require 'openid/util' require 'openid/kvform' module OpenID IDENTIFIER_SELECT = '' # URI for Simple Registration extension, the only commonly deployed # OpenID 1.x extension, and so a special case. SREG_URI = '' # The OpenID 1.x namespace URIs OPENID1_NS = '' OPENID11_NS = '' OPENID1_NAMESPACES = [OPENID1_NS, OPENID11_NS] # The OpenID 2.0 namespace URI OPENID2_NS = '' # The namespace consisting of pairs with keys that are prefixed with # "openid." but not in another namespace. NULL_NAMESPACE = :null_namespace # The null namespace, when it is an allowed OpenID namespace OPENID_NS = :openid_namespace # The top-level namespace, excluding all pairs with keys that start # with "openid." BARE_NS = :bare_namespace # Limit, in bytes, of identity provider and return_to URLs, # including response payload. See OpenID 1.1 specification, # Appendix D. OPENID1_URL_LIMIT = 2047 # All OpenID protocol fields. Used to check namespace aliases. OPENID_PROTOCOL_FIELDS = [ 'ns', 'mode', 'error', 'return_to', 'contact', 'reference', 'signed', 'assoc_type', 'session_type', 'dh_modulus', 'dh_gen', 'dh_consumer_public', 'claimed_id', 'identity', 'realm', 'invalidate_handle', 'op_endpoint', 'response_nonce', 'sig', 'assoc_handle', 'trust_root', 'openid', ] # Sentinel used for Message implementation to indicate that getArg # should raise an exception instead of returning a default. NO_DEFAULT = :no_default # Raised if the generic OpenID namespace is accessed when there # is no OpenID namespace set for this message. class UndefinedOpenIDNamespace < Exception; end # Raised when an alias or namespace URI has already been registered. class NamespaceAliasRegistrationError < Exception; end # Raised if openid.ns is not a recognized value. # See Message class variable @@allowed_openid_namespaces class InvalidOpenIDNamespace < Exception; end class Message attr_reader :namespaces # Raised when key lookup fails class KeyNotFound < IndexError ; end # Namespace / alias registration map. See # register_namespace_alias. @@registered_aliases = {} # Registers a (namespace URI, alias) mapping in a global namespace # alias map. Raises NamespaceAliasRegistrationError if either the # namespace URI or alias has already been registered with a # different value. This function is required if you want to use a # namespace with an OpenID 1 message. def Message.register_namespace_alias(namespace_uri, alias_) if @@registered_aliases[alias_] == namespace_uri return end if @@registered_aliases.values.include?(namespace_uri) raise NamespaceAliasRegistrationError, 'Namespace uri #{namespace_uri} already registered' end if @@registered_aliases.member?(alias_) raise NamespaceAliasRegistrationError, 'Alias #{alias_} already registered' end @@registered_aliases[alias_] = namespace_uri end @@allowed_openid_namespaces = [OPENID1_NS, OPENID2_NS, OPENID11_NS] # Raises InvalidNamespaceError if you try to instantiate a Message # with a namespace not in the above allowed list def initialize(openid_namespace=nil) @args = {} @namespaces = if openid_namespace implicit = OPENID1_NAMESPACES.member? openid_namespace self.set_openid_namespace(openid_namespace, implicit) else @openid_ns_uri = nil end end # Construct a Message containing a set of POST arguments. # Raises InvalidNamespaceError if you try to instantiate a Message # with a namespace not in the above allowed list def Message.from_post_args(args) m = openid_args = {} args.each do |key,value| if value.is_a?