require 'spec_helper' describe AuthorizationsController do let(:redirect_uri) { "" } let(:token) { "token" } let(:authorization_code) { double :authorization_code, token: token } let(:user) { double :user, language: :en } let(:client) { double :client, callback_url: redirect_uri } context "#new" do context "without authentication" do it "should redirect to login" do get :new response.should redirect_to(:new_user_session) end end context "with authentication" do before do controller.stub(:authenticate_user!) controller.stub(:current_user) { user } end context "without client_id" do it "should respond with bad request" do get :new response.should be_bad_request assigns(:error).to_s.should eq('bad_request') end end context "with client_id" do before :each do @params = { client_id: 7 } end it "should return bad request" do get :new, @params response.should be_bad_request assigns(:error).to_s.should eq("invalid_request :: 'response_type' required.") end context "with response code" do before :each do @params.merge! response_type: 'code' end it "should raise RecordNotFound" do lambda { get :new, @params }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end context "with valid client" do before do Site::Client.should_receive(:find).with("7") { client } end context "not authorized" do before do user.stub(:client_authorized?) { false } end it "should render new" do get :new, @params response.should be_success response.should render_template('new') end end context "authorized" do before do user.stub(:client_authorized?) { true } codes = double(:codes) user.stub(:authorization_codes) { codes } codes.should_receive(:create!).with(client: client, redirect_uri: redirect_uri) { authorization_code } end it "should render new" do get :new, @params response.should redirect_to("#{ redirect_uri }?code=#{ token }") end end end end end end end describe "#create" do context "without authentication" do it "should redirect to login" do post :create response.should redirect_to(:new_user_session) end end describe "with authentication" do before do controller.stub(:authenticate_user!) controller.stub(:current_user) { user } end context "without client_id" do it "should respond with bad request" do post :create response.should be_bad_request assigns(:error).to_s.should eq('bad_request') end end context "with client_id" do before :each do @params = { client_id: 7 } end it "should return bad request" do post :create, @params response.should be_bad_request assigns(:error).to_s.should eq("invalid_request :: 'response_type' required.") end context "with response code" do before :each do @params.merge! response_type: 'code' end it "should raise RecordNotFound" do lambda { post :create, @params }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end context "with valid client" do before do Site::Client.should_receive(:find).with("7") { client } end context "not accepted" do it "should redirect" do post :create, @params response.should redirect_to("#{ redirect_uri }?error=access_denied&error_description=The+end-user+or+authorization+server+denied+the+request.") end end context "accepted" do before do @params.merge!(accept: "true") user.should_receive(:client_authorize!).with(client) codes = double(:codes) user.stub(:authorization_codes) { codes } codes.should_receive(:create!).with(client: client, redirect_uri: redirect_uri) { authorization_code } end it "should respond with test" do post :create, @params response.should redirect_to("#{ redirect_uri }?code=#{ token }") end end end end end end end end