module SemanticLogger #:nodoc: class Railtie < Rails::Railtie #:nodoc: # Make the SemanticLogger config available in the Rails application config # # Example: Add the MongoDB logging appender in the Rails environment # initializer in file config/environments/development.rb # # Claritybase::Application.configure do # # Add the MongoDB logger appender only once Rails is initialized # config.after_initialize do # config.semantic_logger.appenders << # :db =>['development_development'] # ) # end # end config.semantic_logger = ::SemanticLogger::Logger # Initialize SemanticLogger. In a Rails environment it will automatically # insert itself above the configured rails logger to add support for its # additional features # # Also, if Mongoid is installed it will automatically start logging to Mongoid # # Loaded after Rails logging is initialized since SemanticLogger will continue # to forward logging to the Rails Logger initializer :initialize_semantic_logger, :before => :initialize_logger do config = Rails.application.config # Set the default log level based on the Rails config SemanticLogger::Logger.level = config.log_level # Also log to any pre-existing loggers with SymanticLogger if existing_logger = (Rails.logger || config.logger) # Add existing Logger to the list of appenders SemanticLogger::Logger.appenders << end Rails.logger = config.logger = begin # First check for Rails 3.2 path, then fallback to pre-3.2 path = ((config.paths.log.to_a rescue nil) || config.paths['log']).first unless File.exist? File.dirname path FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname path end # First set the internal logger in case something goes wrong # with an appender SemanticLogger::Logger.logger = begin l = l.level = ::Logger.const_get(config.log_level.to_s.upcase) l end # Add the log file to the list of appenders SemanticLogger::Logger.appenders << #logger = if defined?(ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging) rescue StandardError SemanticLogger::Logger.appenders << logger = logger.level = :warn #logger = if defined?(ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging) logger.warn( "Rails Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that #{path} exists and is chmod 0666. " + "The log level has been raised to WARN and the output directed to STDERR until the problem is fixed." ) logger end # Replace the default Rails loggers ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) { self.logger ='ActiveRecord') } ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) { self.logger ='ActionController') } ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_mailer) { self.logger ='ActionMailer') } "SemanticLogger initialized" end end end