Feature: Attachment testing support In order for developers to test attachments in emails I want to be able to provide working steps which inspect attachments Scenario: Email with Attachments Given no emails have been sent And I go to request attachments be sent to me Then I should receive an email When I open the email Then I should see 2 attachments with the email And there should be an attachment named "image.png" And there should be an attachment named "document.pdf" And attachment 1 should be named "image.png" And attachment 2 should be named "document.pdf" And there should be an attachment of type "image/png" And there should be an attachment of type "application/pdf" And attachment 1 should be of type "image/png" And attachment 2 should be of type "application/pdf" And all attachments should not be blank Scenario: Email without Attachments Given no emails have been sent And I am on the homepage And I submit my registration information Then I should receive an email When I open the email Then I should see no attachments with the email