require "helper" describe Thor::LineEditor::Readline do before do unless defined? ::Readline ::Readline = double("Readline") allow(::Readline).to receive(:completion_append_character=).with(nil) end end describe ".available?" do it "returns true when ::Readline exists" do allow(Object).to receive(:const_defined?).with(:Readline).and_return(true) expect(described_class).to be_available end it "returns false when ::Readline does not exist" do allow(Object).to receive(:const_defined?).with(:Readline).and_return(false) expect(described_class).not_to be_available end end describe "#readline" do it "invokes the readline library" do expect(::Readline).to receive(:readline).with("> ", true).and_return("foo") expect(::Readline).not_to receive(:completion_proc=) editor ="> ", {}) expect(editor.readline).to eq("foo") end it "supports the add_to_history option" do expect(::Readline).to receive(:readline).with("> ", false).and_return("foo") expect(::Readline).not_to receive(:completion_proc=) editor ="> ", :add_to_history => false) expect(editor.readline).to eq("foo") end it "provides tab completion when given a limited_to option" do expect(::Readline).to receive(:readline) expect(::Readline).to receive(:completion_proc=) do |proc| expect("")).to eq %w[Apples Chicken Chocolate] expect("Ch")).to eq %w[Chicken Chocolate] expect("Chi")).to eq ["Chicken"] end editor ="Best food: ", :limited_to => %w[Apples Chicken Chocolate]) editor.readline end it "provides path tab completion when given the path option" do expect(::Readline).to receive(:readline) expect(::Readline).to receive(:completion_proc=) do |proc| expect("../line_ed").sort).to eq ["../line_editor/", "../line_editor_spec.rb"].sort end editor ="Path to file: ", :path => true) Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { editor.readline } end it "uses STDIN when asked not to echo input" do expect($stdout).to receive(:print).with("Password: ") noecho_stdin = double("noecho_stdin") expect(noecho_stdin).to receive(:gets).and_return("secret") expect($stdin).to receive(:noecho).and_yield(noecho_stdin) editor ="Password: ", :echo => false) expect(editor.readline).to eq("secret") end end end