{ "description": "Decimal128", "bson_type": "0x13", "test_key": "d", "valid": [ { "description": "[basx023] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "subject": "1800000013640001000000000000000000000000003EB000", "string": "-0.1" }, { "description": "[basx045] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "subject": "1800000013640003000000000000000000000000003A3000", "string": "+0.003", "match_string": "0.003" }, { "description": "[basx610] Zeros", "subject": "1800000013640000000000000000000000000000003E3000", "string": ".0", "match_string": "0.0" }, { "description": "[basx612] Zeros", "subject": "1800000013640000000000000000000000000000003EB000", "string": "-.0", "match_string": "-0.0" }, { "description": "[basx043] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "subject": "18000000136400FC040000000000000000000000003C3000", "string": "+12.76", "match_string": "12.76" }, { "description": "[basx055] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "subject": "180000001364000500000000000000000000000000303000", "string": "0.00000005", "match_string": "5E-8" }, { "description": "[basx054] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "subject": "180000001364000500000000000000000000000000323000", "string": "0.0000005", "match_string": "5E-7" }, { "description": "[basx052] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "subject": "180000001364000500000000000000000000000000343000", "string": "0.000005" }, { "description": "[basx051] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "subject": "180000001364000500000000000000000000000000363000", "string": "00.00005", "match_string": "0.00005" }, { "description": "[basx050] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "subject": "180000001364000500000000000000000000000000383000", "string": "0.0005" }, { "description": "[basx047] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "subject": "1800000013640005000000000000000000000000003E3000", "string": ".5", "match_string": "0.5" }, { "description": "[dqbsr431] check rounding modes heeded (Rounded)", "subject": "1800000013640099761CC7B548F377DC80A131C836FE2F00", "string": "1.1111111111111111111111111111123450", "match_string": "1.111111111111111111111111111112345" }, { "description": "OK2", "subject": "18000000136400000000000A5BC138938D44C64D31FC2F00", "string": ".100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "match_string": "0.1000000000000000000000000000000000" } ], "parseErrors": [ { "description": "[basx564] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)", "subject": "Infi" }, { "description": "[basx565] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)", "subject": "Infin" }, { "description": "[basx566] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)", "subject": "Infini" }, { "description": "[basx567] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)", "subject": "Infinit" }, { "description": "[basx568] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)", "subject": "-Infinit" }, { "description": "[basx590] some baddies with dots and Es and dots and specials (Conversion_syntax)", "subject": ".Infinity" }, { "description": "[basx562] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)", "subject": "NaNq" }, { "description": "[basx563] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)", "subject": "NaNs" }, { "description": "[dqbas939] overflow results at different rounding modes (Overflow & Inexact & Rounded)", "subject": "-7e10000" }, { "description": "[dqbsr534] negatives (Rounded & Inexact)", "subject": "-1.11111111111111111111111111111234650" }, { "description": "[dqbsr535] negatives (Rounded & Inexact)", "subject": "-1.11111111111111111111111111111234551" }, { "description": "[dqbsr533] negatives (Rounded & Inexact)", "subject": "-1.11111111111111111111111111111234550" }, { "description": "[dqbsr532] negatives (Rounded & Inexact)", "subject": "-1.11111111111111111111111111111234549" }, { "description": "[dqbsr432] check rounding modes heeded (Rounded & Inexact)", "subject": "1.11111111111111111111111111111234549" }, { "description": "[dqbsr433] check rounding modes heeded (Rounded & Inexact)", "subject": "1.11111111111111111111111111111234550" }, { "description": "[dqbsr435] check rounding modes heeded (Rounded & Inexact)", "subject": "1.11111111111111111111111111111234551" }, { "description": "[dqbsr434] check rounding modes heeded (Rounded & Inexact)", "subject": "1.11111111111111111111111111111234650" }, { "description": "[dqbas938] overflow results at different rounding modes (Overflow & Inexact & Rounded)", "subject": "7e10000" }, { "description": "Inexact rounding#1", "subject": "100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001" }, { "description": "Inexact rounding#2", "subject": "1E-6177" } ] }