* Argon2 source code package
* Written by Daniel Dinu and Dmitry Khovratovich, 2015
* This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 License/Waiver.
* You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
* with
* this software. If not, see
* .
#include "argon2.h"
#include "core.h"
/* Error messages */
static const char *Argon2_ErrorMessage[] = {
/*{ARGON2_OK, */ "OK",
{ARGON2_OUTPUT_PTR_NULL, */ "Output pointer is NULL",
{ARGON2_OUTPUT_TOO_SHORT, */ "Output is too short",
{ARGON2_OUTPUT_TOO_LONG, */ "Output is too long",
{ARGON2_PWD_TOO_SHORT, */ "Password is too short",
{ARGON2_PWD_TOO_LONG, */ "Password is too long",
{ARGON2_SALT_TOO_SHORT, */ "Salt is too short",
{ARGON2_SALT_TOO_LONG, */ "Salt is too long",
{ARGON2_AD_TOO_SHORT, */ "Associated data is too short",
{ARGON2_AD_TOO_LONG, */ "Associated date is too long",
{ARGON2_SECRET_TOO_SHORT, */ "Secret is too short",
{ARGON2_SECRET_TOO_LONG, */ "Secret is too long",
{ARGON2_TIME_TOO_SMALL, */ "Time cost is too small",
{ARGON2_TIME_TOO_LARGE, */ "Time cost is too large",
{ARGON2_MEMORY_TOO_LITTLE, */ "Memory cost is too small",
{ARGON2_MEMORY_TOO_MUCH, */ "Memory cost is too large",
{ARGON2_LANES_TOO_FEW, */ "Too few lanes",
{ARGON2_LANES_TOO_MANY, */ "Too many lanes",
{ARGON2_PWD_PTR_MISMATCH, */ "Password pointer is NULL, but password length is not 0",
{ARGON2_SALT_PTR_MISMATCH, */ "Salt pointer is NULL, but salt length is not 0",
{ARGON2_SECRET_PTR_MISMATCH, */ "Secret pointer is NULL, but secret length is not 0",
{ARGON2_AD_PTR_MISMATCH, */ "Associated data pointer is NULL, but ad length is not 0",
{ARGON2_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, */ "Memory allocation error",
{ARGON2_FREE_MEMORY_CBK_NULL, */ "The free memory callback is NULL",
{ARGON2_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_CBK_NULL, */ "The allocate memory callback is NULL",
{ARGON2_INCORRECT_PARAMETER, */ "Argon2_Context context is NULL",
{ARGON2_INCORRECT_TYPE, */ "There is no such version of Argon2",
{ARGON2_OUT_PTR_MISMATCH, */ "Output pointer mismatch",
{ARGON2_THREADS_TOO_FEW, */ "Not enough threads",
{ARGON2_THREADS_TOO_MANY, */ "Too many threads",
{ARGON2_MISSING_ARGS, */ "Missing arguments", /*},*/
int hash_argon2i(void *out, size_t outlen, const void *in, size_t inlen,
const void *salt, size_t saltlen, unsigned int t_cost,
unsigned int m_cost) {
argon2_context context;
/* Detect and reject overflowing sizes */
/* TODO: This should probably be fixed in the function signature */
if (inlen > UINT32_MAX) {
if (outlen > UINT32_MAX) {
if (saltlen > UINT32_MAX) {
context.out = (uint8_t *)out;
context.outlen = (uint32_t)outlen;
context.pwd = (uint8_t *)in;
context.pwdlen = (uint32_t)inlen;
context.salt = (uint8_t *)salt;
context.saltlen = (uint32_t)saltlen;
context.secret = NULL;
context.secretlen = 0;
context.ad = NULL;
context.adlen = 0;
context.t_cost = t_cost;
context.m_cost = m_cost;
context.lanes = 1;
context.threads = 1;
context.allocate_cbk = NULL;
context.free_cbk = NULL;
context.flags = ARGON2_DEFAULT_FLAGS;
return argon2_core(&context, Argon2_i);
int hash_argon2d(void *out, size_t outlen, const void *in, size_t inlen,
const void *salt, size_t saltlen, unsigned int t_cost,
unsigned int m_cost) {
argon2_context context;
/* Detect and reject overflowing sizes */
/* TODO: This should probably be fixed in the function signature */
if (inlen > UINT32_MAX) {
if (outlen > UINT32_MAX) {
if (saltlen > UINT32_MAX) {
context.out = (uint8_t *)out;
context.outlen = (uint32_t)outlen;
context.pwd = (uint8_t *)in;
context.pwdlen = (uint32_t)inlen;
context.salt = (uint8_t *)salt;
context.saltlen = (uint32_t)saltlen;
context.secret = NULL;
context.secretlen = 0;
context.ad = NULL;
context.adlen = 0;
context.t_cost = t_cost;
context.m_cost = m_cost;
context.lanes = 1;
context.threads = 1;
context.allocate_cbk = NULL;
context.free_cbk = NULL;
context.flags = ARGON2_DEFAULT_FLAGS;
return argon2_core(&context, Argon2_d);
int argon2d(argon2_context *context) { return argon2_core(context, Argon2_d); }
int argon2i(argon2_context *context) { return argon2_core(context, Argon2_i); }
int verify_d(argon2_context *context, const char *hash) {
int result;
if (0 == context->outlen || NULL == hash) {
result = argon2_core(context, Argon2_d);
if (ARGON2_OK != result) {
return result;
return 0 == memcmp(hash, context->out, context->outlen);
const char *error_message(int error_code) {
enum {
/* Make sure---at compile time---that the enum size matches the array
size */
1 /
!!((sizeof(Argon2_ErrorMessage) / sizeof(Argon2_ErrorMessage[0])) ==
if (error_code < ARGON2_ERROR_CODES_LENGTH) {
return Argon2_ErrorMessage[(argon2_error_codes)error_code];
return "Unknown error code.";
/* encoding/decoding helpers */
* Some macros for constant-time comparisons. These work over values in
* the 0..255 range. Returned value is 0x00 on "false", 0xFF on "true".
