# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
## Thoughts from reading the ISO 32000-1:2008
## this file is part of the CombinePDF library and the code
## is subject to the same license.
module CombinePDF
# PDF class is the PDF object that can save itself to
# a file and that can be used as a container for a full
# PDF file data, including version etc'.
# PDF objects can be used to combine or to inject data.
# == Combine
# To combine PDF files (or data):
# pdf = CombinePDF.new
# pdf << CombinePDF.new "file1.pdf" # one way to combine, very fast.
# CombinePDF.new("file2.pdf").pages.each {|page| pdf << page} # different way to combine, slower.
# pdf.save "combined.pdf"
# == Stamp / Watermark
# To combine PDF files (or data), first create the stamp from a PDF file:
# stamp_pdf_file = CombinePDF.new "stamp_pdf_file.pdf"
# stamp_page = stamp_pdf_file.pages[0]
# After the stamp was created, inject to PDF pages:
# pdf = CombinePDF.new "file1.pdf"
# pdf.pages.each {|page| page << stamp_page} # notice the << operator is on a page and not a PDF object.
class PDF
# the objects attribute is an Array containing all the PDF sub-objects for te class.
attr_reader :objects
# the info attribute is a Hash that sets the Info data for the PDF.
# use, for example:
# pdf.info[:Title] = "title"
attr_reader :info
# sets the string output format (PDF files store strings in to type of formats).
# Accepts:
# - :literal
# - :hex
attr_accessor :string_output
# A Float attrinute, setting and returning the PDF version of the file (1.1-1.7).
attr_accessor :version
def initialize (*args)
# default before setting
@objects = []
@version = 0
@info = {}
if args[0].is_a? PDFParser
@objects = args[0].parse
@version = args[0].version if args[0].version.is_a? Float
@info = args[0].info_object || {}
elsif args[0].is_a? Array
# object initialization
@objects = args[0]
@version = args[1] if args[1].is_a? Float
elsif args[0].is_a? Hash
@objects = args
# connecting references with original objects
# general globals
@string_output = :literal
@need_to_rebuild_resources = false
@set_start_id = 1
@info[:Producer] = "Ruby CombinePDF Library by Boaz Segev"
@info.delete :CreationDate
@info.delete :ModDate
warn "finished to initialize PDF object."
# Formats the data to PDF formats and returns a binary string that represents the PDF file content.
# This method is used by the save(file_name) method to save the content to a file.
# use this to export the PDF file without saving to disk (such as sending through HTTP ect').
def to_pdf
#reset version if not specified
@version = 1.3 if @version == 0
#set creation date for merged file
@info[:CreationDate] = Time.now.strftime "D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%:::z'00"
#rebuild resources if needed
if @need_to_rebuild_resources
catalog = rebuild_catalog_and_objects #rebuild_catalog
warn "Formatting PDF output"
out = []
xref = []
indirect_object_count = 1 #the first object is the null object
#write head (version and binanry-code)
out << "%PDF-#{@version.to_s}\n%\x00\x00\x00\x00".force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
#collect objects and set xref table locations
loc = 0
out.each {|line| loc += line.bytes.length + 1}
@objects.each do |o|
indirect_object_count += 1
xref << loc
out << PDFOperations._object_to_pdf(o)
loc += out.last.length + 1
warn "Building XREF"
xref_location = 0
out.each { |line| xref_location += line.bytes.length + 1}
out << "xref\n\r0 #{(indirect_object_count).to_s}\n\r0000000000 65535 f \n\r"
xref.each {|offset| out << ( out.pop + ("%010d 00000 n \n\r" % offset) ) }
out << out.pop + "trailer"
out << "<<\n/Root #{false || "#{catalog[:indirect_reference_id]} #{catalog[:indirect_generation_number]} R"}"
out << "/Size #{indirect_object_count.to_s}"
if @info.is_a?(Hash)
PRIVATE_HASH_KEYS.each {|key| @info.delete key} # make sure the dictionary is rendered inline, without stream
out << "/Info #{PDFOperations._object_to_pdf @info}"
out << ">>\nstartxref\n#{xref_location.to_s}\n%%EOF"
