# :stopdoc: # This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation # generator. Do not alter this file. # :startdoc: module Wx::RTC # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_DELETE_STYLES = 1 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_CREATE_STYLES = 2 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_APPLY_STYLES = 4 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_EDIT_STYLES = 8 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_RENAME_STYLES = 16 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_OK_CANCEL = 32 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_RENUMBER = 64 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_SHOW_CHARACTER = 256 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_SHOW_PARAGRAPH = 512 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_SHOW_LIST = 1024 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_SHOW_BOX = 2048 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_SHOW_ALL = 4096 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_ORGANISE = 4127 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_BROWSE = 4128 # RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_BROWSE_NUMBERING = 1120 # This class shows a style sheet and allows the user to edit, add and remove styles. # It can also be used as a style browser, for example if the application is not using a permanent {Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleComboCtrl} or {Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleListCtrl} to present styles. # === # # Category: Rich Text # class RichTextStyleOrganiserDialog < Dialog # @overload initialize() # Default ctor. # @return [Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleOrganiserDialog] # @overload initialize(flags, sheet, ctrl, parent, id=Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY, caption=(_.new("Style Organiser")), pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style=(Wx::DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|Wx::RESIZE_BORDER|Wx::SYSTEM_MENU|Wx::CLOSE_BOX)) # Constructor. # To create a dialog, pass a bitlist of flags (see below), a style sheet, a text control to apply a selected style to (or NULL), followed by the usual window parameters. # To specify the operations available to the user, pass a combination of these values to flags: # # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_DELETE_STYLES}:</b> Provides a button for deleting styles. # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_CREATE_STYLES}:</b> Provides buttons for creating styles. # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_APPLY_STYLES}:</b> Provides a button for applying the currently selected style to the selection. # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_EDIT_STYLES}:</b> Provides a button for editing styles. # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_RENAME_STYLES}:</b> Provides a button for renaming styles. # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_OK_CANCEL}:</b> Provides OK and Cancel buttons. # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_RENUMBER}:</b> Provides a checkbox for specifying that the selection should be renumbered. # # The following flags determine what will be displayed in the style list: # # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_SHOW_CHARACTER}:</b> Displays character styles only. # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_SHOW_PARAGRAPH}:</b> Displays paragraph styles only. # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_SHOW_LIST}:</b> Displays list styles only. # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_SHOW_ALL}:</b> Displays all styles. # # The following symbols define commonly-used combinations of flags: # # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_ORGANISE}:</b> Enable all style editing operations so the dialog behaves as a style organiser. # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_BROWSE}:</b> Show a list of all styles and their previews, but only allow application of a style or cancellation of the dialog. This makes the dialog behave as a style browser. # - <b>{Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_ORGANISER_BROWSE_NUMBERING}:</b> Enables only list style browsing, plus a control to specify renumbering. This allows the dialog to be used for applying list styles to the selection. # @param flags [Integer] # @param sheet [Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleSheet] # @param ctrl [Wx::RTC::RichTextCtrl] # @param parent [Wx::Window] # @param id [Integer] # @param caption [String] # @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] # @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] # @param style [Integer] # @return [Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleOrganiserDialog] def initialize(*args) end # Applies the selected style to selection in the given control or the control passed to the constructor. # @param ctrl [Wx::RTC::RichTextCtrl] # @return [Boolean] def apply_style(ctrl=nil) end # Creates the dialog. # See the ctor. # @param flags [Integer] # @param sheet [Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleSheet] # @param ctrl [Wx::RTC::RichTextCtrl] # @param parent [Wx::Window] # @param id [Integer] # @param caption [String] # @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] # @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] # @param style [Integer] # @return [Boolean] def create(flags, sheet, ctrl, parent, id=Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY, caption=(Wx::GetTranslation.new("Style Organiser")), pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=(Wx::Size.new(400, 300)), style=(Wx::DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|Wx::RESIZE_BORDER|Wx::SYSTEM_MENU|Wx::CLOSE_BOX)) end # Returns true if the user has opted to restart numbering. # @return [Boolean] def get_restart_numbering; end alias_method :restart_numbering, :get_restart_numbering # Returns the associated rich text control (if any). # @return [Wx::RTC::RichTextCtrl] def get_rich_text_ctrl; end alias_method :rich_text_ctrl, :get_rich_text_ctrl # Returns selected style name. # @return [String] def get_selected_style; end alias_method :selected_style, :get_selected_style # Returns selected style definition. # @return [Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleDefinition] def get_selected_style_definition; end alias_method :selected_style_definition, :get_selected_style_definition # Returns the associated style sheet. # @return [Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleSheet] def get_style_sheet; end alias_method :style_sheet, :get_style_sheet # Sets the flags used to control the interface presented to the user. # @param flags [Integer] # @return [void] def set_flags(flags) end alias_method :flags=, :set_flags # Checks or unchecks the restart numbering checkbox. # @param restartNumbering [Boolean] # @return [void] def set_restart_numbering(restartNumbering) end alias_method :restart_numbering=, :set_restart_numbering # Sets the control to be associated with the dialog, for the purposes of applying a style to the selection. # @param ctrl [Wx::RTC::RichTextCtrl] # @return [void] def set_rich_text_ctrl(ctrl) end alias_method :rich_text_ctrl=, :set_rich_text_ctrl # Sets the associated style sheet. # @param sheet [Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleSheet] # @return [void] def set_style_sheet(sheet) end alias_method :style_sheet=, :set_style_sheet # Returns the flags used to control the interface presented to the user. # @return [Integer] def get_flags; end alias_method :flags, :get_flags # Determines whether tooltips will be shown. # @param show [Boolean] # @return [void] def self.set_show_tool_tips(show) end end # RichTextStyleOrganiserDialog end