require 'spec_helper' # Mostly tests the Shrimple API. Other specs test the internals. describe Shrimple do # we send this in every request until Phantom fixes its bug, see default_config.rb let(:custom_headers) { {"page" => {"customHeaders"=>{"Accept-Encoding"=>"identity"}}} } it "automatically finds the executable and renderer" do s = expect(File.executable? s.executable).to be true expect(File.exists? s.renderer).to be true end it "can be told the executable and renderer" do # these don't need to be real executables since they're never called s = '/bin/sh', renderer: example_html) expect(s.executable).to eq '/bin/sh' expect(s.renderer).to eq example_html end it "dies if specified executable can't be found" do s = '/bin/THIS_FILE_DOES.not.Exyst') expect { s.render '' }.to raise_exception(/[Nn]o such file/) end it "dies if default executable can't be found" do expect {'', executable: nil) }.to raise_exception(/PhantomJS not found/) end it "allows a bunch of different ways to set options" do s = '/bin/sh', renderer: example_html, render: {quality: 50}) s.executable = '/bin/cat' = 'landscape' s[:page][:settings][:userAgent] = 'webkitalike' = 0.25 mock_phantom = expect(mock_phantom).to receive(:wait).once allow(Shrimple::Phantom).to receive(:new).once do |opts| expect(opts.to_hash).to eq({ input: 'infile', output: 'outfile', executable: '/bin/cat', renderer: example_html, render: { quality: 50 }, page: { paperSize: { orientation: 'landscape' }, settings: { userAgent: 'webkitalike' }, zoomFactor: 0.25 } }).merge(custom_headers).to_hash) mock_phantom end s.render 'infile', to: 'outfile' end it "runs in the background" do s = '/bin/cat', renderer: 'tt.js', background: true) mock_phantom = expect(mock_phantom).not_to receive(:wait) allow(Shrimple::Phantom).to receive(:new).once.and_return(mock_phantom) p = s.render 'infile' end it "special-cases input as the first argument" do s = s.merge!(executable: nil, renderer: nil) # can either start with a value for input expect(s.get_full_options("input", to: "output")). to eq({'input' => 'input', 'output' => 'output'}.merge(custom_headers)) # or just use hashes all the way through expect(s.get_full_options(input: "eenput", output: "ootput")). to eq({'input' => 'eenput', 'output' => 'ootput'}.merge(custom_headers)) end it "has options with indifferent access" do s = s.merge!('executable' => nil, renderer: nil) expect(s.get_full_options(executable: 'symbol', 'executable' => 'string')).to eq({'executable' => 'string'}.merge(custom_headers)) s.merge!(executable: 'symbol') expect(s.get_full_options(executable: 'symbol')).to eq({'executable' => 'symbol'}.merge(custom_headers)) expect(Shrimple.compact!(s.to_hash)).to eq({'executable' => 'symbol'}.merge(custom_headers)) end it "has a working compact" do expect(Shrimple.compact!({ a: nil, b: { c: nil }, d: { e: { f: "", g: 1 } }, h: false })).to eq({ d: { e: { g: 1 }}, h: false }) expect(Shrimple.compact!({})).to eq({}) end it "has a working deep_dup" do x = { a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: false, e:[1,2,3] }} y = Shrimple.deep_dup(x) x[:a] = 2 x[:b].delete(:e) x[:b][:d] = true x.delete(:b) # y should be unchanged since we dup'd it expect(x).to eq({a: 2}) expect(y).to eq({a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: false, e: [1, 2, 3] }}) end end