# Seve the PDF to file.
# file_name:: is a string or path object for the output.
# Notice! if the file exists, it WILL be overwritten.
def save(file_name)
IO.binwrite file_name, to_pdf
# this method returns all the pages cataloged in the catalog.
# if no catalog is passed, it seeks the existing catalog(s) and searches
# for any registered Page objects.
# This method also adds the << operator to each page instance, so that content can be
# injected to the pages, as described above.
# (page objects are Hash class objects. the << operator is added to the specific instances without changing the class)
def pages(catalogs = nil)
page_list = []
if catalogs == nil
catalogs = @objects.select {|obj| obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj[:Type] == :Catalog}
catalogs ||= []
when catalogs.is_a?(Array)
catalogs.each {|c| page_list.push *(pages(c)) unless c.nil?}
when catalogs.is_a?(Hash)
if catalogs[:is_reference_only]
catalogs[:referenced_object] = pages(PDFOperations.get_refernced_object @objects, catalogs) unless catalogs[:referenced_object]
if catalogs[:referenced_object]
page_list.push *( pages(catalogs[:referenced_object]) )
warn "couldn't follow reference!!! #{catalogs} not found!"
case catalogs[:Type]
when :Page
holder = self
catalogs.define_singleton_method("<<".to_sym) do |obj|
obj = PDFOperations.copy_and_secure_for_injection obj
PDFOperations.inject_to_page self, obj
holder.add_referenced obj
page_list << catalogs
when :Pages
page_list.push *(pages(catalogs[:Kids])) unless catalogs[:Kids].nil?
when :Catalog
page_list.push *(pages(catalogs[:Pages])) unless catalogs[:Pages].nil?
# this function adds pages or CombinePDF objects at the end of the file (merge)
# for example:
# pdf = CombinePDF.new "first_file.pdf"
# pdf << CombinePDF.new "second_file.pdf"
# pdf.save "both_files_merged.pdf"
# @params obj is Hash, PDF or Array of parsed PDF data.
def << (obj)
## how should we add data to PDF?
## and how to handles imported pages?
when (obj.is_a?(PDF))
@version = [@version, obj.version].max
obj.renumber_object_ids @set_start_id + @objects.length
# rebuild_catalog
@need_to_rebuild_resources = true
when (obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj[:Type] == :Page), (obj.is_a?(Array) && (obj.reject {|i| i.is_a?(Hash) && i[:Type] == :Page}).empty?)
# set obj paramater to array if it's only one page
obj = [obj] if obj.is_a?(Hash)
# add page(s) to objects
# add page dependencies to objects
# add page(s) to Catalog(s)
rebuild_catalog obj
@need_to_rebuild_resources = true
when (obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj[:indirect_reference_id] && obj[:referenced_object].nil?)
#only let top level indirect objects into the PDF tree.
@objects << obj
@need_to_rebuild_resources = true
warn "Shouldn't add objects to the file if they are not top-level indirect PDF objects."
class PDF #:nodoc: all
# @private
# this function returns all the Page objects - regardless of order and even if not cataloged
# could be used for finding "lost" pages... but actually rather useless.
def all_pages
## Only return the page item, but make sure all references are connected so that
## referenced items and be reached through the connections.
[].tap {|out| each_object {|obj| out << obj if obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj[:Type] == :Page } }
# @private
def serialize_objects_and_references(object = nil)
warn "connecting objects with their references (serialize_objects_and_references)."
