class Flickr::Uploader < Flickr::Base def initialize(flickr) @flickr = flickr end # upload a photo to flickr # # Params # * filename (Required) # path to the file to upload # * options (Optional) # options to attach to the photo (See Below) # # Options # * title (Optional) # The title of the photo. # * description (Optional) # A description of the photo. May contain some limited HTML. # * tags (Optional) # A space-seperated list of tags to apply to the photo. # * privacy (Optional) # Specifies who can view the photo. valid valus are: # :public # :private # :friends # :family # :friends_and_family # * safety_level (Optional) # sets the safety level of the photo. valid values are: # :safe # :moderate # :restricted # * content_type (Optional) # tells what type of image you are uploading. valid values are: # :photo # :screenshot # :other # * hidden (Optional) # boolean that determines if the photo shows up in global searches # def upload(filename, options = {}) upload_data(, 'rb').read, MIME::Types.of(filename), options.merge(:filename => filename)) end # upload a photo to flickr # # Params # * photo (Required) # image stored in a variable # * mimetype (Required) # mime type of the image # * options (Optional) # see upload method # def upload_data(photo, mimetype, options = {}) filename = options.delete(:filename) || options = upload_options(options) @flickr.sign_request(options) form = options.each do |k,v| <<, v.to_s) end <<'photo', photo, mimetype, filename) headers = {"Content-Type" => "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + form.boundary} rsp = Net::HTTP.start('').post("/services/upload/", form.to_s, headers).body xm = if xm[:stat] == 'ok' xm else raise "#{xm.err[:code]}: #{xm.err[:msg]}" end end # Returns information for the calling user related to photo uploads. # # * Bandwidth and filesize numbers are provided in bytes. # * Bandwidth is specified in bytes per month. # * Pro accounts display 99 for the number of remaining sets, since they have unlimited sets. Free accounts will display either 3, 2, 1, or 0. # def status rsp = @flickr.send_request('flickr.people.getUploadStatus'), :nsid => rsp.user[:id], :is_pro => (rsp.user[:ispro] == "1" ? true : false), :username => rsp.user.username.to_s, :max_bandwidth => rsp.user.bandwidth[:maxbytes], :used_bandwidth => rsp.user.bandwidth[:usedbytes], :remaining_bandwidth => rsp.user.bandwidth[:remainingbytes], :max_filesize => rsp.user.filesize[:maxbytes], :max_videosize => rsp.user.videosize[:maxbytes], :sets_created => rsp.user.sets[:created].to_i, :sets_remaining => (rsp.user[:ispro] == "1" ? 99 : rsp.user.sets[:remaining].to_i)) end protected def upload_options(options) upload_options = { :api_key => @flickr.api_key } upload_options.merge!({:title => options[:title], :description => options[:description], :tags => options[:tags]}) [ :is_public, :is_friend, :is_family, :async ].each { |key| upload_options[key] = options[key] ? '1' : '0' } upload_options[:safety_level] = case options[:safety_level] when :safe then '1' when :moderate then '2' when :restricted then '3' end if options.has_key?(:safety_level) upload_options[:content_type] = case options[:content_type] when :photo then '1' when :screenshot then '2' when :other then '3' end if options.has_key?(:content_type) upload_options[:hidden] = options.has_key?(:hidden) ? '2' : '1' upload_options end end class Flickr::Uploader::FormPart attr_reader :data, :mime_type, :attributes, :filename def initialize(name, data, mime_type = nil, filename = nil) @attributes = {} @attributes['name'] = name @attributes['filename'] = filename if filename @data = data @mime_type = mime_type @filename = filename end def to_s ([ "Content-Disposition: form-data" ] +{|k,v| "#{k}=\"#{v}\""}). join('; ') + "\r\n"+ (@mime_type ? "Content-Type: #{@mime_type}\r\n" : '')+ "\r\n#{data}" end end class Flickr::Uploader::MultiPartForm attr_accessor :boundary, :parts def initialize(boundary=nil) @boundary = boundary || "----------------------------Ruby#{rand(1000000000000)}" @parts = [] end def to_s "--#@boundary\r\n" +{|p| p.to_s}.join("\r\n--#@boundary\r\n")+ "\r\n--#@boundary--\r\n" end end