/** * Tabs widget for RightJS (http://rightjs.org/ui/tabs) * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Tabs = RightJS.Tabs = (function(document, parseInt, RightJS) { /** * This module defines the basic widgets constructor * it creates an abstract proxy with the common functionality * which then we reuse and override in the actual widgets * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ /** * The tabs init-script * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var R = RightJS, $ = RightJS.$, $$ = RightJS.$$, $w = RightJS.$w, $E = RightJS.$E, Fx = RightJS.Fx, Object = RightJS.Object, Browser = RightJS.Browser, isArray = RightJS.isArray, isNumber = RightJS.isNumber, Wrapper = RightJS.Wrapper, Element = RightJS.Element, Cookie = RightJS.Cookie; /** * The widget units constructor * * @param String tag-name or Object methods * @param Object methods * @return Widget wrapper */ function Widget(tag_name, methods) { if (!methods) { methods = tag_name; tag_name = 'DIV'; } /** * An Abstract Widget Unit * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var AbstractWidget = new RightJS.Wrapper(RightJS.Element.Wrappers[tag_name] || RightJS.Element, { /** * The common constructor * * @param Object options * @param String optional tag name * @return void */ initialize: function(key, options) { this.key = key; var args = [{'class': 'rui-' + key}]; // those two have different constructors if (!(this instanceof RightJS.Input || this instanceof RightJS.Form)) { args.unshift(tag_name); } this.$super.apply(this, args); if (RightJS.isString(options)) { options = RightJS.$(options); } // if the options is another element then // try to dynamically rewrap it with our widget if (options instanceof RightJS.Element) { this._ = options._; if ('$listeners' in options) { options.$listeners = options.$listeners; } options = {}; } this.setOptions(options, this); return this; }, // protected /** * Catches the options * * @param Object user-options * @param Element element with contextual options * @return void */ setOptions: function(options, element) { element = element || this; RightJS.Options.setOptions.call(this, RightJS.Object.merge(options, eval("("+( element.get('data-'+ this.key) || '{}' )+")")) ); return this; } }); /** * Creating the actual widget class * */ var Klass = new RightJS.Wrapper(AbstractWidget, methods); // creating the widget related shortcuts RightJS.Observer.createShortcuts(Klass.prototype, Klass.EVENTS || []); return Klass; } /** * A shared module to create textual spinners * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Spinner = new RightJS.Wrapper(RightJS.Element, { /** * Constructor * * @param Number optional spinner size (4 by default) * @return void */ initialize: function(size) { this.$super('div', {'class': 'rui-spinner'}); this.dots = []; for (var i=0; i < (size || 4); i++) { this.dots.push(new RightJS.Element('div')); } this.dots[0].addClass('glowing'); this.insert(this.dots); RightJS(this.shift).bind(this).periodical(300); }, /** * Shifts the spinner elements * * @return void */ shift: function() { if (this.visible()) { var dot = this.dots.pop(); this.dots.unshift(dot); this.insert(dot, 'top'); } } }); /** * The basic tabs handling engine * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Tabs = new Widget('UL', { extend: { version: '2.0.0', EVENTS: $w('select hide load disable enable add remove move'), Options: { idPrefix: '', // the tab-body elements id prefix tabsElement: null, // the tabs list element reference, in case it's situated somewhere else resizeFx: 'both', // 'slide', 'fade', 'both' or null for no fx resizeDuration: 400, // the tab panels resize fx duration scrollTabs: false, // use the tabs list scrolling scrollDuration: 400, // the tabs scrolling fx duration selected: null, // the index of the currently opened tab, by default will check url, cookies or set 0 disabled: null, // list of disabled tab indexes closable: false, // set true if you want a close icon on your tabs loop: false, // put a delay in ms to make it autostart the slideshow loop loopPause: true, // make the loop get paused when user hovers the tabs with mouse url: false, // a common remote tabs url template, should have the %{id} placeholder cache: false, // marker if the remote tabs should be cached Xhr: null, // the xhr addtional options Cookie: null // set the cookie options if you'd like to keep the last selected tab index in cookies }, // scans and automatically intializes the tabs rescan: function(scope) { $(scope || document).find('.rui-tabs,*[data-tabs]').each(function(element) { element = element instanceof Tabs ? element : new Tabs(element); }); } }, /** * The basic constructor * * @param element or id * @param Object options */ initialize: function(element, options) { this .