3.1.16 (Brainy Betty) 7f75f93ac27f5c5797b3a0ae8492febb5a307fd6 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[so:Sass::Tree::CommentNode ;[: @options{: @linei: @value["/* Forms.less * Base styles for various input types, form layouts, and states * ------------------------------------------------------------- */: @loud0: @silentio; ;[;@ ; i ; ["+/* GENERAL STYLES * -------------- */; 0; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["//* Make all forms have space below them */; 0; io:Sass::Tree::RuleNode :@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence:@filename"; i: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence;@; i;[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;@: @name[" form; i:@namespace0;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;[;@ ;[" margin; i:@prop_syntax:new; o:Sass::Script::List :@separator: space;@ ; i; [o:Sass::Script::Number :@original"0;@ ; i:@denominator_units[; i:@numerator_units[o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o:Sass::Script::Variable :@underscored_name"baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i: @tabsi:@has_childrenT;@ ; i;#i: @rule[" formo; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@4; i;[o; ;@4;[" fieldset; i;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" padding; i;;; o:Sass::Script::String;@ ; "0: @type:identifier;#io; ;[;@ ;[" margin; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" border; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[" fieldseto; ;[;@ ; i; ["8/* Groups of fields with labels on top (legends) */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@X; i;[o; ;@X;[" legend; i;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" display; i;;; o;&;@ ; " block;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" width; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 100%;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" padding; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["margin-bottom; i;;; o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand2o; ;"1.5;@ ; i;@(; f1.5; [;@ ; i:@operator: times:@operand1o;! ;""baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i;#io; ;[;@ ;["font-size; i;;; o;) ;*o; ;"1.5;@ ; i;@(; f1.5; [;@ ; i;+;,;-o;! ;""baseFontSize;@ ;"baseFontSize; i;#io; ;[;@ ;["line-height; i ;;; o;) ;*o; ;"2;@ ; i ;@(; i; [;@ ; i ;+;,;-o;! ;""baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i ;#io; ;[;@ ;[" color; i!;;; o;! ;"" grayDark;@ ;" grayDark; i!;#io; ;[;@ ;[" border; i";;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["border-bottom; i#;;; o;&;@ ; "1px solid #eee;';(;#io; ;[;@ ; i%; ["/* Small */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i&;[o;;[o;;@; i&;[o; ;@;[" small; i&;0;[o; ;[;@ ;["font-size; i';;; o;) ;*o; ;" 0.75;@ ; i';@(; f 0.75; [;@ ; i';+;,;-o;! ;""baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i';#io; ;[;@ ;[" color; i(;;; o;! ;""grayLight;@ ;"grayLight; i(;#i;$T;@ ; i&;#i;%[" small;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[" legendo; ;[;@ ; i,; ["/* Set font for forms */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i-;[ o;;[o;;@; i-;[o; ;@;[" label; i-;0o;;[o;;@; i-;[o; ;@;[" input; i-;0o;;[o;;@; i-;[o; ;@;[" button; i-;0o;;[o;;@; i-;[o; ;@;[" select; i-;0o;;[o;;@; i-;[o; ;@;[" textarea; i-;0;[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode :@keywords{;[;@ : @args[o;! ;""baseFontSize;@ ;"baseFontSize; i.o;& ;@ ; i.; " normal;';(o;! ;""baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i.;"font-shorthand; i.o; ;[;@ ; i.; ["-/* Set size, weight, line-height here */; 0; i;$T;@ ; i-;#i;%["+label, input, button, select, textareao; ;o;;"; i1;[ o;;[o;;@ ; i1;[o; ;@ ;[" input; i1;0o;;[o;;@ ; i1;[o; ;@ ;[" button; i1;0o;;[o;;@ ; i1;[o; ;@ ;[" select; i1;0o;;[o;;@ ; i1;[o; ;@ ;[" textarea; i1;0;[o; ;[;@ ;["font-family; i2;;; o;! ;""baseFontFamily;@ ;"baseFontFamily; i2;#io; ;[;@ ; i2; ["`/* And only set font-family here for those that need it (note the missing label element) */; 0; i;$T;@ ; i1;#i;%["$input, button, select, textareao; ;[;@ ; i5; [",/* Identify controls by their labels */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i6;[o;;[o;;@?; i6;[o; ;@?;[" label; i6;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" display; i7;;; o;&;@ ; " block;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["margin-bottom; i8;;; o;&;@ ; "5px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" color; i9;;; o;! ;"" grayDark;@ ;" grayDark; i9;#i;$T;@ ; i6;#i;%[" labelo; ;[;@ ; i<; ["%/* Inputs, Textareas, Selects */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i=;[ o;;[o;;@d; i=;[o; ;@d;[" input; i=;0o;;[o;;@d; i=;[o; ;@d;[" textarea; i=;0o;;[o;;@d; i=;[o; ;@d;[" select; i=;0o;;[o;;@d; i=;[o:Sass::Selector::Class;@d;["uneditable-input; i=;[o; ;[;@ ;[" display; i>;;; o;&;@ ; "inline-block;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" width; i?;;; o;&;@ ; " 210px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" height; i@;;; o;! ;""baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i@;#io; ;[;@ ;[" padding; iA;;; o;&;@ ; "4px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["margin-bottom; iB;;; o;&;@ ; "9px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["font-size; iC;;; o;! ;""baseFontSize;@ ;"baseFontSize; iC;#io; ;[;@ ;["line-height; iD;;; o;! ;""baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; iD;#io; ;[;@ ;[" color; iE;;; o;! ;"" gray;@ ;" gray; iE;#io; ;[;@ ;[" border; iF;;; o; ;;;@ ; iF; [o; ;"1px;@ ; iF;[; i; ["pxo;& ;@ ; iF; " solid;';(o;! ;""inputBorder;@ ;"inputBorder; iF;#io;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[o; ;"3px;@ ; iG;[; i; ["px;"border-radius; iG;$T;@ ; i=;#i;%["/input, textarea, select, .uneditable-inputo; ;o;;"; iI;[o;;[o;;@; iI;[o;1;@;["uneditable-textarea; iI;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; iJ;;; o;&;@ ; " auto;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" height; iK;;; o;&;@ ; " auto;';(;#i;$T;@ ; iI;#i;%[".uneditable-textareao; ;[;@ ; iN; [" /* Inputs within a label */; 0; io; ;o;;"; iO;[o;;[o;;@; iO;[o; ;@;[" label; iO;0o;;@; iO;[o; ;@;[" input; iO;0o;;[o;;@; iO;[o; ;@;[" label; iO;0o;;@; iO;[o; ;@;[" textarea; iO;0o;;[o;;@; iO;[o; ;@;[" label; iO;0o;;@; iO;[o; ;@;[" select; iO;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" display; iP;;; o;&;@ ; " block;';(;#i;$T;@ ; iO;#i;%[".label input, label textarea, label selecto; ;[;@ ; iS; [",/* Mini reset for unique input types */; 0; io; ;o;;"; iT;[o;;[o;;@(; iT;[o; ;@(;[" input; iT;0o:Sass::Selector::Attribute ;@(;[" type; iT; [" "image";+"=;0o;;[o;;@(; iT;[o; ;@(;[" input; iT;0o;2 ;@(;[" type; iT; [""checkbox";+"=;0o;;[o;;@(; iT;[o; ;@(;[" input; iT;0o;2 ;@(;[" type; iT; [" "radio";+"=;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; iU;;; o;&;@ ; " auto;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" height; iV;;; o;&;@ ; " auto;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" padding; iW;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" margin; iX;;; o;&;@ ; " 3px 0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["*margin-top; iY;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ; iY; ["/* IE7 */; 0; 0o; ;[;@ ;["line-height; iZ;;; o;&;@ ; " normal;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" cursor; i[;;; o;&;@ ; " pointer;';(;#io;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[o; ;"0;@ ; i\;@(; i; [;"border-radius; i\o; ;[;@ ;[" border; i];;; o;&;@ ; " 0 \9;';(;#io; ;[;@ ; i]; ["/* IE9 and down */; 0; 0;$T;@ ; iT;#i;%["Einput[type="image"], input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]o; ;o;;"; i_;[o;;[o;;@; i_;[o; ;@;[" input; i_;0o;2 ;@;[" type; i_; [" "image";+"=;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" border; i`;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i_;#i;%["input[type="image"]o; ;[;@ ; ic; ["3/* Reset the file input to browser defaults */; 0; io; ;o;;"; id;[o;;[o;;@; id;[o; ;@;[" input; id;0o;2 ;@;[" type; id; [" "file";+"=;0;[ o; ;[;@ ;[" width; ie;;; o;&;@ ; " auto;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" padding; if;;; o;&;@ ; " initial;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["line-height; ig;;; o;&;@ ; " initial;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" border; ih;;; o;&;@ ; " initial;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["background-color; ii;;; o;! ;""inputBackground;@ ;"inputBackground; ii;#io; ;[;@ ;["background-color; ij;;; o;&;@ ; " initial;';(;#io;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[o;& ;@ ; ik; " none;';(;"box-shadow; ik;$T;@ ; id;#i;%["input[type="file"]o; ;[;@ ; in; ["!/* Help out input buttons */; 0; io; ;o;;"; io;[o;;[o;;@; io;[o; ;@;[" input; io;0o;2 ;@;[" type; io; [" "button";+"=;0o;;[o;;@; io;[o; ;@;[" input; io;0o;2 ;@;[" type; io; [" "reset";+"=;0o;;[o;;@; io;[o; ;@;[" input; io;0o;2 ;@;[" type; io; [" "submit";+"=;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; ip;;; o;&;@ ; " auto;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" height; iq;;; o;&;@ ; " auto;';(;#i;$T;@ ; io;#i;%["Dinput[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"]o; ;[;@ ; it; ["J/* Set the height of select and file controls to match text inputs */; 0; io; ;o;;"; iu;[o;;[o;;@6; iu;[o; ;@6;[" select; iu;0o;;[o;;@6; iu;[o; ;@6;[" input; iu;0o;2 ;@6;[" type; iu; [" "file";+"=;0;[ o; ;[;@ ;[" height; iv;;; o;&;@ ; " 28px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ; iv; ["_/* In IE7, the height of the select element cannot be changed by height, only font-size */; 0; 0o; ;[;@ ;["*margin-top; iw;;; o;&;@ ; "4px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ; iw; [">/* For IE7, add top margin to align select with labels */; 0; 0o; ;[;@ ;["line-height; ix;;; o;&;@ ; " 28px;';(;#i;$T;@ ; iu;#i;%["select, input[type="file"]o; ;[;@ ; i{; ["#/* Reset line-height for IE */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i|;[o;;[o;;@o; i|;[o; ;@o;[" input; i|;0o;2 ;@o;[" type; i|; [" "file";+"=;0;[o; ;[;@ ;["line-height; i};;; o;&;@ ; " 18px \9;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i|;#i;%["input[type="file"]o; ;[;@ ; i{; ["B/* Chrome on Linux and Mobile Safari need background-color */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i|;[o;;[o;;@; i|;[o; ;@;[" select; i|;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; i};;; o;&;@ ; " 220px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ; i}; ["I/* default input width + 10px of padding that doesn't get applied */; 0; io; ;[;@ ;["background-color; i~;;; o;! ;""inputBackground;@ ;"inputBackground; i~;#i;$T;@ ; i|;#i;%[" selecto; ;[;@ ; i; ["9/* Make multiple select elements height not fixed */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" select; i;0o;2 ;@;[" multiple; i; 0;+0;0o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" select; i;0o;2 ;@;[" size; i; 0;+0;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" height; i;;; o;&;@ ; " auto;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["#select[multiple], select[size]o; ;[;@ ; i; ["*/* Remove shadow from image inputs */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@;[" type; i; [" "image";+"=;0;[o;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[o;& ;@ ; i; " none;';(;"box-shadow; i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["input[type="image"]o; ;[;@ ; i; ["&/* Make textarea height behave */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" textarea; i;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" height; i;;; o;&;@ ; " auto;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[" textareao; ;[;@ ; i; ["/* Hidden inputs */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o; ;@ ;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@ ;[" type; i; [" "hidden";+"=;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" display; i;;; o;&;@ ; " none;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["input[type="hidden"]o; ;[;@ ; i; ["5/* CHECKBOXES & RADIOS * ------------------- */; 0; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["E/* Indent the labels to position radios/checkboxes as hanging */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@.; i;[o;1;@.;[" radio; io;;[o;;@.; i;[o;1;@.;[" checkbox; i;[o; ;[;@ ;["padding-left; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 18px;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".radio, .checkboxo; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@I; i;[o;1;@I;[" radio; io;;@I; i;[o; ;@I;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@I;[" type; i; [" "radio";+"=;0o;;[o;;@I; i;[o;1;@I;[" checkbox; io;;@I; i;[o; ;@I;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@I;[" type; i; [""checkbox";+"=;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" float; i;;; o;&;@ ; " left;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["margin-left; i;;; o; ;" -18px;@ ; i;[; i; ["px;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["A.radio input[type="radio"], .checkbox input[type="checkbox"]o; ;[;@ ; i; [":/* Move the options list down to align with labels */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;[" controls; i">o;;@; i;[o;1;@;[" radio; io:Sass::Selector::Pseudo ;@;["first-child; i: @arg0;': classo;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;[" controls; i">o;;@; i;[o;1;@;[" checkbox; io;3 ;@;["first-child; i;40;';5;[o; ;[;@ ;["padding-top; i;;; o;&;@ ; "5px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ; i; ["5/* has to be padding because margin collaspes */; 0; i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["F.controls > .radio:first-child, .controls > .checkbox:first-childo; ;[;@ ; i; ["\/* Radios and checkboxes on same line * TODO v3: Convert .inline to .control-inline */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;[" radio; io;1;@;[" inline; io;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;[" checkbox; io;1;@;[" inline; i;[ o; ;[;@ ;[" display; i;;; o;&;@ ; "inline-block;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["padding-top; i;;; o;&;@ ; "5px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["margin-bottom; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["vertical-align; i;;; o;&;@ ; " middle;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["$.radio.inline, .checkbox.inlineo; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;[" radio; io;1;@;[" inline; i"+o;;@; i;[o;1;@;[" radio; io;1;@;[" inline; io;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;[" checkbox; io;1;@;[" inline; i"+o;;@; i;[o;1;@;[" checkbox; io;1;@;[" inline; i;[o; ;[;@ ;["margin-left; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 10px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ; i; ["0/* space out consecutive inline controls */; 0; i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["G.radio.inline + .radio.inline, .checkbox.inline + .checkbox.inlineo; ;[;@ ; i; ["%/* FOCUS STATE * ----------- */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@*; i;[o; ;@*;[" input; i;0o;;[o;;@*; i;[o; ;@*;[" textarea; i;0;[o;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[o; ;;;@ ; i; [ o;& ;@ ; i; " inset;';(o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"1px;@ ; i;[; i; ["pxo; ;"1px;@ ; i;[; i; ["pxo:Sass::Script::Funcall ;/{;@ ;0[ o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;" 0.075;@ ; i;@(; f0.07499999999999999733; [;" rgba; i;"box-shadow; io:Sass::Tree::VariableNode : @expro; ;: comma;@ ; i; [o; ;;;@ ; i; [o;& ;@ ; i; " border;';(o;& ;@ ; i; " linear;';(o; ;" 0.2s;@ ; i;[; f0.20000000000000001; ["so; ;;;@ ; i; [o;& ;@ ; i; "box-shadow;';(o;& ;@ ; i; " linear;';(o; ;" 0.2s;@ ; i;[; f0.20000000000000001; ["s;[;@ : @guarded0;"transition; io;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[o;! ;""transition;@ ;"transition; i;"transition; i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["input, textareao; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" input; i;0o;3 ;@;[" focus; i;40;';5o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" textarea; i;0o;3 ;@;[" focus; i;40;';5;[ o; ;[;@ ;["border-color; i;;; o;6 ;/{;@ ;0[ o; ;"82;@ ; i;@(; iW; [o; ;"168;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"236;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"0.8;@ ; i;@(; f0.80000000000000004; [;" rgba; i;#io;7 ;8o; ;;9;@ ; i; [o; ;;;@ ; i; [ o;& ;@ ; i; " inset;';(o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"1px;@ ; i;[; i; ["pxo; ;"1px;@ ; i;[; i; ["pxo;6 ;/{;@ ;0[ o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;" 0.075;@ ; i;@(; f0.07499999999999999733; [;" rgba; io; ;;;@ ; i; [ o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"8px;@ ; i;[; i ; ["pxo;6 ;/{;@ ;0[ o; ;"82;@ ; i;@(; iW; [o; ;"168;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"236;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"0.6;@ ; i;@(; f0.5999999999999999833; [;" rgba; i;[;@ ;:0;" shadow; io;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[o;! ;"" shadow;@ ;" shadow; i;"box-shadow; io; ;[;@ ;[" outline; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" outline; i;;; o;&;@ ; "thin dotted \9;';(;#io; ;[;@ ; i; ["/* IE6-9 */; 0; 0;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[" input:focus, textarea:focuso; ;o;;"; i;[ o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@;[" type; i; [" "file";+"=;0o;3 ;@;[" focus; i;40;';5o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@;[" type; i; [" "radio";+"=;0o;3 ;@;[" focus; i;40;';5o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@;[" type; i; [""checkbox";+"=;0o;3 ;@;[" focus; i;40;';5o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" select; i;0o;3 ;@;[" focus; i;40;';5;[o;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[o;& ;@ ; i; " none;';(;"box-shadow; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["#/* override for file inputs */; 0; io;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[;"tab-focus; i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["dinput[type="file"]:focus, input[type="radio"]:focus, input[type="checkbox"]:focus, select:focuso; ;[;@ ; i; ["%/* INPUT SIZES * ----------- */; 0; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["*/* General classes for quick sizes */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@q; i;[o;1;@q;["input-mini; i;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 60px;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".input-minio; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;["input-small; i;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 90px;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".input-smallo; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;["input-medium; i;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 150px;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".input-mediumo; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;["input-large; i;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 210px;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".input-largeo; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;["input-xlarge; i;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 270px;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".input-xlargeo; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;["input-xxlarge; i;[o; ;[;@ ;[" width; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 530px;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".input-xxlargeo; ;[;@ ; i; ["!/* Grid style input sizes */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[ o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@;[" class; i; [" "span";+"*=;0o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" select; i;0o;2 ;@;[" class; i; [" "span";+"*=;0o;;[o;;@; i;[o; ;@;[" textarea; i;0o;2 ;@;[" class; i; [" "span";+"*=;0o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;["uneditable-input; i;[o; ;[;@ ;[" float; 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;[;@ ;["margin-right; i;;; o; ;" -1px;@ ; i;[; i; ["px;#io;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[o; ;;;@ ; i; [ o; ;"3px;@ ; i;[; i; ["pxo; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"3px;@ ; i;[; i; ["px;"border-radius; i;$T;@ ; i~;#i;%["*.add-on:first-child, .btn:first-childo; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;[" add-on; io;3 ;@ ;["last-child; i;40;';5o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["btn; io;3 ;@ ;["last-child; i;40;';5;[o; ;[;@ ;["margin-left; i;;; o; ;" -1px;@ ; i;[; i; ["px;#io;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[o; ;;;@ ; i; [ o; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [o; ;"3px;@ ; i;[; i; ["pxo; ;"3px;@ ; i;[; i; ["pxo; ;"0;@ ; i;@(; i; [;"border-radius; i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["(.add-on:last-child, .btn:last-child;$T;@ ; iz;#i;%[" .input-prepend.input-appendo; ;[;@ ; i; ["%/* SEARCH FORM * ----------- */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@O ; i;[o;1;@O ;["search-query; i;[ o; ;[;@ ;["padding-left; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 14px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["padding-right; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 14px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["margin-bottom; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ; i; ["2/* remove the default margin on all inputs */; 0; io;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[o; ;" 14px;@ ; i;[; i; ["px;"border-radius; i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".search-queryo; ;[;@ ; i; ["E/* HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL FORMS * --------------------------- */; 0; io; ;[;@ ; i; ["1/* Common properties * ----------------- */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["form-search; io;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["form-inline; io;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["form-horizontal; i;[o; ;o;;"; i;[ o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o; ;@ ;[" input; i;0o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o; ;@ ;[" textarea; i;0o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o; ;@ ;[" select; i;0o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["help-inline; io;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["uneditable-input; io;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["input-prepend; io;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["input-append; i;[o; ;[;@ ;[" display; i;;; o;&;@ ; "inline-block;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["margin-bottom; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["\input, textarea, select, .help-inline, .uneditable-input, .input-prepend, .input-appendo; ;[;@ ; i; ["+/* Re-hide elemnts due to specifity */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;[" hide; i;[o; ;[;@ ;[" display; i;;; o;&;@ ; " none;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[" .hide;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["1.form-search, .form-inline, .form-horizontalo; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["form-search; io;;@ ; i;[o; ;@ ;[" label; i;0o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["form-inline; io;;@ ; i;[o; ;@ ;[" label; i;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" display; i;;; o;&;@ ; "inline-block;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["+.form-search label, .form-inline labelo; ;[;@ ; i; ["2/* Remove margin for input-prepend/-append */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[ o;;[o;;@& ; i;[o;1;@& ;["form-search; io;;@& ; i;[o;1;@& ;["input-append; io;;[o;;@& ; i;[o;1;@& ;["form-inline; io;;@& ; i;[o;1;@& ;["input-append; io;;[o;;@& ; i;[o;1;@& ;["form-search; io;;@& ; i;[o;1;@& ;["input-prepend; io;;[o;;@& ; i;[o;1;@& ;["form-inline; io;;@& ; i;[o;1;@& ;["input-prepend; i;[o; ;[;@ ;["margin-bottom; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["u.form-search .input-append, .form-inline .input-append, .form-search .input-prepend, .form-inline .input-prependo; ;[;@ ; i; ["@/* Inline checkbox/radio labels (remove padding on left) */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[ o;;[o;;@g ; i;[o;1;@g ;["form-search; io;;@g ; i;[o;1;@g ;[" radio; io;;[o;;@g ; i;[o;1;@g ;["form-search; io;;@g ; i;[o;1;@g ;[" checkbox; io;;[o;;@g ; i;[o;1;@g ;["form-inline; io;;@g ; i;[o;1;@g ;[" radio; io;;[o;;@g ; i;[o;1;@g ;["form-inline; io;;@g ; i;[o;1;@g ;[" checkbox; i;[o; ;[;@ ;["padding-left; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["margin-bottom; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["vertical-align; i;;; o;&;@ ; " middle;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["].form-search .radio, .form-search .checkbox, .form-inline .radio, .form-inline .checkboxo; ;[;@ ; i; ["7/* Remove float and margin, set to inline-block */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[ o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["form-search; io;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;[" radio; io;;@ ; i;[o; ;@ ;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@ ;[" type; i; [" "radio";+"=;0o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["form-search; io;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;[" checkbox; io;;@ ; i;[o; ;@ ;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@ ;[" type; i; [""checkbox";+"=;0o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["form-inline; io;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;[" radio; io;;@ ; i;[o; ;@ ;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@ ;[" type; i; [" "radio";+"=;0o;;[o;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;["form-inline; io;;@ ; i;[o;1;@ ;[" checkbox; io;;@ ; i;[o; ;@ ;[" input; i;0o;2 ;@ ;[" type; i; [""checkbox";+"=;0;[o; ;[;@ ;[" float; i;;; o;&;@ ; " left;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["margin-left; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["margin-right; i;;; o;&;@ ; "3px;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".form-search .radio input[type="radio"], .form-search .checkbox input[type="checkbox"], .form-inline .radio input[type="radio"], .form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"]o; ;[;@ ; i; ["(/* Margin to space out fieldsets */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@-; i;[o;1;@-;["control-group; i;[o; ;[;@ ;["margin-bottom; i;;; o;) ;*o; ;"2;@ ; i;@(; i; [;@ ; i;+;C;-o;! ;""baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".control-groupo; ;[;@ ; i; ["O/* Legend collapses margin, so next elements is responsible for spacing */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@J; i;[o; ;@J;[" legend; i;0"+o;;@J; i;[o;1;@J;["control-group; i;[o; ;[;@ ;["margin-top; i;;; o;! ;""baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i;#io; ;[;@ ;[" -webkit-margin-top-collapse; i;;; o;&;@ ; " separate;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%["legend + .control-groupo; ;[;@ ; i; ["C/* Horizontal-specific styles * -------------------------- */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@o; i;[o;1;@o;["form-horizontal; i;[o; ;[;@ ; i; ["*/* Increase spacing between groups */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;["control-group; i;[o; ;[;@ ;["margin-bottom; i;;; o;! ;""baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i;#io;. ;/{;[;@ ;0[;" clearfix; i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".control-groupo; ;[;@ ; i; [" /* Float the labels left */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;["control-label; i;[ o; ;[;@ ;[" float; i;;; o;&;@ ; " left;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;[" width; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 140px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["padding-top; i;;; o;&;@ ; "5px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["text-align; i;;; o;&;@ ; " right;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".control-labelo; ;[;@ ; i; ["3/* Move over all input controls and content */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;[" controls; i;[ o; ;[;@ ;["margin-left; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 160px;';(;#io; ;[;@ ; i; ["/* Super jank IE7 fix to ensure the inputs in .input-append and input-prepend don't inherit the margin of the parent, in this case .controls */; 0; 0o; ;[;@ ;[" *display; i;;; o;&;@ ; "inline-block;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["*margin-left; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#io; ;[;@ ;["*padding-left; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 20px;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".controlso; ;[;@ ; i; ["e/* Remove bottom margin on block level help text since that's accounted for on .control-group */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;["help-block; i;[o; ;[;@ ;["margin-top; i;;; o;) ;*o; ;"2;@ ; i;@(; i; [;@ ; i;+;C;-o;! ;""baseLineHeight;@ ;"baseLineHeight; i;#io; ;[;@ ;["margin-bottom; i;;; o;&;@ ; "0;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".help-blocko; ;[;@ ; i; ["E/* Move over buttons in .form-actions to align with .controls */; 0; io; ;o;;"; i;[o;;[o;;@; i;[o;1;@;["form-actions; i;[o; ;[;@ ;["padding-left; i;;; o;&;@ ; " 160px;';(;#i;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".form-actions;$T;@ ; i;#i;%[".form-horizontal;$T;@ ; i:@template"',// Forms.less // Base styles for various input types, form layouts, and states // ------------------------------------------------------------- // GENERAL STYLES // -------------- // Make all forms have space below them form { margin: 0 0 $baseLineHeight; } fieldset { padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; } // Groups of fields with labels on top (legends) legend { display: block; width: 100%; padding: 0; margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight * 1.5; font-size: $baseFontSize * 1.5; line-height: $baseLineHeight * 2; color: $grayDark; border: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; // Small small { font-size: $baseLineHeight * .75; color: $grayLight; } } // Set font for forms label, input, button, select, textarea { @include font-shorthand($baseFontSize, normal, $baseLineHeight); // Set size, weight, line-height here } input, button, select, textarea { font-family: $baseFontFamily; // And only set font-family here