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CNET News is reporting that the cards in question were issued by ...", "icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/zB010/hash/9yvl71tw.gif", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-24T08:07:59+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-24T08:07:59+0000", "likes": 1 }, { "id": "7901103_116029421758901", "from": { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" }, "message": "snacktime", "picture": "http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=919a8dc35214ad3637cd0c6ac5a5481b&w=130&h=130&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.soundcloud.com%2Fartworks-000001296844-9h7ya3-t300x300.jpg%3F4cccf9", "link": "http://soundcloud.com/r_co/jamie-jones-live-plastic-people-london-16-04-2010", "source": "http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fr_co%2Fjamie-jones-live-plastic-people-london-16-04-2010&color=3b5998&auto_play=true&show_artwork=false", "name": "Jamie Jones Live @ Plastic People, London -16-04-2010 by R_co", "caption": "soundcloud.com", "description": "\"Jamie Jones Live @ Plastic People, London -16-04-2010\" by R_co. 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Which quite literally appeared on Valencia street yesterday morning. Since Bansky's film, Exit Through The...", "icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/zB010/hash/9yvl71tw.gif", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-23T20:31:42+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-23T20:31:42+0000", "likes": 1 }, { "id": "7901103_117549861604312", "from": { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" }, "picture": "http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=a99e629fd189c592256f7f74ddc1c269&w=130&h=130&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.olivepixel.com%2Fmisc%2Fkitten%2Fkitten-13.jpg", "link": "http://www.olivepixel.com/misc/kitten/", "name": "Utopia", "caption": "www.olivepixel.com", "description": "It's been about a week; she's already fatter, less docile and better at chasing lasers/chewing feet. Also, free of fleas - thanks to an overpriced bottle from the vet >:l", "icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/zB010/hash/9yvl71tw.gif", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-23T19:40:22+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-23T19:40:22+0000", "likes": 1 }, { "id": "7901103_10100207879175340", "from": { "name": "Andrew 'Boz' Bosworth", "id": "1681" }, "to": { "data": [ { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" } ] }, "picture": "http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs461.snc3/25356_721202242761_1681_39052168_1554343_s.jpg", "link": "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=39052168&id=1681", "name": "f8 2010", "icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/z2E5Y/hash/8as8iqdm.gif", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-22T08:24:26+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-22T08:24:26+0000" }, { "id": "7901103_10100207803551890", "from": { "name": "Steve Blackmon", "id": "687664828" }, "to": { "data": [ { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" } ] }, "message": "Facebook opengraph and new API terms of service are huge improvement, nice work. Participate in defining and adopt a w3c RDF standard for these concepts and facebook will have a prominent place in #linkeddata history.", "icon": "http://graph.facebook.com/images/icons/mobile_app.gif", "attribution": "Facebook for iPhone", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-22T04:52:11+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-22T04:52:11+0000" }, { "id": "7901103_10100207635533600", "from": { "name": "Aditya Bansod", "id": "3325854" }, "to": { "data": [ { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" } ] }, "message": "dude, you're internet famous!", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-22T01:34:11+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-22T01:34:11+0000" }, { "id": "7901103_10100207523223670", "from": { "name": "Waleed Abdulla", "id": "500071393" }, "to": { "data": [ { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" } ] }, "message": "Great job on stage today. I'm so excited right now :)", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-21T22:24:54+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-21T22:24:54+0000" }, { "id": "7901103_10100207519022090", "from": { "name": "Atish Mehta", "id": "3404106" }, "to": { "data": [ { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" } ] }, "message": "The kids are happy\n\nhttp://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1282860", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-21T22:19:08+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-21T22:19:08+0000" }, { "id": "7901103_10100207509825520", "from": { "name": "John Allen", "id": "400586" }, "to": { "data": [ { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" } ] }, "message": "I can see you...", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-21T22:03:50+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-21T22:03:50+0000" }, { "id": "7901103_10100207507125930", "from": { "name": "Joseph Sofaer", "id": "820004" }, "to": { "data": [ { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" } ] }, "message": "The