$super('tabs', element) .setOptions(options) .addClass('rui-tabs'); this.isHarmonica = this._.tagName === 'DL'; this.isCarousel = this.hasClass('rui-tabs-carousel'); this.isSimple = !this.isHarmonica && !this.isCarousel; this .findTabs() .initScrolls() .findCurrent() .setStyle('visibility:visible'); if (this.options.disabled) { this.disable(this.options.disabled); } if (this.options.loop) { this.startLoop(); } }, /** * Shows the given tab * * @param integer tab index or a Tabs.Tab instance * @return Tabs this */ select: function(tab) { return this.callTab(tab, 'select'); }, /** * Disables the given tab * * @param integer tab index or a Tabs.Tab instance or a list of them * @return Tabs this */ disable: function(tab) { return this.callTab(tab, 'disable'); }, /** * Enables the given tab * * @param integer tab index or a Tabs.Tab instance or a list of them * @return Tabs this */ enable: function(tab) { return this.callTab(tab, 'enable'); }, /** * Returns the reference to the currently opened tab * * @return Tab tab or undefined */ current: function() { return this.tabs.first('current'); }, /** * Returns the list of enabled tabs * * @return Array of enabled tabs */ enabled: function() { return this.tabs.filter('enabled'); }, // protected // calls the tab (or tabs) method callTab: function(tabs, method) { R(isArray(tabs) ? tabs : [tabs]).each(function(tab) { if (isNumber(tab)) { tab = this.tabs[tab]; } if (tab && tab instanceof Tab) { tab[method](); } }, this); return this; }, // finds and interconnects the tabs findTabs: function() { this.tabsList = this.isHarmonica ? this : $(this.options.tabsElement) || this.first('.rui-tabs-list') || (this.first('UL') || $E('UL').insertTo(this)).addClass('rui-tabs-list'); this.tabs = R([]); this.tabsList.children(this.isHarmonica ? 'dt' : null).map(function(node) { this.tabs.push(new Tab(node, this)); }, this); // removing the whitespaces so the didn't screw with the margins for (var i=0, list = this.tabsList.get('childNodes'); i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].nodeType == 3) { this.tabsList._.removeChild(list[i]); } } return this; } }); /** * A single tab handling object * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Tab = Tabs.Tab = new Wrapper(Element, { extend: { autoId: 0 }, /** * Constructor * * @param Element the tab's element * @param Tabs the main element * @return void */ initialize: function(element, main) { this.$super(element._); this.addClass('rui-tabs-tab'); this.main = main; this.link = this.first('a'); this.id = this.link.get('href').split('#')[1] || Tab.autoId++; this.panel = new Panel(this.findPanel(), this); if (this.current()) { this.select(); } // adding the 'close' icon onto the tab if needed if (main.options.closable) { this.link.insert($E('div', { 'class': 'rui-tabs-tab-close-icon', 'html': '×' }).onClick(R(this.remove).bind(this))); } this.onClick(this._clicked); }, select: function() { if (this.enabled()) { var prev_tab = this.main.current(); if (prev_tab) { prev_tab.removeClass('rui-tabs-current').fire('hide'); } this.addClass('rui-tabs-current'); this.main.scrollToTab(this); this.panel.show(); } return this.fire('select'); }, disable: function() { return this.addClass('rui-tabs-disabled').fire('disable'); }, enable: function() { return this.removeClass('rui-tabs-disabled').fire('enable'); }, disabled: function() { return !this.enabled(); }, enabled: function() { return !this.hasClass('rui-tabs-disabled'); }, current: function() { return this.hasClass('rui-tabs-current'); }, remove: function(event) { if (event) { event.stop(); } // switching to the next available sibling if (this.current()) { var enabled = this.main.enabled(); var sibling = enabled[enabled.indexOf(this) + 1] || enabled[enabled.indexOf(this)-1]; if (sibling) { sibling.select(); } } // removing the tab out of the list this.main.tabs.splice(this.main.tabs.indexOf(this), 1); this.panel.remove(); return this.