module CoreExtensions module Array module DuplicatesCounter def count_duplicates self.each_with_object( { |element, counter| counter[element] += 1 }.sort_by{|k,v| -v}.to_h end end end end Array.include CoreExtensions::Array::DuplicatesCounter module IB class Contract # Ask for the Market-Price # # For valid contracts, either bid/ask or last_price and close_price are transmitted. # # If last_price is received, its returned. # If not, midpoint (bid+ask/2) is used. Else the closing price will be returned. # # Any value (even 0.0) which is stored in IB::Contract.misc indicates that the contract is # accepted by `place_order`. # # The result can be customized by a provided block. # # IB::Symbols::Stocks.sie.market_price{ |x| x } # -> {"bid"=>0.10142e3, "ask"=>0.10144e3, "last"=>0.10142e3, "close"=>0.10172e3} # # # Raw-data are stored in the _bars_-attribute of IB::Contract # (volatile, ie. data are not preserved when the Object is copied) # #Example: :ge).market_price # returns the current market-price # #Example: :ge).market_price(thread: true).join # assigns IB::Symbols.sie.misc with the value of the :last (or delayed_last) TickPrice-Message # and returns this value, too # def market_price delayed: true, thread: false, no_error: false tws= Connection.current # get the initialized ib-ruby instance the_id , the_price = nil, nil tickdata = q = # define requested tick-attributes last, close, bid, ask = [ [ :delayed_last , :last_price ] , [:delayed_close , :close_price ], [ :delayed_bid , :bid_price ], [ :delayed_ask , :ask_price ]] request_data_type = delayed ? :frozen_delayed : :frozen # From the tws-documentation ( # Beginning in TWS v970, a IBApi.EClient.reqMarketDataType callback of 1 will occur automatically # after invoking reqMktData if the user has live data permissions for the instrument. # # so - even if "delayed" is specified, realtime-data are returned if RT-permissions are present # # method returns the (running) thread th = do # about 11 sec after the request, the TES returns :TickSnapshotEnd if no ticks are transmitted # we don't have to implement out ow timeout-criteria s_id = tws.subscribe(:TickSnapshotEnd){|x| q.push(true) if x.ticker_id == the_id } a_id = tws.subscribe(:Alert){|x| q.push(x) if [200, 354, 10167, 10168].include?( x.code ) && x.error_id == the_id } # TWS Error 354: Requested market data is not subscribed. # r_id = tws.subscribe(:TickRequestParameters) {|x| } # raise_snapshot_alert = true if && x.ticker_id == the_id } # subscribe to TickPrices sub_id = tws.subscribe(:TickPrice ) do |msg| #, :TickSize, :TickGeneric, :TickOption) do |msg| [last,close,bid,ask].each do |x| tickdata[x] = msg.the_data[:price] if x.include?( IB::TICK_TYPES[ msg.the_data[:tick_type]]) # fast exit condition q.push(true) if tickdata.size >= 4 end if msg.ticker_id == the_id end # initialize »the_id« that is used to identify the received tick messages # by firing the market data request the_id = tws.send_message :RequestMarketData, contract: self , snapshot: true while !q.closed? do result = q.pop if result.is_a? IB::Messages::Incoming::Alert result.message case result.code when 200 q.close error "#{to_human} --> #{result.message}" unless no_error when 354, # not subscribed to market data 10167, 10168 if delayed "#{to_human} --> requesting delayed data" tws.send_message :RequestMarketDataType, :market_data_type => 3 self.misc = :delayed sleep 0.1 the_id = tws.send_message :RequestMarketData, contract: self , snapshot: true else q.close tws.logger.error "#{to_human} --> No marketdata permissions" unless no_error end end elsif result.present? q.close tz = -> (z){{|y| y.to_s.split('_')}.flatten.count_duplicates.max_by{|k,v| v}.first.to_sym} data ={|x,y| [tz[x],y]}.to_h valid_data = ->(d){ !( || d.to_i == -1) } self.bars << data # store raw data in bars the_price = if block_given? yield data # yields {:bid=>0.10142e3, :ask=>0.10144e3, :last=>0.10142e3, :close=>0.10172e3} else # behavior if no block is provided if valid_data[data[:last]] data[:last] elsif valid_data[data[:bid]] (data[:bid]+data[:ask])/2 elsif data[:close].present? data[:close] else nil end end self.misc = misc == :delayed ? { :delayed => the_price } : { realtime: the_price } else q.close error "#{to_human} --> No Marketdata received " end end tws.unsubscribe sub_id, s_id, a_id end if thread th # return thread else th.join the_price # return end end # end end