# # Version 3.5 injects indirect objects if they arn't dictionaries.
# # benchmark 1000.times was 3.568246 sec for pdf = CombinePDF.new "/Users/2Be/Desktop/מוצגים/20121002\ הודעת\ הערעור.pdf" }
# # puts Benchmark.measure { 1000.times {pdf.serialize_objects_and_references} }
# # ######### Intreduces a BUG with catalogging pages... why? I don't know... mybey doesn't catch all.
# each_object do |obj|
# obj.each do |k, v|
# if v.is_a?(Hash) && v[:is_reference_only]
# v[:referenced_object] = PDFOperations.get_refernced_object @objects, v
# raise "couldn't connect references" unless v[:referenced_object]
# obj[k] = v[:referenced_object][:indirect_without_dictionary] if v[:referenced_object][:indirect_without_dictionary]
# end
# end
# end
# Version 4
# benchmark 1000.times was 0.980651 sec for:
# pdf = CombinePDF.new "/Users/2Be/Desktop/מוצגים/20121002\ הודעת\ הערעור.pdf"
# puts Benchmark.measure { 1000.times {pdf.serialize_objects_and_references} }
objects_reference_hash = {}
@objects.each {|o| objects_reference_hash[ [o[:indirect_reference_id], o[:indirect_generation_number] ] ] = o }
each_object do |obj|
if obj[:is_reference_only]
obj[:referenced_object] = objects_reference_hash[ [obj[:indirect_reference_id], obj[:indirect_generation_number] ] ]
warn "couldn't connect a reference!!! could be a null object, Silent error!!!" unless obj[:referenced_object]
# # Version 3
# # benchmark 1000.times was 3.568246 sec for pdf = CombinePDF.new "/Users/2Be/Desktop/מוצגים/20121002\ הודעת\ הערעור.pdf" }
# # puts Benchmark.measure { 1000.times {pdf.serialize_objects_and_references} }
# each_object do |obj|
# if obj[:is_reference_only]
# obj[:referenced_object] = PDFOperations.get_refernced_object @objects, obj
# warn "couldn't connect a reference!!! could be a null object, Silent error!!!" unless obj[:referenced_object]
# end
# end
# @private
def renumber_object_ids(start = nil)
warn "Resetting Object Reference IDs"
@set_start_id ||= start
start = @set_start_id
history = {}
all_indirect_object.each do |obj|
obj[:indirect_reference_id] = start
start += 1
warn "Finished serializing IDs"
# @private
def references(indirect_reference_id = nil, indirect_generation_number = nil)
ref = {indirect_reference_id: indirect_reference_id, indirect_generation_number: indirect_generation_number}
out = []
each_object do |obj|
if obj[:is_reference_only]
if (indirect_reference_id == nil && indirect_generation_number == nil)
out << obj
elsif compare_reference_values(ref, obj)
out << obj
# @private
def all_indirect_object
[].tap {|out| @objects.each {|obj| out << obj if (obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj[:is_reference_only].nil?) } }
# @private
def sort_objects_by_id
@objects.sort! do |a,b|
if a.is_a?(Hash) && a[:indirect_reference_id] && a[:is_reference_only].nil? && b.is_a?(Hash) && b[:indirect_reference_id] && b[:is_reference_only].nil?
return a[:indirect_reference_id] <=> b[:indirect_reference_id]
# @private
def add_referenced(object)
# add references but not root
when object.is_a?(Array)
object.each {|it| add_referenced(it)}
when object.is_a?(Hash)
if object[:is_reference_only] && object[:referenced_object]
unless @objects.include? object[:referenced_object]
@objects << object[:referenced_object]
object[:referenced_object].each do |k, v|
add_referenced(v) unless k == :Parent
object.each do |k, v|
add_referenced(v) unless k == :Parent
# @private
def rebuild_catalog(*with_pages)
## Test-Run - How is that done?
warn "Re-Building Catalog"
# # build page list v.1 Slow but WORKS
# # Benchmark testing value: 26.708394
# old_catalogs = @objects.select {|obj| obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj[:Type] == :Catalog}
# old_catalogs ||= []
# page_list = []
# PDFOperations._each_object(old_catalogs,false) { |p| page_list << p if p.is_a?(Hash) && p[:Type] == :Page }
# build page list v.2
# Benchmark testing value: 0.215114
page_list = pages
# add pages to catalog, if requested
page_list.push(*with_pages) unless with_pages.empty?