#define EQ(x, y) ((((0U - ((unsigned)(x) ^ (unsigned)(y))) >> 8) & 0xFF) ^ 0xFF)
#define GT(x, y) ((((unsigned)(y) - (unsigned)(x)) >> 8) & 0xFF)
#define GE(x, y) (GT(y, x) ^ 0xFF)
#define LT(x, y) GT(y, x)
#define LE(x, y) GE(y, x)
* Convert value x (0..63) to corresponding Base64 character.
static int b64_byte_to_char(unsigned x) {
return (LT(x, 26) & (x + 'A')) |
(GE(x, 26) & LT(x, 52) & (x + ('a' - 26))) |
(GE(x, 52) & LT(x, 62) & (x + ('0' - 52))) | (EQ(x, 62) & '+') |
(EQ(x, 63) & '/');
* Convert some bytes to Base64. 'dst_len' is the length (in characters)
* of the output buffer 'dst'; if that buffer is not large enough to
* receive the result (including the terminating 0), then (size_t)-1
* is returned. Otherwise, the zero-terminated Base64 string is written
* in the buffer, and the output length (counted WITHOUT the terminating
* zero) is returned.
static size_t to_base64(char *dst, size_t dst_len, const void *src,
size_t src_len) {
size_t olen;
const unsigned char *buf;
unsigned acc, acc_len;
olen = (src_len / 3) << 2;
switch (src_len % 3) {
case 2:
/* fall through */
case 1:
olen += 2;
if (dst_len <= olen) {
return (size_t)-1;
acc = 0;
acc_len = 0;
buf = (const unsigned char *)src;
while (src_len-- > 0) {
acc = (acc << 8) + (*buf++);
acc_len += 8;
while (acc_len >= 6) {
acc_len -= 6;
*dst++ = b64_byte_to_char((acc >> acc_len) & 0x3F);
if (acc_len > 0) {
*dst++ = b64_byte_to_char((acc << (6 - acc_len)) & 0x3F);
*dst++ = 0;
return olen;
/* ==================================================================== */
* Code specific to Argon2i.
* The code below applies the following format:
* $argon2i$m=,t=,p=[,keyid=][,data=][$[$]]
* where is a decimal integer (positive, fits in an 'unsigned long')
* and is Base64-encoded data (no '=' padding characters, no newline
* or whitespace). The "keyid" is a binary identifier for a key (up to 8
* bytes); "data" is associated data (up to 32 bytes). When the 'keyid'
* (resp. the 'data') is empty, then it is ommitted from the output.
* The last two binary chunks (encoded in Base64) are, in that order,
* the salt and the output. Both are optional, but you cannot have an
* output without a salt. The binary salt length is between 8 and 48 bytes.
* The output length is always exactly 32 bytes.
int encode_string(char *dst, size_t dst_len, argon2_context *ctx) {
#define SS(str) \
do { \
size_t pp_len = strlen(str); \
if (pp_len >= dst_len) { \
return 0; \
} \
memcpy(dst, str, pp_len + 1); \
dst += pp_len; \
dst_len -= pp_len; \
} while (0)
#define SX(x) \
do { \
char tmp[30]; \
sprintf(tmp, "%lu", (unsigned long)(x)); \
SS(tmp); \
} while (0);
#define SB(buf, len) \
do { \
size_t sb_len = to_base64(dst, dst_len, buf, len); \
if (sb_len == (size_t)-1) { \
return 0; \
} \
dst += sb_len; \
dst_len -= sb_len; \
} while (0);
if (ctx->adlen > 0) {
SB(ctx->ad, ctx->adlen);
if (ctx->saltlen == 0)
return 1;
SB(ctx->salt, ctx->saltlen);
if (ctx->outlen == 0)
return 1;
SB(ctx->out, ctx->outlen);
return 1;
#undef SS
#undef SX
#undef SB