# @markup markdown 2.1.2 ===== Specification changes --------------------- ### Statement caching in OCI is disabled by default. This is workaround about a SIGSEGV issue. See: [oracle enhanced issue #162](https://github.com/rsim/oracle-enhanced/issues/162) Fixed Issues ------------ - delete code which overwrites signal handlers registered by ruby. See: [rubyforge thread 50690](http://rubyforge.org/forum/forum.php?thread_id=50690&forum_id=1078) - fix internal heap error in OCI. See: [github issue #12](https://github.com/kubo/ruby-oci8/issues/12) (reported by Yasuo Honda) 2.1.1 ===== New Features ------------ ### Statement caching in OCI See {http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e10646/oci09adv.htm#i471377}. This feature is enabled only when the Oracle client is 9iR2 or upper. The default cache size is 20. It can be changed as follows. # change the size to 100. OCI8.properties[:statement_cache_size] = 100 Note: The default size was changed to zero in 2.1.2. Specification changes --------------------- ### OCI8::LOB#read() returns an empty string '' when it is an empty lob. It had been returned nil. Fixed Issues ------------ - OCI8::CLOB.new(conn, '') works now. - fix core dump when calling PL/SQL procedure with cursor argument. See: {https://github.com/kubo/ruby-oci8/issues/11} (reported by Raimonds Simanovskis) - fix testcase failures in DST. See: {https://github.com/kubo/ruby-oci8/issues/8} (reported by Yasuo Honda) - fix a compilation issue on Redhat. (reported by John Beckwith and others) - fix "wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)" when a date member in a object type is accessed. (repored by Leoš Bitto) 2.1.0 ===== New Features ------------ ### OCI connection pooling See: {OCI8::ConnectionPool} ### Daylight saving time aware if TZ is set. You should set the environment variable TZ if your applications run in a time zone with daylight saving time transitions. Otherwise, Oracle session time zone is set with current constant offset from GMT. (reported by Yasuo Honda) ### connect as sysasm (Oracle 11g only) You can connect to the Oracle server as SYSASM privilege as follows: OCI8.new('username/password as sysasm') or OCI8.new('username', 'password', nil, :SYSASM) ### Oracle number is converted to ruby float exactly same as ruby does. From ruby 1.9.2, a float value converted from Oracle number 15.7 by the Oracle function OCINumberToReal() makes a string representation 15.700000000000001 by `Float#to_s`. (See: {http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/4656}) To avoid this issue, any Oracle number is converted to a float as ruby's `String#to_f` does. The behavior is customizable by {OCI8.properties OCI8.properties[:float\_conversion\_type]}. OCI8.properties[:float_conversion_type] = :oracle # => Use OCINumberToReal() OCI8.properties[:float_conversion_type] = :ruby # => Use String#to_f The default value is :ruby. ### `OCISuccessWithInfo` exceptions are not raised any more. Ruby-oci8 2.0 treats `OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO` in OCI layer as an error and raise an exception {OCISuccessWithInfo} such as "ORA-24347: Warning of a NULL column in an aggregate function" and "ORA-28002: the password will expire within xx days." From 2.1.0, it is treated as a warning and the exception is set to {OCI8#last_error}. ### {OCI8#last_error} is added. The last error or warning associated with the session is set to {OCI8#last_error}. The usecase is to detect {OCISuccessWithInfo}. It is reset by {OCI8#exec} and {OCI8#parse}. ### Experimental support of character length semantics {OCI8.properties OCI8.properties[:length\_semantics]} indicates length semantics of {OCI8::Cursor#bind\_param}. When it is `:char`, the length is counted by the number of characters. When it is `:byte`, it is counted by the number of bytes. ### {OCI8.client\_charset\_name} and {OCI8#database\_charset\_name} are added. They return Oracle charset name such as WE8ISO8859P15. Specification changes --------------------- ### The parent class {OCINoData} was changed from {OCIException} to {OCIError}. ### Oracle 8 and Oracie 8i is not supported anymore. Fixed Issues ------------ - Fix a bug that an array is always bound as null. This bug was introduced in ruby-oci8 2.0.5. (reported by Leoš Bitto) - Avoid a gcc internal compiler error when using ruby1.9.2-p290 on ubuntu 11.10 (64bit). (reported by Bob Saveland.) - Fix compilation problems on Solaris. (Reported by Sanjiv Patel.) - Fix compilation problems on Linux. (Reported by Edgars Beigarts.) - Connections are released by GC without explicit logoff. - Set ruby encoding CP950 for oracle characterset ZHT16MSWIN950 and CP951 for ZHT16HKSCS and ZHT16HKSCS31 when the ruby is 1.9.3. - Clear an executuing thread information in a connection when a SQL executions is canceled by Thread#kill or Timeout::timeout. (reported by Aaron Qian) - Fix some test cases for object type and TZ issues. (reported by Yasuo Honda) - Use Gem::Command.build_args to get arguments after '--'. (reported by jbirdjavi) 2.0.6 ===== Fixed issues ------------ - fix SEGV when freeing a temporary LOB during GC on rubinius 1.2.3. - revert the exception type from RuntimeError to OCIException when a closed OCI handle's method is called. It was chaned in 2.0.5 by mistake. 