# build new Pages object
pages_object = {Type: :Pages, Count: page_list.length, Kids: page_list.map {|p| {referenced_object: p, is_reference_only: true} } }
# build new Catalog object
catalog_object = {Type: :Catalog, Pages: {referenced_object: pages_object, is_reference_only: true} }
# point old Pages pointers to new Pages object
## first point known pages objects - enough?
pages.each {|p| p[:Parent] = { referenced_object: pages_object, is_reference_only: true} }
## or should we, go over structure? (fails)
# each_object {|obj| obj[:Parent][:referenced_object] = pages_object if obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj[:Parent].is_a?(Hash) && obj[:Parent][:referenced_object] && obj[:Parent][:referenced_object][:Type] == :Pages}
# remove old catalog and pages objects
@objects.reject! {|obj| obj.is_a?(Hash) && (obj[:Type] == :Catalog || obj[:Type] == :Pages) }
# inject new catalog and pages objects
@objects << pages_object
@objects << catalog_object
# @private
# this is an alternative to the rebuild_catalog catalog method
# this method is used by the to_pdf method, for streamlining the PDF output.
# there is no point is calling the method before preparing the output.
def rebuild_catalog_and_objects
catalog = rebuild_catalog
@objects = []
@objects << catalog
add_referenced catalog
# @private
# disabled, don't use. simpley returns true.
def rebuild_resources
warn "Resources re-building disabled as it isn't worth the price in peformance as of yet."
return true
warn "Re-Building Resources"
@need_to_rebuild_resources = false
# what are resources?
# anything at the top level of the file exept catalogs, page lists (Pages) and pages...
not_resources = [:Catalog, :Pages, :Page]
# get old resources list
old_resources = @objects.select {|obj| obj.is_a?(Hash) && !not_resources.include?(obj[:Type])}
# collect all unique resources while ignoring double values and resetting references
# also ignore inner values (canot use PRIVATE_HASH_KEYS because of stream and other issues)
ignore_keys = [:indirect_reference_id, :indirect_generation_number, :is_reference_only, :referenced_object]
new_resources = []
all_references = references
old_resources.each do |old_r|
add = true
new_resources.each do |new_r|
# ## v.1.0 - slower
# if (old_r.reject {|k,v| ignore_keys.include?(k) }) == (new_r.reject {|k,v| ignore_keys.include?(k)})
# all_references.each {|ref| ref[:referenced_object] = new_r if ref[:referenced_object].object_id == old_r.object_id } # fails, but doesn't assume all references are connected: compare_reference_values(old_r, ref) }
# add = false
# end
## v.1.1 - faster, doesn't build two hashes (but iterates one)
if ( [].tap {|out| old_r.each {|k,v| out << true unless ((!ignore_keys.include?(k)) && new_r[k] == v) } } .empty?)
all_references.each {|ref| ref[:referenced_object] = new_r if ref[:referenced_object].object_id == old_r.object_id } # fails, but doesn't assume all references are connected: compare_reference_values(old_r, ref) }
add = false
new_resources << old_r if add
# remove old resources
@objects.reject! {|obj| old_resources.include?(obj)}
# insert new resources
@objects.push *new_resources
# rebuild stream lengths?
# @private
# run block of code on evey object (Hash)
def each_object(&block)
PDFOperations._each_object(@objects, &block)
# @private
# the function rerturns true if the reference belongs to the object
def compare_reference_values(obj, ref)
if obj[:referenced_object] && ref[:referenced_object]
return (obj[:referenced_object][:indirect_reference_id] == ref[:referenced_object][:indirect_reference_id] && obj[:referenced_object][:indirect_generation_number] == ref[:referenced_object][:indirect_generation_number])
elsif ref[:referenced_object]
return (obj[:indirect_reference_id] == ref[:referenced_object][:indirect_reference_id] && obj[:indirect_generation_number] == ref[:referenced_object][:indirect_generation_number])
elsif obj[:referenced_object]
return (obj[:referenced_object][:indirect_reference_id] == ref[:indirect_reference_id] && obj[:referenced_object][:indirect_generation_number] == ref[:indirect_generation_number])
return (obj[:indirect_reference_id] == ref[:indirect_reference_id] && obj[:indirect_generation_number] == ref[:indirect_generation_number])