# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fiber' require 'timeout' require 'open3' require_relative '../core/exceptions' # Exeption overrides class ::Exception class << self attr_accessor :__disable_sanitized_backtrace__ end attr_accessor :source_fiber alias_method :orig_initialize, :initialize def initialize(*args) @__raising_fiber__ = Fiber.current orig_initialize(*args) end alias_method :orig_backtrace, :backtrace def backtrace unless @first_backtrace_call @first_backtrace_call = true return orig_backtrace end sanitized_backtrace end def sanitized_backtrace if @__raising_fiber__ backtrace = orig_backtrace || [] sanitize(backtrace + @__raising_fiber__.caller) else sanitize(orig_backtrace) end end POLYPHONY_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, '..')) def sanitize(backtrace) return backtrace if ::Exception.__disable_sanitized_backtrace__ backtrace.reject { |l| l[POLYPHONY_DIR] } end def invoke Kernel.raise(self) end end # Overrides for Process module ::Process class << self alias_method :orig_detach, :detach def detach(pid) fiber = spin { Thread.current.backend.waitpid(pid) } fiber.define_singleton_method(:pid) { pid } fiber end alias_method :orig_daemon, :daemon def daemon(*args) orig_daemon(*args) Polyphony.original_pid = Process.pid end end end # Kernel extensions (methods available to all objects / call sites) module ::Kernel alias_method :orig_sleep, :sleep alias_method :orig_backtick, :` def `(cmd) Open3.popen3(cmd) do |i, o, e, _t| i.close err = e.read $stderr << err if err o.read || '' end end ARGV_GETS_LOOP = proc do |calling_fiber| while (fn = ARGV.shift) File.open(fn, 'r') do |f| while (line = f.gets) calling_fiber = calling_fiber.transfer(line) end end end nil rescue Exception => e calling_fiber.transfer(e) end alias_method :orig_gets, :gets def gets(*_args) if !ARGV.empty? || @gets_fiber @gets_fiber ||= Fiber.new(&ARGV_GETS_LOOP) @gets_fiber.thread = Thread.current result = @gets_fiber.alive? && @gets_fiber.safe_transfer(Fiber.current) return result if result @gets_fiber = nil end $stdin.gets end alias_method :orig_p, :p def p(*args) strs = args.inject([]) do |m, a| m << a.inspect << "\n" end STDOUT.write(*strs) args.size == 1 ? args.first : args end alias_method :orig_system, :system def system(*args) Kernel.system(*args) end class << self alias_method :orig_system, :system def system(*args) waiter = nil Open3.popen2(*args) do |i, o, t| waiter = t i.close pipe_to_eof(o, $stdout) end waiter.await.last == 0 rescue SystemCallError nil end end def pipe_to_eof(src, dest) src.read_loop { |data| dest << data } end alias_method :orig_trap, :trap def trap(sig, command = nil, &block) return orig_trap(sig, command) if command.is_a? String block = command if !block && command.respond_to?(:call) exception = signal_exception(block, command) # The signal trap can be invoked at any time, including while the system # backend is blocking while polling for events. In order to deal with this # correctly, we spin a fiber that will run the signal handler code, then # call break_out_of_ev_loop, which will put the fiber at the front of the # run queue, then wake up the backend. # # If the command argument is an exception class however, it will be raised # directly in the context of the main fiber. orig_trap(sig) do Thread.current.break_out_of_ev_loop(Thread.main.main_fiber, exception) end end end def signal_exception(block, command) if block Polyphony::Interjection.new(block) elsif command.is_a?(Class) command.new else raise ArgumentError, 'Must supply block or exception or callable object' end end # Override Timeout to use cancel scope module ::Timeout def self.timeout(sec, klass = nil, message = nil, &block) cancel_after(sec, &block) rescue Polyphony::Cancel => e error = klass ? klass.new(message) : ::Timeout::Error.new error.set_backtrace(e.backtrace) raise error end end