2.0.5 ===== New Features ------------ ### Support Rubinius. ### {OraNumber#has\_decimal\_part?} is added. Example: OraNumber(10).has_decimal_part? # => false OraNumber(10.1).has_decimal_part? # => true ### Limitted support for OraNumber's positive and negative infinity. They are converted to '~' and '-~' respectively as described in {http://www.ixora.com.au/notes/infinity.htm}. ### {OCI8.properties} is added to control ruby-oci8 behaviour. It supports :bind_string_as_nchar only for now. ### {OCI8.properties}[:bind\_string\_as\_nchar] is added. You need to set "`OCI8.properties[:bind_string_as_nchar] = true`" if the database character set is not UTF-8 and 'NCHAR'/'NVARCHAR2' columns contain characters which cannot be converted to the database character set. See: {http://rubyforge.org/forum/forum.php?thread\_id=48838&forum\_id=1078} Fixed issues ------------ - Fix InvalidHandle errors on Rails. (reported by Jordan Curzon and Aaron Qian) See: {http://rubyforge.org/forum/forum.php?thread\_id=49751&forum\_id=1078} - Raise "OCIError: ORA-01805: possible error in date/time operation" when Oracle 11gR2's client and server timezone versions are not same instead of raising a exception "undefined method `*' for nil:NilClass." See: {http://rubyforge.org/forum/forum.php?thread\_id=49102&forum\_id=1078} - Fix unexpectedly disconnect when failed-logon connections is GC'ed and the connection object's address is accidentally same with an alive connection. - Fix segmentation fault when calling {OCI8::Cursor#[]} for closed statement objects. (reported by Hugo L. Borges) - Fix a bug that a string is bound to RAW. Its encoding had been convertd to {OCI.encoding} incorrectly. - Fix memory leaks when temporary lobs are used. - Fix a problem to assign 'NULL' bind value to object type bind variables. (reported by Raimonds Simanovskis) - Support LOB datatypes in object type. (reported by Michael Sexton) - Fix to compile on cygwin. The declaration of 'boolean' in Oracle conflicts with that of latest cygwin. (reported by Don Hill). - Fix to complie for the 32-bit ruby which was compiled on x86\_64 linux and configured without '--build', '--host' nor '--target'. The 'RUBY_PLATFORM' is 'x86_64-linux' even though the ruby is 32-bit. (reported by Jason Renschler) - Fix wrong dependencies in Makefile when running 'make -jNNN (where NNN >= 2)' (contributed by Alyano Alyanos. See bug #28129 on rubyforge.) - Fix to compile on HP-UX. Duplicated const qualifiers prevented HP-UX cc from compiling. (reported by Sebastian YEPES) 2.0.4 ===== New Features ------------ ### {OCI8.error_message} is added. Gets the Oracle error message specified by message id. Its language depends on 'NLS_LANGUAGE'. Note: This method is unavailable if the Oracle client version is 8.0. # When NLS_LANG is AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 OCI8.error_message(1) # => "ORA-00001: unique constraint (%s.%s) violated" # When NLS_LANG is FRENCH_FRANCE.AL32UTF8 OCI8.error_message(1) # => "ORA-00001: violation de contrainte unique (%s.%s)" ### {OraNumber#dump} is added. Returns {OraNumber}'s internal representation whose format is same with the return value of Oracle SQL function DUMP(). OraNumber.new(100).dump #=> "Typ=2 Len=2: 194,2" OraNumber.new(123).dump #=> "Typ=2 Len=3: 194,2,24" OraNumber.new(0.1).dump #=> "Typ=2 Len=2: 192,11" Fixed issues ------------ - Fractional second part is lost when ruby's Time instance is bound to Oracle datatype TIMESTAMP. (reported by Raimonds Simanovskis) - {OraNumber#to\_i} and {OraNumber#to\_s} fail when its scale is larger than 38. (reported by Raimonds Simanovskis) - Memory leak about 30 bytes per one place holder for object type. - Segmentation fault when a collection of string is bound. (reported by Raimonds Simanovskis) - Segmentation fault when GC starts while initializing a bind object for object type. (reported by Remi Gagnon) - Segmentation fault when OCI8::Cursor#fetch is called prior to {OCI8::Cursor#exec}. - Detailed error message is not reported when 'PL/SQL NO_DATA_FOUND' exception is raised. (reported by Raimonds Simanovskis) 2.0.3 ===== Incompatible Changes -------------------- ### Number column in a SQL statement Changes the default data type for number column which fit neither Integer nor Float from {OraNumber} to BigDecimal. conn.exec("select 1.0 from dual") do |row| p row[0] # => BigDecimal("1") if the ruby-oci8 version is 2.0.3. # => OraNumber(1) if the version is 2.0.2. end ### Priority of OraNumber within numerical types The return types of basic arithmetic operations with other numerical types are changed. 2.0.3: OraNumber + Integer => OraNumber (OraNumber wins.) OraNumber + Float => Float (OraNumber loses.) OraNumber + Rational => Rational (OraNumber loses.) OraNumber + BigDecimal => BigDecimal (OraNumber loses.) 