module ExceptionNotification::Notifiable include ExceptionNotification::NotifiableHelper def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods # Verbosity of the gem base.cattr_accessor :notifiable_verbose base.notifiable_verbose = false # Do Not Ever send error notification emails for these Error Classes base.cattr_accessor :notifiable_silent_exceptions base.notifiable_silent_exceptions = SILENT_EXCEPTIONS # Notification Level base.cattr_accessor :notifiable_notification_level base.notifiable_notification_level = [:email, :web_hooks] # Since there is no concept of locality from a request here allow user to explicitly define which env's are noisy (send notifications) base.cattr_accessor :notifiable_noisy_environments base.notifiable_noisy_environments = [:production] base.cattr_accessor :notifiable_pass_through base.notifiable_pass_through = false end module ClassMethods # set the exception_data deliverer OR retrieve the exception_data def exception_data(deliverer = nil) if deliverer write_inheritable_attribute(:exception_data, deliverer) else read_inheritable_attribute(:exception_data) end end def be_silent_for_exception?(exception) self.notifiable_silent_exceptions.respond_to?(:any?) && self.notifiable_silent_exceptions.any? {|klass| klass === exception } end end # Usage: # notifiable { Klass.some_method } # This will rescue any errors that occur within Klass.some_method def notifiable(&block) yield rescue => exception rescue_with_hooks(exception) raise end def be_silent_for_exception?(exception) self.class.be_silent_for_exception?(exception) end private def environment_is_noisy? !self.notifiable_noisy_environments.include?(Rails.env) end def notification_level_sends_email? self.class.notifiable_notification_level.include?(:email) end def notification_level_sends_web_hooks? self.class.notifiable_notification_level.include?(:web_hooks) end def rescue_with_hooks(exception) verbose = self.class.notifiable_verbose puts "[RESCUE STYLE] rescue_with_hooks" if verbose data = get_exception_data # With ExceptionNotifiable you have an inherent request, and using a status code makes sense. # With Notifiable class to wrap around everything that doesn't have a request, # the errors you want to be notified of need to be specified either positively or negatively # 1. positive eg. set ExceptionNotifier.config[:notify_error_classes] to an array of classes # set ExceptionNotifier.config[:notify_other_errors] to false # 1. negative eg. set Klass.silent_exceptions to the ones to keep quiet # set ExceptionNotifier.config[:notify_other_errors] to true status_code = nil #We only send email if it has been configured in environment send_email = should_email_on_exception?(exception, status_code, verbose) #We only send web hooks if they've been configured in environment send_web_hooks = should_web_hook_on_exception?(exception, status_code, verbose) the_blamed = ExceptionNotification::Notifier.config[:git_repo_path].nil? ? nil : lay_blame(exception) rejected_sections = %w(request session) verbose_output(exception, status_code, "rescued by handler", send_email, send_web_hooks, nil, the_blamed, rejected_sections) if verbose # Send the exception notification email perform_exception_notify_mailing(exception, data, nil, the_blamed, verbose, rejected_sections) if send_email # Send Web Hook requests ExceptionNotification::HooksNotifier.deliver_exception_to_web_hooks(ExceptionNotification::Notifier.config, exception, self, request, data, the_blamed) if send_web_hooks pass_it_on(exception) end def pass_it_on(exception, request = nil) begin request ||= {:params => {}} case self.class.notifiable_pass_through when :hoptoad then HoptoadNotifier.notify(exception, {:request => request}) puts "[PASS-IT-ON] HOPTOAD NOTIFIED" if verbose else puts "[PASS-IT-ON] NO" if verbose #nothing end rescue #nothing end end def is_local? #like asking is_silent? self.notifiable_noisy_environments.include?(Rails.env) end end