class Cms::Page < ActiveRecord::Base def actual_path path end is_archivable flush_cache_on_change is_hideable is_publishable uses_soft_delete is_userstamped is_versioned has_many :connectors, :class_name => 'Cms::Connector', :order => "#{Cms::Connector.table_name}.container, #{Cms::Connector.table_name}.position" has_many :page_routes, :class_name => 'Cms::PageRoute' has_many :tasks include Cms::DefaultAccessible attr_accessible :name, :path, :template_file_name, :hidden, :cacheable # Needs to be explicit so seed data will work. scope :named, lambda { |name| {:conditions => ["#{table_name}.name = ?", name]} } scope :with_path, lambda { |path| {:conditions => ["#{table_name}.path = ?", path]} } # This scope will accept a connectable object or a Hash. The Hash is expect to have # a value for the key :connectable, which is the connectable object, and possibly # a value for the key :version. The Hash contains a versioned connectable object, # it will use the value in :version if present, otherwise it will use the version # of the object. In either case of a connectable object or a Hash, if the object # is not versioned, no version will be used scope :connected_to, lambda { |b| if b.is_a?(Hash) obj = b[:connectable] if obj.class.versioned? ver = b[:version] ? b[:version] : obj.version else ver = nil end else obj = b ver = obj.class.versioned? ? obj.version : nil end if ver {:include => :connectors, :conditions => ["#{Cms::Connector.table_name}.connectable_id = ? and #{Cms::Connector.table_name}.connectable_type = ? and #{Cms::Connector.table_name}.connectable_version = ?",,, ver]} else {:include => :connectors, :conditions => ["#{Cms::Connector.table_name}.connectable_id = ? and #{Cms::Connector.table_name}.connectable_type = ?",,]} end } # currently_connected_to tightens the scope of connected_to by restricting to the # results to matches on current versions of pages only. This renders obj versions # useless, as the older objects will very likely have older versions of pages and # thus return no results. scope :currently_connected_to, lambda { |obj| connectors_table = Cms::Connector.table_name ver = obj.class.versioned? ? obj.version : nil if ver {:include => :connectors, :conditions => ["#{connectors_table}.connectable_id = ? and #{connectors_table}.connectable_type = ? and #{connectors_table}.connectable_version = ? and #{connectors_table}.page_version = #{Cms::Page.table_name}.version",,, ver]} else {:include => :connectors, :conditions => ["#{connectors_table}.connectable_id = ? and #{connectors_table}.connectable_type = ? and #{connectors_table}.page_version = #{Cms::Page.table_name}.version",,]} end } has_one :section_node, :as => :node, :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :node, :class_name => 'Cms::SectionNode' include Cms::Addressable include Cms::Addressable::DeprecatedPageAccessors before_validation :append_leading_slash_to_path, :remove_trailing_slash_from_path before_destroy :delete_connectors validates_presence_of :name, :path # Paths must be unique among undeleted records validates_uniqueness_of :path, :scope=>:deleted validate :path_not_reserved # Implements Versioning Callback. def after_build_new_version(new_version) copy_connectors( :from_version_number => @copy_connectors_from_version || (new_version.version - 1), :to_version_number => new_version.version ) @copy_connectors_from_version = nil true end # Publish all def after_publish self.reload # Get's the correct version number loaded self.connectors.for_page_version(self.version).all(:order => "position").each do |c| if c.connectable_type.constantize.publishable? && con = c.connectable con.publish end end end # Each time a page is updated, we need to copy all connectors associated with it forward, and save # them. def copy_connectors(options={}) logger.debug { "Copying connectors from Page #{id} v#{options[:from_version_number]} to v#{options[:to_version_number]}." } c_found = connectors.for_page_version(options[:from_version_number]).all(:order => "#{Cms::Connector.table_name}.container, #{Cms::Connector.table_name}.position") logger.debug { "Found connectors #{c_found}" } c_found.each do |c| # The connector won't have a connectable if it has been deleted # Also need to see if the draft has been deleted, # in which case we are in the process of deleting it if c.should_be_copied? logger.debug { "Connector id=>#{} should be copied." } connectable = c.connectable_type.constantize.versioned? ? c.connectable.as_of_version(c.connectable_version) : c.connectable version = connectable.class.versioned? ? connectable.version : nil #If we are copying connectors from a previous version, that means we are reverting this page, #in which case we should create a new version of the block, and connect this page to that block. #If the connectable is versioned, the connector needs to reference the newly drafted connector #that is created during the revert_to method if @copy_connectors_from_version && connectable.class.versioned? && (connectable.version != connectable.draft.version) connectable = connectable.class.find( connectable.updated_by_page = self connectable.revert_to(c.connectable_version) version = connectable.class.versioned? ? connectable.draft.version : nil end logger.debug "When copying block #{connectable.inspect} version is '#{version}'" new_connector = connectors.create( :page_version => options[:to_version_number], :connectable => connectable, :connectable_version => version, :container => c.container, :position => c.position ) logger.debug { "Built new connector #{new_connector}." } end end true end # Adds a Content block to this page. # @param [ContentBlock] connectable The content block to be added # @param [Symbol] container The container to add it in (default :main) def add_content(connectable, container=:main) transaction do raise "Connectable is nil" unless connectable raise "Container is required" if container.blank? update_attributes( :version_comment => "#{connectable} was added to the '#{container}' container", :publish_on_save => ( published? && connectable.connected_page && (connectable.class.publishable? ? connectable.published? : true))) connectors.create( :page_version => draft.version, :connectable => connectable, :connectable_version => connectable.class.versioned? ? connectable.version : nil, :container => container) end end alias_method :create_connector, :add_content def move_connector(connector, direction) transaction do raise "Connector is nil" unless connector raise "Direction is nil" unless direction orientation = direction[/_/] ? "#{direction.sub('_', ' the ')} of" : "#{direction} within" update_attributes(:version_comment => "#{connector.connectable} was moved #{orientation} the '#{connector.container}' container") connectors.for_page_version(draft.version).like(connector).first.send("move_#{direction}") end end %w(up down to_top to_bottom).each do |d| define_method("move_connector_#{d}") do |connector| move_connector(connector, d) end end def remove_connector(connector) transaction do raise "Connector is nil" unless connector update_attributes(:version_comment => "#{connector.connectable} was removed from the '#{connector.container}' container") #The logic of this is to go ahead and let the container get copied forward, then delete the new connector if new_connector = connectors.for_page_version(draft.version).like(connector).first new_connector.destroy else raise "Error occurred while trying to remove connector #{}" end end end # Pages that get deleted should be 'disconnected' from any blocks they were associated with. def delete_connectors connectors.for_page_version(version).all.each { |c| c.destroy } end #This is done to let copy_connectors know which version to pull from #copy_connectors will get called later as an after_update callback def revert_to(version) @copy_connectors_from_version = version super(version) end # Pages have no size (for the purposes of FCKEditor) def file_size "NA" end def public? section ? section.public? : false end def page_title title.blank? ? name : title end def append_leading_slash_to_path if path.blank? self.path = "/" elsif path[0, 1] != "/" self.path = "/#{path}" end end # remove trailing slash, unless the path is only a slash. uses capture and # substition because ruby regex engine does not support lookbehind def remove_trailing_slash_from_path self.path.sub!(/(.+)\/+$/, '\1') end def path_not_reserved if Cms.reserved_paths.include?(path) errors.add(:path, "is invalid, '#{path}' a reserved path") end end # Return the layout used to render this page. Will be something like: 'templates/subpage' # @param [Symbol] version Valid values are :full and :mobile. def layout(version = :full) folder = (version == :mobile) ? "mobile" : "templates" template_file_name && "#{folder}/#{layout_name}" end # Return the file name of the template def layout_name template_file_name.split('.').first end # This will be nil if it is a file system based template def template Cms::PageTemplate.find_by_file_name(template_file_name) end def template_name template_file_name && Cms::PageTemplate.display_name(template_file_name) end # Determines if a page is a descendant of a given Section. # # @param [String | Section] section_or_section_name def in_section?(section_or_section_name) found = false ancestors.each do |a| if section_or_section_name.is_a?(String) if == section_or_section_name found = true break end else if a == section_or_section_name found = true break end end end found end #Returns true if the block attached to each connector in the given container are published def container_published?(container) connectors.for_page_version(draft.version).in_container(container.to_s).all? do |c| c.connectable_type.constantize.publishable? ? : true end end # Returns the number of connectables in the given container for this version of this page def connectable_count_for_container(container) connectors.for_page_version(version).in_container(container.to_s).count end def self.find_live_by_path(path) published.not_archived.first(:conditions => {:path => path}) end def name_with_section_path a = ancestors (a[1..a.size].map { |a| } + [name]).join(" / ") end # This will return the "top level section" for this page, which is the section directly # below the root (a.k.a My Site) that this page is in. If this page is in root, # then this will return root. # # @return [Section] The first non-root ancestor if available, root otherwise. def top_level_section # Cache the results of this since many projects will call it repeatly on current_page in menus. return @top_level_section if @top_level_section a = ancestors @top_level_section = (a.size > 0 && a[1]) ? a[1] : Cms::Section.root.first end def current_task tasks.incomplete.first end def assigned_to current_task ? current_task.assigned_to : nil end def assigned_to?(user) assigned_to == user end end