$super().fire('remove'); }, // protected // handles the clicks on the tabs _clicked: function(event) { event.stop(); return this.select(); }, // searches for a panel for the tab findPanel: function() { var main = this.main, panel_id = main.options.idPrefix + this.id, panel; if (main.isHarmonica) { var next = this.next(); panel = (next && next._.tagName === 'DD') ? next : $E('DD').insertTo(this, 'after'); } else { panel = $(panel_id) || $E(main._.tagName === 'UL' ? 'LI' : 'DIV').insertTo(main); } return panel.set('id', panel_id); }, // returns the tab width, used for the scrolling calculations width: function() { var next = this.next(); if (next) { return next.position().x - this.position().x; } else { return this.size().x + 1; } } }); /** * The tab panels behavior logic * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Panel = Tabs.Panel = new Wrapper(Element, { /** * Basic constructor * * @param Element panel-element * @param Tab the tab object * @return void */ initialize: function(element, tab) { this.$super(element._); this.addClass('rui-tabs-panel'); this.tab = tab; this.id = this.get('id'); }, // shows the panel show: function() { return this.resizing(function() { this.tab.main.find('.rui-tabs-panel').each(function(panel) { panel[panel === this ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('rui-tabs-current'); }, this); }); }, // updates the panel content update: function(content) { // don't use resize if it's some other hidden tab was loaded asynch if (this.tab.current()) { this.resizing(function() { Element.prototype.update.call(this, content||''); }); } else { this.$super(content||''); } return this; }, // locks the panel with a spinner locker lock: function() { this.insert(this.locker(), 'top'); }, // protected resizing: function(callback) { var controller = this.tab.main; if (controller.__working) { return this.resizing.bind(this, callback).delay(100); } var options = controller.options; var prev_panel = controller.first('.rui-tabs-panel.rui-tabs-current'); var this_panel = this; var swapping = prev_panel !== this_panel; var loading = this.first('div.rui-tabs-panel-locker'); // sometimes it looses the parent on remote tabs if (this_panel.parent().hasClass('rui-tabs-resizer')) { this_panel.insertTo(prev_panel.parent()); } if (options.resizeFx && RightJS.Fx && prev_panel && (swapping || loading)) { controller.__working = true; var unlock = function() { controller.__working = false; }; // calculating the visual effects durations var fx_name = (options.resizeFx === 'both' && loading) ? 'slide' : options.resizeFx; var duration = options.resizeDuration; duration = Fx.Durations[duration] || duration; var resize_duration = fx_name === 'fade' ? 0 : fx_name === 'slide' ? duration : duration / 2; var fade_duration = duration - resize_duration; if (fx_name !== 'slide') { this_panel.setStyle({opacity: 0}); } // saving the previous sizes var prev_panel_height = (controller.isHarmonica && swapping) ? 0 : prev_panel.size().y; // applying the changes callback.call(this); // getting the new size var new_panel_height = this_panel.size().y; var fx_wrapper = null; var hide_wrapper = null; var prev_back = null; if (fx_name !== 'fade' && prev_panel_height !== new_panel_height) { // preserving the whole element size so it didn't jump when we are tossing the tabs around controller._.style.height = controller.size().y + 'px'; // wrapping the element with an overflowed element to visualize the resize fx_wrapper = $E('div', { 'class': 'rui-tabs-resizer', 'style': 'height: '+ prev_panel_height + 'px' }); // in case of harmonica nicely hidding the previous panel if (controller.isHarmonica && swapping) { prev_panel.addClass('rui-tabs-current'); hide_wrapper = $E('div', {'class': 'rui-tabs-resizer'}); hide_wrapper._.style.height = prev_panel.size().y + 'px'; prev_back = function() { hide_wrapper.replace(prev_panel.removeClass('rui-tabs-current')); }; prev_panel.wrap(hide_wrapper); fx_wrapper._.style.height = '0px'; } this_panel.wrap(fx_wrapper); // getting back the auto-size so we could resize it controller._.style.height = 'auto'; } else { // removing the resize duration out of the equasion rezise_duration = 0; duration = fade_duration; } var counter = 0; var set_back = function() { if (fx_wrapper) { if (fx_name == 'both' && !counter) { return counter ++; } fx_wrapper.replace(this_panel); } unlock(); }; if (hide_wrapper) { hide_wrapper.morph({height: '0px'}, {duration: resize_duration, onFinish: prev_back}); } if (fx_wrapper) { fx_wrapper.morph({height: new_panel_height + 'px'}, {duration: resize_duration, onFinish: set_back}); } if (fx_name !