# coding: utf-8 ################################################################################ # # Copyright (C) 2006 Peter J Jones (pjones@pmade.com) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # ################################################################################ class PDF::Reader ################################################################################ # == Text Callbacks # # - end_text_object # - move_to_start_of_next_line # - set_character_spacing # - move_text_position # - move_text_position_and_set_leading # - set_text_font_and_size # - show_text # - show_text_with_positioning # - set_text_leading # - set_text_matrix_and_text_line_matrix # - set_text_rendering_mode # - set_text_rise # - set_word_spacing # - set_horizontal_text_scaling # - move_to_next_line_and_show_text # - set_spacing_next_line_show_text # # == Graphics Callbacks # - close_fill_stroke # - fill_stroke # - close_fill_stroke_with_even_odd # - fill_stroke_with_even_odd # - begin_marked_content_with_pl # - begin_inline_image # - begin_marked_content # - begin_text_object # - append_curved_segment # - concatenate_matrix # - set_stroke_color_space # - set_nonstroke_color_space # - set_line_dash # - set_glyph_width # - set_glyph_width_and_bounding_box # - invoke_xobject # - define_marked_content_with_pl # - end_inline_image # - end_marked_content # - fill_path_with_nonzero # - fill_path_with_nonzero # - fill_path_with_even_odd # - set_gray_for_stroking # - set_gray_for_nonstroking # - set_graphics_state_parameters # - close_subpath # - set_flatness_tolerance # - begin_inline_image_data # - set_line_join_style # - set_line_cap_style # - set_cmyk_color_for_stroking, # - set_cmyk_color_for_nonstroking # - append_line # - begin_new_subpath # - set_miter_limit # - define_marked_content_point # - end_path # - save_graphics_state # - restore_graphics_state # - append_rectangle # - set_rgb_color_for_stroking # - set_rgb_color_for_nonstroking # - set_color_rendering_intent # - close_and_stroke_path # - stroke_path # - set_color_for_stroking # - set_color_for_nonstroking # - set_color_for_stroking_and_special # - set_color_for_nonstroking_and_special # - paint_area_with_shading_pattern # - append_curved_segment_initial_point_replicated # - set_line_width # - set_clipping_path_with_nonzero # - set_clipping_path_with_even_odd # - append_curved_segment_final_point_replicated # class PagesStrategy # :nodoc: OPERATORS = { 'b' => :close_fill_stroke, 'B' => :fill_stroke, 'b*' => :close_fill_stroke_with_even_odd, 'B*' => :fill_stroke_with_even_odd, 'BDC' => :begin_marked_content_with_pl, 'BI' => :begin_inline_image, 'BMC' => :begin_marked_content, 'BT' => :begin_text_object, 'BX' => :begin_compatibility_section, 'c' => :append_curved_segment, 'cm' => :concatenate_matrix, 'CS' => :set_stroke_color_space, 'cs' => :set_nonstroke_color_space, 'd' => :set_line_dash, 'd0' => :set_glyph_width, 'd1' => :set_glyph_width_and_bounding_box, 'Do' => :invoke_xobject, 'DP' => :define_marked_content_with_pl, 'EI' => :end_inline_image, 'EMC' => :end_marked_content, 'ET' => :end_text_object, 'EX' => :end_compatibility_section, 'f' => :fill_path_with_nonzero, 'F' => :fill_path_with_nonzero, 'f*' => :fill_path_with_even_odd, 'G' => :set_gray_for_stroking, 'g' => :set_gray_for_nonstroking, 'gs' => :set_graphics_state_parameters, 'h' => :close_subpath, 'i' => :set_flatness_tolerance, 'ID' => :begin_inline_image_data, 'j' => :set_line_join_style, 'J' => :set_line_cap_style, 'K' => :set_cmyk_color_for_stroking, 'k' => :set_cmyk_color_for_nonstroking, 'l' => :append_line, 'm' => :begin_new_subpath, 'M' => :set_miter_limit, 'MP' => :define_marked_content_point, 'n' => :end_path, 'q' => :save_graphics_state, 'Q' => :restore_graphics_state, 're' => :append_rectangle, 'RG' => :set_rgb_color_for_stroking, 'rg' => :set_rgb_color_for_nonstroking, 'ri' => :set_color_rendering_intent, 's' => :close_and_stroke_path, 'S' => :stroke_path, 'SC' => :set_color_for_stroking, 'sc' => :set_color_for_nonstroking, 'SCN' => :set_color_for_stroking_and_special, 'scn' => :set_color_for_nonstroking_and_special, 'sh' => :paint_area_with_shading_pattern, 'T*' => :move_to_start_of_next_line, 'Tc' => :set_character_spacing, 'Td' => :move_text_position, 'TD' => :move_text_position_and_set_leading, 'Tf' => :set_text_font_and_size, 'Tj' => :show_text, 'TJ' => :show_text_with_positioning, 'TL' => :set_text_leading, 'Tm' => :set_text_matrix_and_text_line_matrix, 'Tr' => :set_text_rendering_mode, 'Ts' => :set_text_rise, 'Tw' => :set_word_spacing, 'Tz' => :set_horizontal_text_scaling, 'v' => :append_curved_segment_initial_point_replicated, 'w' => :set_line_width, 'W' => :set_clipping_path_with_nonzero, 'W*' => :set_clipping_path_with_even_odd, 'y' => :append_curved_segment_final_point_replicated, '\'' => :move_to_next_line_and_show_text, '"' => :set_spacing_next_line_show_text, } end ################################################################################ end ################################################################################