require 'clevic/sql_dialects.rb' module Clevic # TODO possibly use AR scopes for this? class TableSearcher attr_reader :entity_class, :order_attributes, :search_criteria, :field # entity_class is a descendant of ActiveRecord::Base # order_attributes is a collection of OrderAttribute objects # - field is an instance of Clevic::Field # - search_criteria responds to from_start?, direction, whole_words? and search_text def initialize( entity_class, order_attributes, search_criteria, field ) raise "there must be at least one order_attribute" if order_attributes.nil? or order_attributes.empty? raise "field must be specified" if field.nil? raise "unknown order #{search_criteria.direction}" unless [:forwards, :backwards].include?( search_criteria.direction ) @entity_class = entity_class @order_attributes = order_attributes @search_criteria = search_criteria @field = field end # start_entity is the entity to start from, ie any record found after it will qualify def search( start_entity = nil ) search_field_name = if field.is_association? # for related tables unless [String,Symbol].include?( field.display.class ) raise( "search field #{field.inspect} cannot have a complex display" ) end # TODO this will only work with a path value with no dots # otherwise the SQL gets complicated with joins etc field.display else # for this table entity_class.connection.quote_column_name( field.attribute.to_s ) end # do the conditions for the search value @conditions = search_clause( search_field_name ) # if we're not searching from the start, we need # to find the next match. Which is complicated from an SQL point of view. unless search_criteria.from_start? raise "start_entity cannot be nil when from_start is false" if start_entity.nil? # build up the ordering conditions find_from!( start_entity ) end # otherwise ActiveRecord thinks that the % in the string # is for interpolations instead of treating it a the like wildcard conditions_value = if !@params.nil? and @params.size > 0 [ @conditions, @params ] else @conditions end # find the first match entity_class.find( :first, :conditions => conditions_value, :order => order, :joins => ( if field.is_association? ) ) end protected include SqlDialects def quote_column( field_name ) entity_class.connection.quote_column_name( field_name ) end def quote( value ) entity_class.connection.quote( value ) end # recursively create a case statement to do the comparison # because and ... and ... and filters on *each* one rather than # consecutively. # operator is either '<' or '>' def build_recursive_comparison( operator, index = 0 ) # end recursion return sql_boolean( false ) if index == order_attributes.size # fetch the current attribute attribute = order_attributes[index] # build case statement, including recusion st = <<-EOF case when #{entity_class.table_name}.#{quote_column attribute} #{operator} :#{attribute} then #{sql_boolean true} when #{entity_class.table_name}.#{quote_column attribute} = :#{attribute} then #{build_recursive_comparison( operator, index+1 )} else #{sql_boolean false} end EOF # indent st.gsub!( /^/, ' ' * index ) end # Add the relevant conditions to use start_entity as the # entity where the search starts, ie the first one after it is found # start_entity is an AR model instance # sets @params and @conditions def find_from!( start_entity ) operator = case search_criteria.direction when :forwards; '>' when :backwards; '<' end # build the sql comparison where clause fragment comparison_sql = build_recursive_comparison( operator ) # only Postgres seems to understand real booleans # everything else needs the big case statement to be compared # to something unless entity_class.connection.adapter_name == 'PostgreSQL' comparison_sql += " = #{sql_boolean true}" end # build parameter values @params ||= {} order_attributes.each {|x| @params[x.to_sym] = start_entity.send( x.attribute )} @conditions += " and " + comparison_sql end # get the search value parameter, in SQL format def search_clause( field_name ) if search_criteria.whole_words? <<-EOF ( #{field_name} #{like_operator} #{quote "% #{search_criteria.search_text} %"} or #{field_name} #{like_operator} #{quote "#{search_criteria.search_text} %"} or #{field_name} #{like_operator} #{quote "% #{search_criteria.search_text}"} ) EOF else "#{field_name} #{like_operator} #{quote "%#{search_criteria.search_text}%"}" end end def ascending_order{|x| x.to_sql}.join(',') end def descending_order{|x| x.to_reverse_sql}.join(',') end def order case search_criteria.direction when :forwards; ascending_order when :backwards; descending_order end end end end