require 'spec_helper' require 'models/validators/shared_examples_for_validators' describe Volt::PhoneNumberValidator do subject {*init_params) } let(:init_params) { [model, field_name] } let(:model) { phone_number: phone_number } let(:field_name) { :phone_number } let(:options) { true } let(:phone_number) { field_content } let(:field_content) { valid_us_number } let(:valid_us_number) { '(123)-123-1234' } let(:valid_intl_number) { '+12 123 123 1234' } let(:invalid_number) { '1234-123-123456' } let(:validate) { described_class.validate(*use_params) } let(:use_params) { [model, field_name, options] } let(:message) { 'must be a phone number with area or country code' } it_behaves_like 'a format validator' before do allow(described_class).to receive(:new).and_return subject end context 'when the phone number is a valid US number' do let(:phone_number) { valid_us_number } specify { expect(validate).to eq({}) } context 'and when no override criteria is provided' do before { validate } it 'should have no errors' do expect(subject.errors).to eq({}) end specify { expect(subject).to be_valid } end end context 'when the model has an invalid phone number' do let(:phone_number) { invalid_number } context 'and when no override criteria is provided' do before { validate } it 'returns an array of errors for phone number' do expect(subject.errors).to eq field_name => [message] end end end context 'when the phone number is a valid international number' do let(:phone_number) { valid_intl_number } specify { expect(subject.valid?).to eq true } end context 'when the phone number uses dashes' do let(:phone_number) { '123-123-1234' } specify { expect(subject.valid?).to eq true } end context 'when the phone number uses periods' do let(:phone_number) { '123.123.1234' } specify { expect(subject.valid?).to eq true } end context 'when the phone number uses spaces' do let(:phone_number) { '123 123 1234' } specify { expect(subject.valid?).to eq true } end context 'when the phone number uses parentheses and a space' do let(:phone_number) { '(123) 123.1234' } specify { expect(subject.valid?).to eq true } end context 'when an international number uses a plus' do let(:phone_number) { '+12 123 123 1234' } specify { expect(subject.valid?).to eq true } end context 'when an international number does not use a plus' do let(:phone_number) { '12 123 123 1234' } specify { expect(subject.valid?).to eq true } end context 'when an international number is from the UK' do let(:phone_number) { '+12 123 1234 1234' } specify { expect(subject.valid?).to eq true } end end