for those that need it (note the missing label element) } // Identify controls by their labels label { display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; color: $grayDark; } // Inputs, Textareas, Selects input, textarea, select, .uneditable-input { display: inline-block; width: 210px; height: $baseLineHeight; padding: 4px; margin-bottom: 9px; font-size: $baseFontSize; line-height: $baseLineHeight; color: $gray; border: 1px solid $inputBorder; @include border-radius(3px); } .uneditable-textarea { width: auto; height: auto; } // Inputs within a label label input, label textarea, label select { display: block; } // Mini reset for unique input types input[type="image"], input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"] { width: auto; height: auto; padding: 0; margin: 3px 0; *margin-top: 0; /* IE7 */ line-height: normal; cursor: pointer; @include border-radius(0); border: 0 \9; /* IE9 and down */ } input[type="image"] { border: 0; } // Reset the file input to browser defaults input[type="file"] { width: auto; padding: initial; line-height: initial; border: initial; background-color: $inputBackground; background-color: initial; @include box-shadow(none); } // Help out input buttons input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"] { width: auto; height: auto; } // Set the height of select and file controls to match text inputs select, input[type="file"] { height: 28px; /* In IE7, the height of the select element cannot be changed by height, only font-size */ *margin-top: 4px; /* For IE7, add top margin to align select with labels */ line-height: 28px; } // Reset line-height for IE input[type="file"] { line-height: 18px \9; } // Chrome on Linux and Mobile Safari need background-color select { width: 220px; // default input width + 10px of padding that doesn't get applied background-color: $inputBackground; } // Make multiple select elements height not fixed select[multiple], select[size] { height: auto; } // Remove shadow from image inputs input[type="image"] { @include box-shadow(none); } // Make textarea height behave textarea { height: auto; } // Hidden inputs input[type="hidden"] { display: none; } // CHECKBOXES & RADIOS // ------------------- // Indent the labels to position radios/checkboxes as hanging .radio, .checkbox { padding-left: 18px; } .radio input[type="radio"], .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] { float: left; margin-left: -18px; } // Move the options list down to align with labels .controls > .radio:first-child, .controls > .checkbox:first-child { padding-top: 5px; // has to be padding because margin collaspes } // Radios and checkboxes on same line // TODO v3: Convert .inline to .control-inline .radio.inline, .checkbox.inline { display: inline-block; padding-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 0; vertical-align: middle; } .radio.inline + .radio.inline, .checkbox.inline + .checkbox.inline { margin-left: 10px; // space out consecutive inline controls } // FOCUS STATE // ----------- input, textarea { @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075)); $transition: border linear .2s, box-shadow linear .2s; @include transition($transition); } input:focus, textarea:focus { border-color: rgba(82,168,236,.8); $shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 8px rgba(82,168,236,.6); @include box-shadow($shadow); outline: 0; outline: thin dotted \9; /* IE6-9 */ } input[type="file"]:focus, input[type="radio"]:focus, input[type="checkbox"]:focus, select:focus { @include box-shadow(none); // override for file inputs @include tab-focus(); } // INPUT SIZES // ----------- // General classes for quick sizes .input-mini { width: 60px; } .input-small { width: 90px; } .input-medium { width: 150px; } .input-large { width: 210px; } .input-xlarge { width: 270px; } .input-xxlarge { width: 530px; } // Grid style input sizes input[class*="span"], select[class*="span"], textarea[class*="span"], .uneditable-input { float: none; margin-left: 0; } // GRID SIZING FOR INPUTS // ---------------------- @include gridInput($gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth); // DISABLED STATE // -------------- // Disabled and read-only inputs input[disabled], select[disabled], textarea[disabled], input[readonly], select[readonly], textarea[readonly] { background-color: $inputDisabledBackground; border-color: #ddd; cursor: not-allowed; } // FORM FIELD FEEDBACK STATES // -------------------------- // Warning .control-group.warning { @include formFieldState($warningText, $warningText, $warningBackground); } // Error .control-group.error { @include formFieldState($errorText, $errorText, $errorBackground); } // Success .control-group.success { @include formFieldState($successText, $successText, $successBackground); } // HTML5 invalid states // Shares styles with the .control-group.error above input:focus:required:invalid, textarea:focus:required:invalid, select:focus:required:invalid { color: #b94a48; border-color: #ee5f5b; &:focus { border-color: darken(#ee5f5b, 10%); @include box-shadow(0 0 6px lighten(#ee5f5b, 