(Array) raise ArgumentError, "Query dict must have one value for each key, " + "not lists of values. Query is #{args.inspect}" end prefix, rest = key.split('.', 2) if prefix != 'openid' or rest.nil? m.set_arg(BARE_NS, key, value) else openid_args[rest] = value end end m._from_openid_args(openid_args) return m end # Construct a Message from a parsed KVForm message. # Raises InvalidNamespaceError if you try to instantiate a Message # with a namespace not in the above allowed list def Message.from_openid_args(openid_args) m = m._from_openid_args(openid_args) return m end # Raises InvalidNamespaceError if you try to instantiate a Message # with a namespace not in the above allowed list def _from_openid_args(openid_args) ns_args = [] # resolve namespaces openid_args.each { |rest, value| ns_alias, ns_key = rest.split('.', 2) if ns_key.nil? ns_alias = NULL_NAMESPACE ns_key = rest end if ns_alias == 'ns' @namespaces.add_alias(value, ns_key) elsif ns_alias == NULL_NAMESPACE and ns_key == 'ns' set_openid_namespace(value, false) else ns_args << [ns_alias, ns_key, value] end } # implicitly set an OpenID 1 namespace unless get_openid_namespace set_openid_namespace(OPENID1_NS, true) end # put the pairs into the appropriate namespaces ns_args.each { |ns_alias, ns_key, value| ns_uri = @namespaces.get_namespace_uri(ns_alias) unless ns_uri ns_uri = _get_default_namespace(ns_alias) unless ns_uri ns_uri = get_openid_namespace ns_key = "#{ns_alias}.#{ns_key}" else @namespaces.add_alias(ns_uri, ns_alias, true) end end self.set_arg(ns_uri, ns_key, value) } end def _get_default_namespace(mystery_alias) # only try to map an alias to a default if it's an # OpenID 1.x namespace if is_openid1 @@registered_aliases[mystery_alias] end end def set_openid_namespace(openid_ns_uri, implicit) if !@@allowed_openid_namespaces.include?(openid_ns_uri) raise InvalidOpenIDNamespace, "Invalid null namespace: #{openid_ns_uri}" end @namespaces.add_alias(openid_ns_uri, NULL_NAMESPACE, implicit) @openid_ns_uri = openid_ns_uri end def get_openid_namespace return @openid_ns_uri end def is_openid1 return OPENID1_NAMESPACES.member?(@openid_ns_uri) end def is_openid2 return @openid_ns_uri == OPENID2_NS end # Create a message from a KVForm string def Message.from_kvform(kvform_string) return Message.from_openid_args(Util.kv_to_dict(kvform_string)) end def copy return Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(self)) end # Return all arguments with "openid." in from of namespaced arguments. def to_post_args args = {} # add namespace defs to the output @namespaces.each { |ns_uri, ns_alias| if @namespaces.implicit?(ns_uri) next end if ns_alias == NULL_NAMESPACE ns_key = 'openid.ns' else ns_key = 'openid.ns.' + ns_alias end args[ns_key] = ns_uri } @args.each { |k, value| ns_uri, ns_key = k key = get_key(ns_uri, ns_key) args[key] = value } return args end # Return all namespaced arguments, failing if any non-namespaced arguments # exist. def to_args post_args = self.to_post_args kvargs = {} post_args.each { |k,v| if !k.starts_with?('openid.') raise ArgumentError, "This message can only be encoded as a POST, because it contains arguments that are not prefixed with 'openid.'" else kvargs[k[7..-1]] = v end } return kvargs end # Generate HTML form markup that contains the values in this # message, to be HTTP POSTed as x-www-form-urlencoded UTF-8. def to_form_markup(action_url, form_tag_attrs=nil, submit_text='Continue') form_tag_attr_map = {} if form_tag_attrs form_tag_attrs.each { |name, attr| form_tag_attr_map[name] = attr } end form_tag_attr_map['action'] = action_url form_tag_attr_map['method'] = 'post' form_tag_attr_map['accept-charset'] = 'UTF-8' form_tag_attr_map['enctype'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' markup = "
