# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rspectacular' require 'chamber' require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p '/tmp/chamber/settings' unless File.exist? '/tmp/chamber/settings' File.open('/tmp/chamber/settings.yml', 'w+') do |file| file.puts <<-HEREDOC test: my_setting: my_value my_boolean: "false" my_dynamic_setting: <%= 1 + 1 %> my_ftp_url: ftp://username:password@ another_level: setting_one: 1 setting_two: 2 level_three: an_array: - item 1 - item 2 - item 3 a_scalar: 'hello' HEREDOC end File.open('/tmp/chamber/secure.yml', 'w+') do |file| file.puts <<-HEREDOC test: _secure_my_encrpyted_setting: cJbFe0NI5wknmsp2fVgpC/YeBD2pvcdVD+p0pUdnMoYThaV4mpsspg/ZTBtmjx7kMwcF6cjXFLDVw3FxptTHwzJUd4akun6EZ57m+QzCMJYnfY95gB2/emEAQLSz4/YwsE4LDGydkEjY1ZprfXznf+rU31YGDJUTf34ESz7fsQGSc9DjkBb9ao8Mv4cI7pCXkQZDwS5kLAZDf6agy1GzeL71Z8lrmQzk8QQuf/1kQzxsWVlzpKNXWS7u2CJ0sN5eINMngJBfv5ZFrZgfXc86wdgUKc8aaoX8OQA1kKTcdgbE9NcAhNr1+WfNxMnz84XzmUp2Y0H1jPgGkBKQJKArfQ== HEREDOC end File.open('/tmp/chamber/settings-blue.yml', 'w+') do |file| file.puts <<-HEREDOC test: my_other_setting: my_other_value another_level: setting_one: 3 other: everything: works HEREDOC end File.open('/tmp/chamber/settings/some_settings_file.yml', 'w+') do |file| file.puts <<-HEREDOC blue: my_settings_for_inline_namespace: my_value_for_inline_namespace my_non_inline_namespaced_setting: my_value_for_non_inline_namespace HEREDOC end File.open('/tmp/chamber/settings/sub_settings.yml', 'w+') do |file| file.puts <<-HEREDOC sub_settings: my_sub_setting: my_sub_setting_value HEREDOC end File.open('/tmp/chamber/settings/sub_settings-blue.yml', 'w+') do |file| file.puts <<-HEREDOC sub_settings: my_namespaced_sub_setting: my_namespaced_sub_setting_value HEREDOC end File.open('/tmp/chamber/settings/only_namespaced_settings-blue.yml', 'w+') do |file| file.puts <<-HEREDOC only_namespaced_sub_settings: another_sub_setting: namespaced HEREDOC end describe 'Chamber' do before(:each) { Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber') } it 'knows how to load itself with a path string' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber') expect(Chamber.configuration.basepath.to_s).to eql '/tmp/chamber' end it 'knows how to load itself with a path object' do Chamber.load(basepath: Pathname.new('/tmp/chamber')) expect(Chamber.configuration.basepath.to_s).to eql '/tmp/chamber' end it 'processes settings files through ERB before YAML' do expect(Chamber[:test][:my_dynamic_setting]).to eql 2 end it 'can access settings through a hash-like syntax' do expect(Chamber[:test][:my_setting]).to eql 'my_value' end it 'can access the settings through method-based access' do expect(Chamber.test.my_setting).to eql 'my_value' end it 'can access the settings via "env"' do expect(Chamber.env.test.my_setting).to eql 'my_value' end it 'prefers values stored in environment variables over those in the YAML files' do ENV['TEST_MY_SETTING'] = 'some_other_value' ENV['TEST_ANOTHER_LEVEL_LEVEL_THREE_AN_ARRAY'] = 'something' Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber') expect(Chamber.test.my_setting).to eql 'some_other_value' expect(Chamber.test.another_level.level_three.an_array).to eql 'something' expect(Chamber.test.my_dynamic_setting).to eql 2 ENV.delete 'TEST_MY_SETTING' ENV.delete 'TEST_ANOTHER_LEVEL_LEVEL_THREE_AN_ARRAY' end it 'can load files based on the namespace passed in' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber', namespaces: { my_namespace: -> { 'blue' }, }) expect(Chamber.other.everything).to eql 'works' expect(Chamber.test.my_dynamic_setting).to eql 2 end it 'loads multiple namespaces if it is called twice' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber', namespaces: { first_namespace_call: -> { :first }, second_namespace_call: -> { :second }, }) expect(Chamber.namespaces.to_a).to eql %w{first second} end # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicatedKey it 'does not load the same namespace twice' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber', namespaces: { first_namespace_call: -> { :first }, first_namespace_call: -> { :first }, }) expect(Chamber.namespaces.to_a).to eql ['first'] end # rubocop:enable Lint/DuplicatedKey it 'will load settings files which are only namespaced' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber', namespaces: { my_namespace: -> { 'blue' }, }) expect(Chamber[:only_namespaced_sub_settings][:another_sub_setting]).to eql 'namespaced' end it 'clears all settings each time the settings are loaded' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber', namespaces: { my_namespace: -> { 