== 'slide') { this_panel.morph.bind(this_panel, {opacity: 1}, {duration: fade_duration, onFinish: set_back} ).delay(resize_duration); } if (!fx_wrapper && fx_name === 'slide') { set_back(); } } else { callback.call(this); } return this; }, // builds the locker element locker: function() { return this._locker || (this._locker = $E('div', {'class': 'rui-tabs-panel-locker'}).insert(new Spinner(5)) ); } }); /** * Contains the tabs scrolling functionality * * NOTE: different types of tabs have different scrolling behavior * simple tabs just scroll the tabs line without actually picking * any tab. But the carousel tabs scrolls to the next/previous * tabs on the list. * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ Tabs.include({ /** * Shows the next tab * * @return Tabs this */ next: function() { return this.pickTab(+1); }, /** * Shows the preveious tab * * @return Tabs this */ prev: function() { return this.pickTab(-1); }, /** * Scrolls the tabs to the left * * @return Tabs this */ scrollLeft: function() { if (!this.prevButton.hasClass('rui-tabs-scroller-disabled')) { this[this.isCarousel ? 'prev' : 'justScroll'](+0.6); } return this; }, /** * Scrolls the tabs to the right * * @return Tabs this */ scrollRight: function() { if (!this.nextButton.hasClass('rui-tabs-scroller-disabled')) { this[this.isCarousel ? 'next' : 'justScroll'](-0.6); } return this; }, // protected // overloading the init script to add the scrollbar support initScrolls: function() { if ((this.scrollable = (this.options.scrollTabs || this.isCarousel))) { this.buildScroller(); } return this; }, // builds the tabs scroller block buildScroller: function() { if (!( (this.prevButton = this.first('.rui-tabs-scroller-prev')) && (this.nextButton = this.first('.rui-tabs-scroller-next')) )) { this.prevButton = $E('div', {'class': 'rui-tabs-scroller-prev', 'html': '«'}); this.nextButton = $E('div', {'class': 'rui-tabs-scroller-next', 'html': '»'}); // using a dummy element to insert the scroller in place of the tabs list $E('div').insertTo(this.tabsList, 'before') .replace( $E('div', {'class': 'rui-tabs-scroller'}).insert([ this.prevButton, this.nextButton, this.scroller = $E('div', { 'class': 'rui-tabs-scroller-body' }).insert(this.tabsList) ]) ).remove(); } this.prevButton.onClick(R(this.scrollLeft).bind(this)); this.nextButton.onClick(R(this.scrollRight).bind(this)); }, // picks the next/prev non-disabled available tab pickTab: function(pos) { var current = this.current(); if (current && current.enabled()) { var enabled_tabs = this.enabled(); var tab = enabled_tabs[enabled_tabs.indexOf(current) + pos]; if (tab) { tab.select(); } } }, // scrolls the tabs line to make the tab visible scrollToTab: function(tab) { if (this.scroller) { // calculating the previous tabs widths var tabs_width = 0; for (var i=0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) { tabs_width += this.tabs[i].width(); if (this.tabs[i] === tab) { break; } } // calculating the scroll (the carousel tabs should be centralized) var available_width = this.scroller.size().x; var scroll = (this.isCarousel ? (available_width/2 + tab.width()/2) : available_width) - tabs_width; // check if the tab doesn't need to be scrolled if (!this.isCarousel) { var current_scroll = parseInt(this.tabsList.getStyle('left') || 0, 10); if (scroll >= current_scroll && scroll < (current_scroll + available_width - tab.width())) { scroll = current_scroll; } else if (current_scroll > -tabs_width && current_scroll <= (tab.width() - tabs_width)) { scroll = tab.width() - tabs_width; } } this.scrollTo(scroll); } }, // just scrolls the scrollable area onto the given number of scrollable area widths justScroll: function(size) { if (!this.scroller) { return this; } var current_scroll = parseInt(this.tabsList.getStyle('left') || 0, 10); var available_width = this.scroller.size().x; this.scrollTo(current_scroll + available_width * size); }, // scrolls the tabs list to the position scrollTo: function(scroll) { // checking the constraints var available_width = this.scroller.size().x; var overall_width = this.tabs.map('width').sum(); if (scroll < (available_width - overall_width)) { scroll = available_width - overall_width; } if (scroll > 0) { scroll = 0; } // applying the scroll this.tabsList.morph({left: scroll+'px'}, {duration: this.options.scrollDuration}); this.checkScrollButtons(overall_width, available_width, scroll); }, // checks the scroll buttons checkScrollButtons: function(overall_width, available_width, scroll) { var has_prev = false, has_next = false; if (this.isCarousel) { var enabled = this.enabled(); var current = enabled.first('current'); if (current) { var index = enabled.indexOf(current); has_prev = index > 0; has_next = index < enabled.length - 1; } } else { has_prev = scroll !