Given 'the "store/db/name" key is missing from "$filename"' do |filename| # Eh, good enough! path = File.join @aruba_root, filename contents = path, 'w') { |f| f.write contents.sub(/^\s+name: \w+$/, '') } end Given 'the "$role" role can not read from the "blog" database\'s tables' do |role|'prodder__blog_prod', 'REVOKE SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public FROM prodder;') end Given 'I add an index to table "$table" on column "$column" in the "$project" project\'s database' do |table, column, project| "prodder__#{project}_prod", "CREATE INDEX test_index ON #{table} (#{column});" end Given 'I add a custom parameter "$parameter" with value "$value" in the "$project" project\'s database' do |parameter, value, project| "prodder__#{project}_prod", "ALTER DATABASE prodder__#{project}_prod SET #{parameter} = '#{value}';" end Given 'I add a foreign key from table "$table1" and column "$column1" to table "$table2" and column "$column2" in the "$project" project\'s database' do |table1, column1, table2, column2, project| "prodder__#{project}_prod", "ALTER TABLE #{table1} ADD CONSTRAINT fk_authors FOREIGN KEY (#{column1}) REFERENCES #{table2} (#{column2});" end Given 'no-op versions of these bins are available on my PATH: $bins' do |bins| paths = bins.split(/,\s*/).map { |bin| File.join(@aruba_root, "stub-#{bin}").tap do |dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p dir, bin), 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo' } end }.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) set_env 'PATH', "#{paths}#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{ENV['PATH']}" end Given '"$bin" is not available on my PATH' do |bin| path = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) dirs = { |dir| File.exist? File.join(dir, bin) } set_env 'PATH', path.reject { |dir| dirs.include?(dir) }.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end When 'I create a new table "$table" in the "$project" database' do |table, project| pg = pg.psql "prodder__#{project}_prod", "CREATE TABLE #{table} ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY );" end When 'I add a new author "$author" to the "$project" database' do |author, project| pg = pg.psql "prodder__#{project}_prod", "INSERT INTO authors (name) VALUES ('#{author}');" end When 'I add a "$name" schema to the "$project" project\'s database' do |name, project| pg = pg.psql "prodder__#{project}_prod", "CREATE SCHEMA #{name} AUTHORIZATION prodder CREATE TABLE #{name}.providers ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY );" end When 'I grant all permissions on table "$table" in the "$project" database to "$role"' do |table, project, role| pg = pg.psql "prodder__#{project}_prod", "GRANT ALL ON #{table} TO #{role}" end Then 'the output should contain the example config contents' do assert_partial_output Prodder::Config.example_contents, all_output end Then /^the workspace file "([^"]*)" should match \/([^\/]*)\/$/ do |file, partial_content| check_file_content("prodder-workspace/#{file}", /#{partial_content}/, true) end Then /^the workspace file "([^"]*)" should not match \/([^\/]*)\/$/ do |file, partial_content| check_file_content("prodder-workspace/#{file}", /#{partial_content}/, false) end Then /^the workspace file "([^"]*)" should not exist$/ do |file| check_file_presence(["prodder-workspace/#{file}"], false) end Given(/a prodder config in "([^"]*)" with projects?: (.*)/) do |filename, projects| contents = projects.split(/,\s*/).map { |name| strip_leading <<-EOF #{name}: structure_file: db/structure.sql seed_file: db/seeds.sql quality_check_file: db/quality_checks.sql permissions: file: db/permissions.sql included_users: prodder, include_this git: origin: ./repos/#{name}.git author: prodder auto-commit db: name: prodder__#{name}_prod host: localhost user: prodder tables: - posts - authors EOF }.join("\n") write_file filename, contents end Given 'the "$project" file "$filename" contains:' do |project, filename, contents| write_file "prodder-workspace/#{project}/#{filename}", contents end Given 'the prodder config in "$filename" says to read the "$project" seed tables from "$seeds"' do |filename, project, seeds| update_config filename do |config| config[project]['db']['tables'] = seeds end end Given 'the prodder config in "$filename" excludes the table "$table" from the dump of "$project"' do |filename, table, project| update_config filename do |config| config[project]['db']['exclude_tables'] ||= [] config[project]['db']['exclude_tables'].push table end end Given 'the prodder config in "$filename" excludes the schema "$schema" from the dump of "$project"' do |filename, schema, project| update_config filename do |config| config[project]['db']['exclude_schemas'] ||= [] config[project]['db']['exclude_schemas'].push schema end end Given 'the prodder config in "$filename" does not include a quality check file for the "$project" project' do |filename, project| update_config filename do |config| config[project].delete 'quality_check_file' end end Given 'the prodder config in "$filename" does not include a permissions file for the "$project" project' do |filename, project| update_config filename do |config| config[project]['permissions'].delete 'file' end end Given 'the prodder config in "$filename" does not include permissions for the "$project" project' do |filename, project| update_config filename do |config| config[project].delete 'permissions' end end Given 'the "$project" file "$filename" does not exist' do |project, filename| begin remove_file "prodder-workspace/#{project}/#{filename}" rescue Errno::ENOENT end end