 15 minutes: #{rounded_end_weekday}") end wk_before_hour = rounded_end_weekday.truncate wk_before_min = (rounded_end_weekday - wk_before_hour) * 60 wk_before_min = wk_before_min.to_i end # check start_saturday for reasonableness and round to 15 minutes if (start_saturday < 0) && (start_saturday <= 24) runner.registerError('Time in hours needs to be between or equal to 0 and 24.') return false else rounded_start_saturday = (start_saturday * 4).round / 4.0 if start_saturday != rounded_start_saturday runner.registerInfo("Saturday start time rounded to nearest 15 minutes: #{rounded_start_saturday}") end sat_after_hour = rounded_start_saturday.truncate sat_after_min = (rounded_start_saturday - sat_after_hour) * 60 sat_after_min = sat_after_min.to_i end # check end_saturday for reasonableness and round to 15 minutes if (end_saturday < 0) && (end_saturday <= 24) runner.registerError('Time in hours needs to be between or equal to 0 and 24.') return false elsif end_saturday > start_saturday runner.registerError('Please enter an end time earlier in the day than start time.') return false else rounded_end_saturday = (end_saturday * 4).round / 4.0 if end_saturday != rounded_end_saturday runner.registerInfo("Saturday end time rounded to nearest 15 minutes: #{rounded_end_saturday}") end sat_before_hour = rounded_end_saturday.truncate sat_before_min = (rounded_end_saturday - sat_before_hour) * 60 sat_before_min = sat_before_min.to_i end # check start_sunday for reasonableness and round to 15 minutes if (start_sunday < 0) && (start_sunday <= 24) runner.registerError('Time in hours needs to be between or equal to 0 and 24.') return false else rounded_start_sunday = (start_sunday * 4).round / 4.0 if start_sunday != rounded_start_sunday runner.registerInfo("Sunday start time rounded to nearest 15 minutes: #{rounded_start_sunday}") end sun_after_hour = rounded_start_sunday.truncate sun_after_min = (rounded_start_sunday - sun_after_hour) * 60 sun_after_min = sun_after_min.to_i end # check end_sunday for reasonableness and round to 15 minutes if (end_sunday < 0) && (end_sunday <= 24) runner.registerError('Time in hours needs to be between or equal to 0 and 24.') return false elsif end_sunday > start_sunday runner.registerError('Please enter an end time earlier in the day than start time.') return false else rounded_end_sunday = (end_sunday * 4).round / 4.0 if end_sunday != rounded_end_sunday runner.registerInfo("Sunday end time rounded to nearest 15 minutes: #{rounded_end_sunday}") end sun_before_hour = rounded_end_sunday.truncate sun_before_min = (rounded_end_sunday - sun_before_hour) * 60 sun_before_min = sun_before_min.to_i end # set flags to use later costs_requested = false # check costs for reasonableness if material_cost.abs + om_cost.abs == 0 runner.registerInfo("No costs were requested for #{lights_def.name}.") else costs_requested = true end # check lifecycle arguments for reasonableness if (years_until_costs_start < 0) && (years_until_costs_start > expected_life) runner.registerError('Years until costs start should be a non-negative integer less than Expected Life.') end if (expected_life < 1) && (expected_life > 100) runner.registerError('Choose an integer greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100 for Expected Life.') end if om_frequency < 1 runner.registerError('Choose an integer greater than 0 for O & M Frequency.') end # short def to make numbers pretty (converts 4125001.25641 to 4,125,001.26 or 4,125,001). The definition be called through this measure def neat_numbers(number, roundto = 2) # round to 0 or 2) if roundto == 2 number = format '%.2f', number else number = number.round end # regex to add commas number.to_s.reverse.gsub(/([0-9]{3}(?=([0-9])))/, '\\1,').reverse end # breakup fractional values wk_before_value = fraction_value wk_after_value = fraction_value sat_before_value = fraction_value sat_after_value = fraction_value sun_before_value = fraction_value sun_after_value = fraction_value lights_schs = {} lights_sch_names = [] reduced_lights_schs = {} # get instances of definition lighting_instances = model.getLightss lighting_instances_using_def = [] # get schedules for lights instances that user the picked lighting_instances.each do |light| next unless light.lightsDefinition == lights_def lighting_instances_using_def << light if !light.schedule.empty? lights_sch = light.schedule.get lights_schs[lights_sch.name.to_s] = lights_sch lights_sch_names << lights_sch.name.to_s end end # reporting initial condition of model runner.registerInitialCondition("The initial model had #{lighting_instances_using_def.size} instances of '#{lights_def.name}' load definition.") # loop through the unique list of lighting schedules, cloning # and reducing schedule fraction before and after the specified times lights_sch_names.uniq.each do |lights_sch_name| lights_sch = lights_schs[lights_sch_name] if !lights_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.empty? new_lights_sch = lights_sch.clone(model).to_ScheduleRuleset.get new_lights_sch.setName("#{lights_sch_name} NightLightingControl") reduced_lights_schs[lights_sch_name] = new_lights_sch new_lights_sch = new_lights_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get # method to reduce the values in a day schedule to a give number before and after a given time def reduce_schedule(day_sch, before_hour, before_min, before_value, after_hour, after_min, after_value) before_time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, before_hour, before_min, 0) after_time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, after_hour, after_min, 0) day_end_time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 24, 0, 0) # Special situation for when start time and end time are equal, # meaning that a 24hr reduction is desired if before_time == after_time day_sch.clearValues day_sch.addValue(day_end_time, after_value) return end original_value_at_after_time = day_sch.getValue(after_time) day_sch.addValue(before_time, before_value) day_sch.addValue(after_time, original_value_at_after_time) times = day_sch.times values = day_sch.values day_sch.clearValues new_times = [] new_values = [] for i in 0..(values.length - 1) if (times[i] >= before_time) && (times[i] <= after_time) new_times << times[i] new_values << values[i] end end # add the value for the time period from after time to end of the day new_times << day_end_time new_values << after_value for i in 0..(new_values.length - 1) day_sch.addValue(new_times[i], new_values[i]) end end # Reduce default day schedules if new_lights_sch.scheduleRules.empty? runner.registerWarning("Schedule '#{new_lights_sch.name}' applies to all days. It has been treated as a Weekday schedule.") end reduce_schedule(new_lights_sch.defaultDaySchedule, wk_before_hour, wk_before_min, wk_before_value, wk_after_hour, wk_after_min, wk_after_value) # reduce weekdays new_lights_sch.scheduleRules.each do |sch_rule| if apply_weekday if sch_rule.applyMonday || sch_rule.applyTuesday || sch_rule.applyWednesday || sch_rule.applyThursday || sch_rule.applyFriday reduce_schedule(sch_rule.daySchedule, wk_before_hour, wk_before_min, wk_before_value, wk_after_hour, wk_after_min, wk_after_value) end end end # reduce saturdays new_lights_sch.scheduleRules.each do |sch_rule| if apply_saturday && sch_rule.applySaturday if sch_rule.applyMonday || sch_rule.applyTuesday || sch_rule.applyWednesday || sch_rule.applyThursday || sch_rule.applyFriday runner.registerWarning("Rule '#{sch_rule.name}' for schedule '#{new_lights_sch.name}' applies to both Saturdays and Weekdays. It has been treated as a Weekday schedule.") else reduce_schedule(sch_rule.daySchedule, sat_before_hour, sat_before_min, sat_before_value, sat_after_hour, sat_after_min, sat_after_value) end end end # reduce sundays new_lights_sch.scheduleRules.each do |sch_rule| if apply_sunday && sch_rule.applySunday if sch_rule.applyMonday || sch_rule.applyTuesday || sch_rule.applyWednesday || sch_rule.applyThursday || sch_rule.applyFriday runner.registerWarning("Rule '#{sch_rule.name}' for schedule '#{new_lights_sch.name}' applies to both Sundays and Weekdays. It has been treated as a Weekday schedule.") elsif sch_rule.applySaturday runner.registerWarning("Rule '#{sch_rule.name}' for schedule '#{new_lights_sch.name}' applies to both Saturdays and Sundays. It has been treated as a Saturday schedule.") else reduce_schedule(sch_rule.daySchedule, sun_before_hour, sun_before_min, sun_before_value, sun_after_hour, sun_after_min, sun_after_value) end end end else runner.registerWarning("Schedule '#{lights_sch_name}' isn't a ScheduleRuleset object and won't be altered by this measure.") end end # loop through all lighting instances, replacing old lights schedules with the reduced schedules lighting_instances_using_def.each do |light| if light.schedule.empty? runner.registerWarning("There was no schedule assigned for the light object named '#{light.name}. No schedule was added.'") else old_lights_sch_name = light.schedule.get.name.to_s if reduced_lights_schs[old_lights_sch_name] light.setSchedule(reduced_lights_schs[old_lights_sch_name]) runner.registerInfo("Schedule '#{reduced_lights_schs[old_lights_sch_name].name}' was edited for the lights object named '#{light.name}'") end end end # na if no schedules to change if lights_sch_names.uniq.empty? runner.registerNotAsApplicable('There are no schedules to change.') end measure_cost = 0 # add lifeCycleCost objects if there is a non-zero value in one of the cost arguments building = model.getBuilding if costs_requested == true quantity = lights_def.quantity # adding new cost items lcc_mat = OpenStudio::Model::LifeCycleCost.createLifeCycleCost("LCC_Mat - #{lights_def.name} night reduction", building, material_cost * quantity, 'CostPerEach', 'Construction', expected_life, years_until_costs_start) lcc_om = OpenStudio::Model::LifeCycleCost.createLifeCycleCost("LCC_OM - #{lights_def.name} night reduction", building, om_cost * quantity, 'CostPerEach', 'Maintenance', om_frequency, 0) measure_cost = material_cost * quantity end # reporting final condition of model runner.registerFinalCondition("#{lights_sch_names.uniq.size} schedule(s) were edited. The cost for the measure is #{neat_numbers(measure_cost, 0)}.") return true end end # this allows the measure to be used by the application ReduceNightTimeLightingLoads.new.registerWithApplication