20%)); } } // FORM ACTIONS // ------------ .form-actions { padding: ($baseLineHeight - 1) 20px $baseLineHeight; margin-top: $baseLineHeight; margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight; background-color: $grayLighter; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; @include clearfix(); // Adding clearfix to allow for .pull-right button containers } // For text that needs to appear as an input but should not be an input .uneditable-input { display: block; background-color: $inputBackground; border-color: #eee; @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.025)); cursor: not-allowed; } // Placeholder text gets special styles; can't be bundled together though for some reason @include placeholder($grayLight); // HELP TEXT // --------- .help-block, .help-inline { color: $gray; // lighten the text for some contrast } .help-block { display: block; // account for any element using help-block margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight / 2; } .help-inline { display: inline-block; @include ie7-inline-block(); vertical-align: middle; padding-left: 5px; } // INPUT GROUPS // ------------ // Allow us to put symbols and text within the input field for a cleaner look .input-prepend, .input-append { margin-bottom: 5px; input, select, .uneditable-input { *margin-left: 0; @include border-radius(0 3px 3px 0); &:focus { position: relative; z-index: 2; } } .uneditable-input { border-left-color: #eee; border-right-color: #ccc; } .add-on { display: inline-block; width: auto; min-width: 16px; height: $baseLineHeight; padding: 4px 5px; font-weight: normal; line-height: $baseLineHeight; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 $white; vertical-align: middle; background-color: $grayLighter; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .add-on, .btn { @include border-radius(3px 0 0 3px); } .active { background-color: lighten($green, 30); border-color: $green; } } .input-prepend { .add-on, .btn { margin-right: -1px; } } .input-append { input, select, .uneditable-input { @include border-radius(3px 0 0 3px); } .uneditable-input { border-right-color: #ccc; } .add-on, .btn { margin-left: -1px; @include border-radius(0 3px 3px 0); } } // Remove all border-radius for inputs with both prepend and append .input-prepend.input-append { input, select, .uneditable-input { @include border-radius(0); } .add-on:first-child, .btn:first-child { margin-right: -1px; @include border-radius(3px 0 0 3px); } .add-on:last-child, .btn:last-child { margin-left: -1px; @include border-radius(0 3px 3px 0); } } // SEARCH FORM // ----------- .search-query { padding-left: 14px; padding-right: 14px; margin-bottom: 0; // remove the default margin on all inputs @include border-radius(14px); } // HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL FORMS // --------------------------- // Common properties // ----------------- .form-search, .form-inline, .form-horizontal { input, textarea, select, .help-inline, .uneditable-input, .input-prepend, .input-append { display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0; } // Re-hide elemnts due to specifity .hide { display: none; } } .form-search label, .form-inline label { display: inline-block; } // Remove margin for input-prepend/-append .form-search .input-append, .form-inline .input-append, .form-search .input-prepend, .form-inline .input-prepend { margin-bottom: 0; } // Inline checkbox/radio labels (remove padding on left) .form-search .radio, .form-search .checkbox, .form-inline .radio, .form-inline .checkbox { padding-left: 0; margin-bottom: 0; vertical-align: middle; } // Remove float and margin, set to inline-block .form-search .radio input[type="radio"], .form-search .checkbox input[type="checkbox"], .form-inline .radio input[type="radio"], .form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] { float: left; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 3px; } // Margin to space out fieldsets .control-group { margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight / 2; } // Legend collapses margin, so next elements is responsible for spacing legend + .control-group { margin-top: $baseLineHeight; -webkit-margin-top-collapse: separate; } // Horizontal-specific styles // -------------------------- .form-horizontal { // Increase spacing between groups .control-group { margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight; @include clearfix(); } // Float the labels left .control-label { float: left; width: 140px; padding-top: 5px; text-align: right; } // Move over all input controls and content .controls { margin-left: 160px; /* Super jank IE7 fix to ensure the inputs in .input-append and input-prepend don't inherit the margin of the parent, in this case .controls */ *display: inline-block; *margin-left: 0; *padding-left: 20px; } // Remove bottom margin on block level help text since that's accounted for on .control-group .help-block { margin-top: $baseLineHeight / 2; margin-bottom: 0; } // Move over buttons in .form-actions to align with .controls .form-actions { padding-left: 160px; } }