# LocomotiveCMS search
## Setup
Open your _Gemfile_ and add locomotive-cms search to it:
gem 'locomotivecms-search', require: 'locomotive/search/mongoid'
Check out the Activesearch gem to know which backends are available and how to configure them.
Run `bundle install`
## Adding the search results page
Create a new page that will display your search results. Its code might be something like this:
{% for result in site.search %}
{{ result.title }}
{% endfor %}
As you can see, when a search string is passed in the URL, you can fetch the results by using `site.search`.
Choose a good __slug__, like "search".
## Adding the search form
Anywhere on your site you can add a simple form to fire a search. This could be done on the homepage, on a page you are inheriting from, on even on a snippet.
Just add this code:
The important part is the action parameter, since __it must point to the slug of your search results page__.
Also, the name of the search input must be "search".
## Note for mongoid 2.x users
If you are using the mongoid engine and still on 2.x, you must use locomotivecms-search version ~> 0.0.5
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.