'blue' }, }) expect(Chamber[:only_namespaced_sub_settings][:another_sub_setting]).to eql 'namespaced' Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber') expect(Chamber[:only_namespaced_sub_settings]).to be_nil end it 'still raises an error if you try to send a message which the settings hash ' \ 'does not understand' do expect { Chamber.env.i_do_not_know }.to raise_error NoMethodError end it 'does not raise an exception if a namespaced file does not exist' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber', namespaces: { non_existant_namespace: -> { false }, }) expect { Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber') }.not_to raise_error end it 'merges (not overrides) subsequent settings' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber', namespaces: { my_namespace: -> { 'blue' }, }) expect(Chamber.test.my_setting).to eql 'my_value' expect(Chamber.test.my_other_setting).to eql 'my_other_value' expect(Chamber.test.another_level.setting_one).to eql 3 end it 'loads YAML files from the "settings" directory under the base directory if ' \ 'any exist' do expect(Chamber.sub_settings.my_sub_setting).to eql 'my_sub_setting_value' end it 'does not load YAML files from the "settings" directory if it is namespaced' do expect(Chamber['sub_settings-namespaced']).to be_nil end it 'loads namespaced YAML files in the "settings" directory if they correspond to ' \ 'a value namespace' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber', namespaces: { my_namespace: -> { 'blue' }, }) expect(Chamber['sub_settings']['my_namespaced_sub_setting']).to eql 'my_namespaced_sub_setting_value' end it 'loads namespaced settings if they are inline in a non-namespaced filename' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber', namespaces: { my_namespace: -> { 'blue' }, }) expect(Chamber['my_settings_for_inline_namespace']).to eql 'my_value_for_inline_namespace' end it 'does not load non-namespaced data from a file if inline namespaces are found' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber', namespaces: { my_namespace: -> { 'blue' }, }) expect(Chamber['my_non_inline_namespaced_setting']).not_to eql 'my_value_for_non_inline_namespace' end it 'loads the entire inline namespaced file if no namespaces are passed in since ' \ 'it does not know they are namespaced' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber') expect(Chamber['blue']['my_settings_for_inline_namespace']).to eql 'my_value_for_inline_namespace' expect(Chamber['my_non_inline_namespaced_setting']).to eql 'my_value_for_non_inline_namespace' end # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicatedKey it 'can convert the settings to their environment variable versions' do Chamber.load(basepath: '/tmp/chamber') expect(Chamber.to_environment).to eql( 'SUB_SETTINGS_MY_SUB_SETTING' => 'my_sub_setting_value', 'TEST_ANOTHER_LEVEL_LEVEL_THREE_AN_ARRAY' => '["item 1", "item 2", "item 3"]', 'TEST_ANOTHER_LEVEL_LEVEL_THREE_A_SCALAR' => 'hello', 'TEST_ANOTHER_LEVEL_SETTING_ONE' => '1', 'TEST_ANOTHER_LEVEL_SETTING_TWO' => '2', 'TEST_MY_DYNAMIC_SETTING' => '2', 'TEST_MY_SETTING' => 'my_value', 'TEST_MY_FTP_URL' => 'ftp://username:password@', 'TEST_MY_SETTING' => 'my_value', 'TEST_MY_BOOLEAN' => 'false', 'BLUE_MY_SETTINGS_FOR_INLINE_NAMESPACE' => 'my_value_for_inline_namespace', 'MY_NON_INLINE_NAMESPACED_SETTING' => 'my_value_for_non_inline_namespace', ) end # rubocop:enable Lint/DuplicatedKey it 'can convert boolean-like strings to actual booleans' do expect(Chamber[:test][:my_boolean]).to be_a FalseClass end it 'can notify properly whether it responds to messages if the underlying ' \ 'settings does' do expect(Chamber.respond_to?(:sub_settings)).to be_a TrueClass end it 'can explicitly specify files without specifying a basepath' do Chamber.load files: ['/tmp/chamber/settings.yml'] expect(Chamber.filenames).to eql ['/tmp/chamber/settings.yml'] expect(Chamber.to_hash).to include( 'test' => include( 'my_setting' => 'my_value', 'my_ftp_url' => 'ftp://username:password@', ), ) end it 'ignores the basepath if file patterns are explicitly passed in' do Chamber.load basepath: '/tmp/chamber', files: 'settings.yml' expect(Chamber.filenames).to be_empty end it 'can render itself as a string even if it has not been loaded' do Chamber.load basepath: '/' expect(Chamber.to_s).to eql '' end it 'can determine settings even if it has not been loaded' do Chamber.load basepath: '/' expect(Chamber.to_hash).to eql({}) end it 'can unencrpyt an already encrpyted value if it has access to the private key' do Chamber.load(files: '/tmp/chamber/secure.yml', decryption_key: './spec/spec_key') expect(Chamber.test.my_encrpyted_setting).to eql 'hello' end end