import { get, isString, find, extend, toPairs } from 'lodash'; import { action, reaction, observe } from 'mobx'; import { BaseModel, identifiedBy, field, belongsTo, hasMany, identifier, computed, session, } from './base'; import Info from './query/info'; import Types from './query/types'; import Operator from './query/operator'; import Clause from './query/clause'; import Field from './query/field'; import ArrayResult from './query/array-result'; // needs to inherit from Base so network events will be listened to @identifiedBy('hippo/query') export default class Query extends BaseModel { @belongsTo src; @identifier id; @session pageSize = 20; @session initialField; @session idIndex; @session initialFieldIndex; @session sortField; @session sortAscending = false; @session results; @session customSyncUrl; @session autoFetch = false; @field({ type: 'object' }) syncOptions = {}; @hasMany({ model: Clause, inverseOf: 'query' }) clauses; @hasMany({ model: Operator, inverseOf: 'query' }) operators; @hasMany({ model: Field, inverseOf: 'query' }) fields; @action setSort({ field: f, ascending }) { this.sortField = f; this.sortAscending = ascending; } constructor(attrs = {}) { for (let i = 0; i < get(attrs, 'fields.length', 0); i += 1) { if (isString(attrs.fields[i])) { attrs.fields[i] = { id: attrs.fields[i] }; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign } } super(attrs); [ { id: 'like', label: 'Starts With', types: Types.LIKE_QUERY_TYPES }, { id: 'eq', label: 'Equals' }, { id: 'lt', label: 'Less Than', types: Types.LESS_THAN_QUERY_TYPES }, { id: 'gt', label: 'More Than', types: Types.LESS_THAN_QUERY_TYPES }, ].forEach(op => this.operators.push(op)); = new Info(this); this.results = new ArrayResult({ query: this }); if (0 === this.clauses.length) { this.clauses.push({ }); } if (attrs.sort) { const [fieldId, dir] = toPairs(attrs.sort)[0]; this.sortField = find(this.fields, { id: fieldId }); this.sortAscending = ('ASC' === dir); } observe(this, 'autoFetch', this._onAutoFetchChange); } @computed get fingerprint() { return => o.fingerprint).join(';'); } open() { if (this.autoFetch) { this._startAutoFetch(); } } close() { if (this.autoFetchDisposer) { this.autoFetchDisposer(); this.autoFetchDisposer = undefined; } } @action.bound fetch() { return this.results.fetch({ start: 0 }); } fetchSingle(query, queryOptions = {}) { const options = extend(queryOptions, this.syncOptions, { query }); const { src: Src } = this; const model = new Src(); return model.fetch(options); } @action.bound _onAutoFetchChange(change) { if (change.newValue) { this._startAutoFetch(); } else if (this.autoFetchDisposer) { this.autoFetchDisposer(); } } _startAutoFetch() { this.autoFetchDisposer = reaction( () => this.fingerprint, this.fetch, { delay: 100, compareStructural: true, fireImmediately: true }, ); } }