#{key} not in this message" else default end } end # Get the arguments that are defined for this namespace URI. def get_args(namespace) namespace = _fix_ns(namespace) args = {} @args.each { |k,v| pair_ns, ns_key = k args[ns_key] = v if pair_ns == namespace } return args end # Set multiple key/value pairs in one call. def update_args(namespace, updates) namespace = _fix_ns(namespace) updates.each {|k,v| set_arg(namespace, k, v)} end # Set a single argument in this namespace def set_arg(namespace, key, value) namespace = _fix_ns(namespace) @args[[namespace, key].freeze] = value if namespace != BARE_NS @namespaces.add(namespace) end end # Remove a single argument from this namespace. def del_arg(namespace, key) namespace = _fix_ns(namespace) _key = [namespace, key] @args.delete(_key) end def ==(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && @args == other.instance_eval { @args } end def get_aliased_arg(aliased_key, default=nil) if aliased_key == 'ns' return get_openid_namespace() end ns_alias, key = aliased_key.split('.', 2) if ns_alias == 'ns' uri = @namespaces.get_namespace_uri(key) if uri.nil? and default == NO_DEFAULT raise KeyNotFound, "Namespace #{key} not defined when looking "\ "for #{aliased_key}" else return (uri.nil? ? default : uri) end end if key.nil? key = aliased_key ns = nil else ns = @namespaces.get_namespace_uri(ns_alias) end if ns.nil? key = aliased_key ns = get_openid_namespace end return get_arg(ns, key, default) end end # Maintains a bidirectional map between namespace URIs and aliases. class NamespaceMap def initialize @alias_to_namespace = {} @namespace_to_alias = {} @implicit_namespaces = [] end def get_alias(namespace_uri) @namespace_to_alias[namespace_uri] end def get_namespace_uri(namespace_alias) @alias_to_namespace[namespace_alias] end # Add an alias from this namespace URI to the alias. def add_alias(namespace_uri, desired_alias, implicit=false) # Check that desired_alias is not an openid protocol field as # per the spec. Util.assert(!OPENID_PROTOCOL_FIELDS.include?(desired_alias), "#{desired_alias} is not an allowed namespace alias") # check that there is not a namespace already defined for the # desired alias current_namespace_uri = @alias_to_namespace.fetch(desired_alias, nil) if current_namespace_uri and current_namespace_uri != namespace_uri raise IndexError, "Cannot map #{namespace_uri} to alias #{desired_alias}. #{current_namespace_uri} is already mapped to alias #{desired_alias}" end # Check that desired_alias does not contain a period as per the # spec. if desired_alias.is_a?(String) Util.assert(desired_alias.index('.').nil?, "#{desired_alias} must not contain a dot") end # check that there is not already a (different) alias for this # namespace URI. _alias = @namespace_to_alias[namespace_uri] if _alias and _alias != desired_alias raise IndexError, "Cannot map #{namespace_uri} to alias #{desired_alias}. It is already mapped to alias #{_alias}" end @alias_to_namespace[desired_alias] = namespace_uri @namespace_to_alias[namespace_uri] = desired_alias @implicit_namespaces << namespace_uri if implicit return desired_alias end # Add this namespace URI to the mapping, without caring what alias # it ends up with. def add(namespace_uri) # see if this namepace is already mapped to an alias _alias = @namespace_to_alias[namespace_uri] return _alias if _alias # Fall back to generating a numberical alias i = 0 while true _alias = 'ext' + i.to_s begin add_alias(namespace_uri, _alias) rescue IndexError i += 1 else return _alias end end raise StandardError, 'Unreachable' end def member?(namespace_uri) @namespace_to_alias.has_key?(namespace_uri) end def each @namespace_to_alias.each {|k,v| yield k,v} end def namespace_uris # Return an iterator over the namespace URIs return @namespace_to_alias.keys() end def implicit?(namespace_uri) return @implicit_namespaces.member?(namespace_uri) end def aliases # Return an iterator over the aliases return @alias_to_namespace.keys() end end end