new Graph API looks great!", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-21T21:59:18+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-21T21:59:18+0000" }, { "id": "7901103_113559395341627", "from": { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" }, "message": "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=60538827&l=79b44ffb74&id=7901103", "icon": "http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v43/23/2231777543/app_2_2231777543_2528.gif", "attribution": "Twitter", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-21T21:10:16+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-21T21:10:16+0000" }, { "id": "7901103_10100207467265810", "from": { "name": "Kovas Boguta", "id": "2903108" }, "to": { "data": [ { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" } ] }, "message": "Nice work, this is awesome!!", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-21T20:49:18+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-21T20:49:18+0000" }, { "id": "7901103_100131863364293", "from": { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" }, "message": "time to start hacking", "picture": "http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=5f4a13ce667e82dc6f9323f151f101af&w=130&h=130&url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.ak.fbcdn.net%2Frsrc.php%2FzAUAP%2Fhash%2F89ob5bc1.png", "link": "http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/377", "name": "The Next Evolution of Facebook Platform - Facebook Developers", "caption": "developers.facebook.com", "description": "We're hosting our third f8 conference in San Francisco today. There are two important themes behind everything we're delivering today. First, the Web is moving to a model based on the connections between people and all the things they care about. ...", "icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/z2RY0/hash/9qpdr2nn.gif", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-21T19:12:34+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-21T22:51:10+0000", "comments": { "data": [ { "id": "7901103_100131863364293_1563", "from": { "name": "Chinmay Lonkar", "id": "7902978" }, "message": "Nice job on the Graph API man. Going to be leveraging it soon hopefully.", "created_time": "2010-04-21T22:51:10+0000" } ] } }, { "id": "7901103_672772511333", "from": { "name": "Mark Slee", "id": "204686" }, "to": { "data": [ { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" } ] }, "message": "Holy graph-ballz, Batman!", "picture": "http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs405.snc3/24521_672772511333_204686_37732593_3662199_s.jpg", "link": "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=37732593&id=204686", "icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/z2E5Y/hash/8as8iqdm.gif", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-21T18:00:23+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-21T18:00:23+0000", "likes": 3 }, { "id": "7901103_113242142040451", "from": { "name": "Tom Lianza", "id": "4810243" }, "to": { "data": [ { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" } ] }, "message": "Ha! I've seen your name more than once in the new API docs: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user", "name": "User - Facebook Developers", "caption": "developers.facebook.com", "description": "The photos, videos, and posts in which this user has been tagged. Requires the user_photo_tags, user_video_tags, friend_photo_tags, or friend_video_tags permissions", "icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/zB010/hash/9yvl71tw.gif", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-21T17:55:50+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-21T20:22:56+0000", "likes": 1, "comments": { "data": [ { "id": "7901103_113242142040451_316099", "from": { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" }, "message": "what are you doing reading the docs? hit that endpoint straight up.", "created_time": "2010-04-21T19:22:26+0000" }, { "id": "7901103_113242142040451_316657", "from": { "name": "Tom Lianza", "id": "4810243" }, "message": "I was going to quickly add this sweet \"like\" button until I realized that meant moving to the new connect libraries, in which it seems the syntax has changed and a bunch of code has to be rewritten, but after I do that, I'll just hit things straight up :P", "created_time": "2010-04-21T20:22:56+0000" } ] } }, { "id": "7901103_116468971706246", "from": { "name": "Blaise DiPersia", "id": "1319289" }, "to": { "data": [ { "name": "Arjun Banker", "id": "7901103" } ] }, "picture": "http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=ad661523774a2045aad1ebf469f99dd5&w=130&h=130&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blanka.co.uk%2Fi%2Fproducts%2F2708.jpg", "link": "http://www.blanka.co.uk/supersize?product=2708", "name": "Blanka || Supersize", "caption": "www.blanka.co.uk", "icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/zB010/hash/9yvl71tw.gif", "privacy": { "value": "EVERYONE" }, "created_time": "2010-04-21T07:55:49+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-21T07:55:49+0000", "likes": 1 } ], "paging": { "previous": "https://graph.facebook.com/7901103/feed?limit=25&since=2010-04-25T04%3A05%3A32%2B0000", "next": "https://graph.facebook.com/7901103/feed?limit=25&until=2010-04-21T07%3A55%3A49%2B0000" } }