h1. The SurveyGizmo Ruby Gem A Ruby wrapper for the "SurveyGizmo REST API":http://developer.surveygizmo.com/resources/rest-api-documentation-version-1-01/ h2. Installation @gem install surveygizmo@ h2. Usage bc. # Configure your Surveygizmo client Surveygizmo.configure do |config| config.username = YOUR_USERNAME config.password = YOUR_PASSWORD end bc. # Return a list of all Surveys Surveygizmo.surveys bc. # Return a specific Survey Surveygizmo.survey(id) See the "Documentation":http://rdoc.info/github/ample/surveygizmo for the full list h2. To Do List This gem is very young, and not all endpoints have been implemented. Here's a brief overview of the progress so far (italics denotes lack of implementation): * Account ** Show * Account User ** Index ** Show ** Create ** Update ** Delete * Contact ** Index ** Show ** _Create_ ** _Update_ ** _Delete_ * Survey ** Index ** Show ** _Create_ ** _Update_ ** _Delete_ * Survey Campaign ** Index ** Show ** _Create_ ** _Update_ ** _Delete_ * Survey Response ** Index ** Show ** _Create_ ** _Update_ ** _Delete_ * _Survey Option_ * Survey Question * _Survey Page_ * Survey Statistics * _Email Message_ h2. Thanks This gem is heavily inspired by the Twitter gem and John Nunemaker's hard work. h2. Copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Bobby Uhlenbrock. See LICENSE for details.