inherit_from: rubocop-todo.yml AllCops: Exclude: - 'fizzy_api.gemspec' - 'tmp/**/*' - 'vendor/**/*' - 'bin/*' # Use UTF-8 as the source file encoding. Encoding: Enabled: false # Limit lines to 80 characters. LineLength: Max: 120 # Avoid methods longer than 10 lines of code MethodLength: CountComments: false # count full line comments? Max: 20 ################################################################## DISABLED COPS # These cops are disabled because we think they are a Bad Idea. If you add one # here, make sure to add a comment describing what the cop does, and why this # is a bad idea. # Forces the argument names of the block given to #reduce to be `a, e`. Only # applies on single-line blocks, but why would we want to force people to use # less descriptive names? Documentation: Enabled: false # Gems typically have one file named the-gem-name.rb which can be autorequired by bundler Style/FileName: Exclude: - lib/fizzy-api.rb