== 0; has_next = scroll > (available_width - overall_width); } this.prevButton[has_prev ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('rui-tabs-scroller-disabled'); this.nextButton[has_next ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('rui-tabs-scroller-disabled'); } }); /** * This module handles the current tab state saving/restoring processes * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ function get_cookie_indexes() { return R(RightJS.Cookie ? (Cookie.get('right-tabs-indexes') || '').split(',') : []); } function save_tab_in_cookies(options, tabs, event) { if (RightJS.Cookie) { var indexes = get_cookie_indexes(); indexes = indexes.without.apply(indexes, tabs.map('id')); indexes.push(event.target.id); Cookie.set('right-tabs-indexes', indexes.uniq().join(','), options); } } Tabs.include({ // protected // searches and activates the current tab findCurrent: function() { var current; if (this.options.selected !== null) { current = this.options.selected; } else { var enabled = this.enabled(); current = enabled[this.urlIndex()] || enabled[this.cookieIndex()] || enabled.first('current') || enabled[0]; } if (current) { current.select(); } // initializing the cookies storage if set if (this.options.Cookie) { this.onSelect(R(save_tab_in_cookies).curry(this.options.Cookie, this.tabs)); } return this; }, // tries to find the current tab index in the url hash urlIndex: function() { var index = -1, id = document.location.href.split('#')[1]; if (id) { for (var i=0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) { if (this.tabs[i].id == id) { index = i; break; } } } return index; }, // tries to find the current tab index in the cookies storage cookieIndex: function() { var index = -1; if (this.options.Cookie) { var indexes = get_cookie_indexes(); for (var i=0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) { if (indexes.include(this.tabs[i].id)) { index = i; break; } } } return index; } }); /** * This module handles the tabs cration and removing processes * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ Tabs.include({ /** * Creates a new tab * * USAGE: * With the #add method you have to specify the tab title * optional content (possibly empty or null) and some options * The options might have the following keys * * * id - the tab/panel id (will use the idPrefix option for the panels) * * url - a remote tab content address * * position - an integer position of the tab in the stack * * @param String title * @param mixed content * @param Object options * @return Tabs this */ add: function(title, content, options) { options = options || {}; // creating the new tab element var element = $E(this.isHarmonica ? 'dt' : 'li').insert( $E('a', {html: title, href: options.url || '#'+(options.id||'')} )).insertTo(this.tabsList); // creating the actual tab instance var tab = new Tab(element, this); tab.panel.update(content||''); this.tabs.push(tab); tab.fire('add'); // moving the tab in place if asked if ('position' in options) { this.move(tab, options.position); } return this; }, /** * Moves the given tab to the given position * * NOTE if the position is not within the tabs range then it will do nothing * * @param mixed tab index or a tab instance * @param Integer position * @return Tabs this */ move: function(tab, position) { tab = this.tabs[tab] || tab; if (this.tabs[position] && this.tabs[position] !== tab) { // moving the tab element this.tabs[position].insert(tab, (position === this.tabs.length-1) ? 