require 'active_fedora/fedora_object' SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID = "id" unless defined?(SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID) module ActiveFedora # = ActiveFedora # This module mixes various methods into the including class, # much in the way ActiveRecord does. module Model extend ActiveFedora::FedoraObject attr_accessor :properties def self.included(klass) # :nodoc: klass.extend(ClassMethods) end def add_metadata end def datastream end # # =Class Methods # These methods are mixed into the inheriting class. # # Accessor and mutator methods are dynamically generated based # on the contents of the @@field_spec hash, which stores the # field specifications recorded during invocation of has_metadata. # # Each metadata field will generate 3 methods: # # fieldname_values # *returns the current values array for this field # fieldname_values=(val) # *store val as the values array. val # may be a single string, or an array of strings # (single items become single element arrays). # fieldname_append(val) # *appends val to the values array. module ClassMethods # Load an instance with the following pid. Note that you can actually # pass an pid into this method, regardless of Fedora model type, and # ActiveFedora will try to parse the results into the current type # of self, which may or may not be what you want. def load_instance(pid) Fedora::Repository.instance.find_model(pid, self) end # Takes :all or a pid as arguments # Returns an Array of objects of the Class that +find+ is being # called on def find(args) if args == :all escaped_class_name =, '\\:') q = "#{SolrMapper.solr_name(:active_fedora_model, :symbol)}:#{escaped_class_name}" elsif args.class == String escaped_id = args.gsub(/(:)/, '\\:') q = "#{SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID}:#{escaped_id}" end hits = SolrService.instance.conn.query(q).hits results = do |hit| obj = Fedora::Repository.instance.find_model(hit[SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID], self) #obj.inner_object.new_object = false #return obj end results.first end #Sends a query directly to SolrService def solr_search(query, args={}) SolrService.instance.conn.query(query, args) end # If query is :all, this method will query Solr for all instances # of self.type (based on active_fedora_model_s as indexed # by Solr). If the query is any other string, this method simply does # a pid based search (id:query). # # Note that this method does _not_ return ActiveFedora::Model # objects, but rather an array of SolrResults. # # Args is an options hash, which is passed into the SolrService # connection instance. def find_by_solr(query, args={}) if query == :all escaped_class_name =, '\\:') SolrService.instance.conn.query("#{SolrMapper.solr_name(:active_fedora_model, :symbol)}:#{escaped_class_name}", args) elsif query.class == String escaped_id = query.gsub(/(:)/, '\\:') SolrService.instance.conn.query("#{SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID}:#{escaped_id}", args) end end #wrapper around instance_variable_set, sets @name to value def attribute_set(name, value) instance_variable_set("@#{name}", value) end #wrapper around instance_variable_get, returns current value of @name def attribute_get(name) #instance_variable_get(properties[":#{name}"].instance_variable_name) instance_variable_get("@#{name}") end end def create_property_getter(property) # :nodoc: class_eval <<-END def #{} attribute_get("#{}") end END end def create_property_setter(property)# :nodoc: class_eval <<-END def #{}=(value) attribute_set("#{}", value) end END end end end