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E ESdEEditingE)Amend a line of input in multi-line mode.E amend-lineE Amend a line of input in multi-line mode. `amend-line N`, where the N represents line to replace. Can also specify a range of lines using `amend-line N..M` syntax. Passing "!" as replacement content deletes the line(s) instead. amend-line 1 puts 'new' # replace line 1 amend-line 1..4 ! # delete lines 1..4 amend-line 3 >puts 'bye' # insert before line 3 amend-line puts 'appended' # no line number modifies immediately preceding line  EprocessENo input to amend.E fix-indentE show-inputE amend_inputE!E>Edelete_from_arrayEinsert_into_array TUE Ereplace_in_arrayE line_countEstart_and_end_line_number!E+zero_indexed_range_from_one_indexed_numbers#E line_rangeVWEPryECommandE ClassCommandE AmendLineE CommandErrorE eval_stringEempty?EraiseEreplaceErunE input_arrayE each_lineEto_aE arg_stringE==E start_with?EjoinEarrayErangeEslice!E insert_slotEArrayEfirstE[]E<