'after' : 'before'); // inserting the panel after the tab if it's a harmonica if (this.isHarmonica) { tab.insert(tab.panel, 'after'); } // moving the tab in the registry this.tabs.splice(this.tabs.indexOf(tab), 1); this.tabs.splice(position, 0, tab); tab.fire('move', {index: position}); } return this; }, /** * Removes the given tab * * @param integer tab index or a Tabs.Tab instance or a list of them * @return Tabs this */ remove: function(tab) { return this.callTab(tab, 'remove'); } }); /** * This module contains the remote tabs loading logic * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var old_select = Tab.prototype.select; Tab.include({ // wrapping the original mehtod, to catch the remote requests select: function() { if (this.dogPiling(arguments)) { return this; } var result = old_select.apply(this, arguments); var url = R(this.link.get('href')); var options = this.main.options; // building the url if (url.includes('#')) { url = options.url ? options.url.replace('%{id}', url.split('#')[1]) : null; } // if there is an actual url and no ongoing request or a cache, starting the request if (url && !this.request && !(options.cache || this.cache)) { this.panel.lock(); try { // basically that's for the development tests, so the IE browsers didn't get screwed on the test page this.request = new RightJS.Xhr(url, Object.merge({method: 'get'}, options.Xhr)) .onComplete(R(function(response) { if (this.main.__working) { return arguments.callee.bind(this, response).delay(100); } this.panel.update(response.text); this.request = null; // removing the request marker so it could be rerun if (options.cache) { this.cache = true; } this.fire('load'); }).bind(this) ).send(); } catch(e) { if (!Browser.OLD) { throw(e); } } } return result; }, // protected dogPiling: function(args) { if (this.main.__working) { if (this.main.__timeout) { this.main.__timeout.cancel(); } this.main.__timeout = R(function(args) { this.select.apply(this, args); }).bind(this, args).delay(100); return true; } return (this.main.__timeout = null); } }); /** * This module handles the slide-show loop feature for the Tabs * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ Tabs.include({ /** * Starts the slideshow loop * * @param Number optional delay in ms * @return Tabs this */ startLoop: function(delay) { if (!delay && !this.options.loop) { return this; } // attaching the loop pause feature if (this.options.loopPause) { this._stopLoop = this._stopLoop || R(this.stopLoop).bind(this, true); this._startLoop = this._startLoop || R(this.startLoop).bind(this, delay); this.forgetHovers().on({ mouseover: this._stopLoop, mouseout: this._startLoop }); } if (this.timer) { this.timer.stop(); } this.timer = R(function() { var enabled = this.enabled(); var current = this.current(); var next = enabled[enabled.indexOf(current)+1]; this.select(next || enabled.first()); }).bind(this).periodical(this.options.loop || delay); return this; }, /** * Stops the slideshow loop * * @return Tabs this */ stopLoop: function(event, pause) { if (this.timer) { this.timer.stop(); this.timer = null; } if (!pause && this._startLoop) { this.forgetHovers(); } }, // private forgetHovers: function() { return this .stopObserving('mouseover', this._stopLoop) .stopObserving('mouseout', this._startLoop); } }); /** * The document level hooks for the tabs-egnine * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ $(document).onReady(function() { Tabs.rescan(); }); document.write("<style type=\"text/css\">div.rui-spinner,div.rui-spinner div{margin:0;padding:0;border:none;background:none;list-style:none;font-weight:normal;float:none;display:inline-block; *display:inline; *zoom:1;border-radius:.12em;-moz-border-radius:.12em;-webkit-border-radius:.12em}div.rui-spinner{text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;background:#EEE;border:1px solid #DDD;height:1.2em;padding:0 .2em}div.rui-spinner div{width:.4em;height:70%;background:#BBB;margin-left:1px}div.rui-spinner div:first-child{margin-left:0}div.rui-spinner div.glowing{background:#777}.rui-tabs,.rui-tabs-list,.rui-tabs-tab,.rui-tabs-panel,.rui-tabs-scroll-left,.rui-tabs-scroll-right,.rui-tabs-scroll-body,.rui-tabs-panel-locker,.rui-tabs-resizer{margin:0;padding:0;background:none;border:none;list-style:none;display:block;width:auto;height:auto}.rui-tabs{display:block;visibility:hidden;border-bottom:1px solid #CCC}.rui-tabs-resizer{overflow:hidden}.rui-tabs-list{display:block;position:relative;padding:0 .5em;border-bottom:1px solid #CCC;white-space:nowrap}.rui-tabs-list .rui-tabs-tab,.rui-tabs-tab *,.rui-tabs-tab *:hover{display:inline-block; 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