2.0.2: OraNumber + Integer => OraNumber (OraNumber wins always.) OraNumber + Float => OraNumber OraNumber + Rational => OraNumber OraNumber + BigDecimal => OraNumber ### Interval day to second The retrived value of Oracle data type "interval day to second" was changed from the number of days as a Rational to the number of seconds as a Float by default. Use 'OCI8::BindType::IntervalDS.unit = :day' to make it compatible with the previous versions. conn.exec("select to_dsinterval('0 00:00:01') from dual") do |row| p row[0] # => 1.0 if the version is 2.0.3 and # OCI8::BindType::IntervalDS.unit is :second. # => (1/86400) if the version is 2.0.3 and # OCI8::BindType::IntervalDS.unit is :day or # the version is 2.0.2. end ### Date, timestamp, timestamp with time zone data types and ruby 1.9.2 These data types are retrived always as Time values when the ruby version is 1.9.2 because the Time class is enhanced to represent any time zone and is free from year 2038 problem. Prior to ruby 1.9.2, if the time cannot be represented by Unix time or the time zone is neither utc nor local, they are retrived as DateTime values. ### Non-blocking mode and ruby 1.9 Non-blocking mode is enabled by default when the ruby is 1.9. New Features ------------ ### BigDecimal and Rational are availabe as bind values. ### New methods {OCI8#module=}, {OCI8#action=} and {OCI8#client_info=} are added. These methods change the module name, the action name and the client_info in the current session respectively. After Oracle 10g client, these don't perform network round trips. The change is reflected to the server by the next round trip such as {OCI8#exec}, {OCI8#ping}, etc. Prior to Oracle 10g client, these call PL/SQL functions such as `DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE`, `DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION`, and `DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_CLIENT_INFO` internally. The change is reflected immediately by a network round trip. ### {OCI8::BindType.default_timezone} The default time zone of Time or DateTime values. This parameter is used only when * date values are fetched and the Oracle client version is 8.x or * object types have date data type attributes. Note that if the Oracle client version is 9i or upper, the time zone is determined by the session time zone. The default value is local time zone. You can change it to GMT by executing the following SQL statement for each connection. alter session set time_zone = '00:00' Note: The session time zone is set by the environment variable TZ from ruby-oci8 2.1.0. Other specification changes --------------------------- - Add a global function OraNumber(obj) as a shortcut of OraNumber.new(obj) as Rational and BigDecimal do. - Fix to accept nil attribute in object type's constructors. This works only for simple data types such as number, string. But it doesn't for complex types such as object types. (requested by Remi Gagnon) - add DATE datatype support in object types. - Change {OCI8::LOB#write} to accept an object which is not a String and doesn't respond to 'to_str' as IO#write does. (requested by Christopher Jones) - Change the initial polling interval of non-blocking mode for ruby 1.8 from 100 msec to 10 msec, which is same with ruby-oci8 1.0. Fixed installation issues ------------------------- - Fix oraconf.rb for ruby 1.8.5 with Oracle 8.x which needs some object files to link with. (reported by Jayson Cena) - Fix oraconf.rb for ruby 1.9.2 preview1. (pointed by Raimonds Simanovskis) - Fix oraconf.rb to compile for AIX instant clients. (reported by Kazuya Teramoto) 2.0.2 ===== * add new methods - {OCI8#select_one} - {OCI8#ping} -> true or false Verifies that the Oracle connection is alive. {OCI8#ping} also can be used to flush all the pending OCI client-side calls to the server if any exist. - {OCI8#client\_identifier=}client\_id Look at the following link to know what is the client identifier. {http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/database-solutions/oracle-session-tracing-part-i-16356} Note that the specified identifier doesn't change the v$session immediately. It is done by the next network round trip such as OCI8#exec or OCI8#ping. * fix problems when compiling with Oracle 9.2 and 8.0. (reported by Axel Reinhold) * [dbi] fix to pass a newly added sanity check in dbi 0.4.1. (reported by Dirk Herzhauser) * fix an error when executing "select NULL from dual". {http://rubyforge.org/forum/forum.php?thread\_id=32468&forum\_id=1078} (contributed by Raimonds Simanovskis) * [ruby 1.9] fix OCI8::BLOB to read/write binary. Prior to 2.0.1, it was treated as text tagged with 'NLS_LANG' encoding. * [ruby 1.9] fix to bind string data by the length got from String#bytesize converted to {OCI8.encoding}, not by String#size. 2.0.1 ===== * release a binary gem for Windows, which contains libraries for both ruby 1.8 and ruby 1.9.1. * add {OCI8#oracle\_server\_version}. * fix bugs when fetching and binding time objects.