Complex type that describes a filtering condition on a
The category name representing a particular UDF that
matches an entry in the dictionary (e.g. "Genre" ) or
the string UDF followed by the number (e.g. "UDF3").
A set of values expected for a UDF.
The start date of the range to be examined
The end date of the ranged to be examined
The name of a dimension (e.g. "Cell",
The name of a dimension (e.g. "Cell",
Creates a new audience, either membership or suppression,
based on the specified type, and using the specified class
identifier (which defines which member fields to include).
See listAudienceClasses.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. Either "Membership" or "Suppression" to indicate the intended use of this list.
Optional. Identifies an audience class in the data
dictionary, which binds an audience list to a specific
set of member columns in the master database.
See audienceClassType.
Required. Specifies whether you intend to use this
list more than once, or only for a one-time mailing.
Required. The name of the audience.
Optional. Describes the nature and purpose of the audience list.
Optional. List/array of strings containing
user-defined field (UDF)
values with which to categorize the audience.
Each string can be up to 30 characters.
The order of the UDF values was defined by your
account team as part
of your initial setup process.
e-Dialog recommends that you use only the UDF
values that were defined
at setup time for categorization purposes.
Optional. A caller-supplied key to keep with the created audience.
Throws an exception if this value is provided (non-null, non-empty)
and the key already exists.
The ID of the newly created audience.
Updates the properties of an audience.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the audience to update.
Optional. The name of the audience.
Optional. Describes the nature and purpose of the audience list.
Optional list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF)
values with which to categorize the object. Each string can be up to
30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account
team as part of your initial setup process. e-Dialog recommends
that you use only the UDF values that were defined at setup time for
categorization purposes.
Empty response indicates success.
Lists all audience classes available in the master database.
An audience class binds an audience list to a specific set of member columns in the master database.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
A list/array of audienceClassType elements, each of which describes a class available in the master database.
(Deprecated. Use the service listAudiencesByFilter)
Lists the available audiences, using the specified filter settings. Does not list audiences that have a status of ARCHIVE, ARCHIVED, INACTIVE, or DELETED.
The filter* arguments are optional arguments used to filter the results. Dates in date ranges are inclusive.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Optional. The type of mailing to return. One of the following: "Membership", "Suppression" or "Proof". Leave null/blank to search all audience types.
Optional. An expression that conforms to the syntax of the ANSI SQL LIKE operator (sometimes referred to as the LIKE predicate). See the Developer's Guide for details.
Optional. Lets you search for audiences created in the specified date range. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Lets you search for audiences created in the specific date range. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. A list/array of mailing attribute names (in any order)
used to sort the results: "name", "id", or "createDate". If no
sortBy criteria is provided, the results are sorted by "createDate".
Note: it probably doesn’t make sense to sort for campaigns by more than one
field at a time; however multiple sort-by criteria are allowed for
consistency with mailing and cell functions.
Required. The maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). Must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results. Indicates which page number to return, where each page (list function call) returns the number of items specified by pageSize.
Lists the available audiences using the specified filter settings.
Does not list audiences that have a status of DELETED. The filter* arguments are optional arguments
used to filter the results. Dates in date ranges are inclusive.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Optional. The type of mailing to return. One of the following: "Membership", "Suppression" or "Proof". Leave null/blank to search all audience types.
Optional. An expression that conforms to the syntax of the ANSI SQL LIKE operator (sometimes referred to as the LIKE predicate). See the Developer's Guide for details.
Optional. Lets you search for audiences created in the specified date range. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Lets you search for audiences created in the specific date range. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Lets you search for audiences updated in the specified date range. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Lets you search for audiences updated in the specific date range. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. A list/array of mailing attribute names (in any order)
used to sort the results: "name", "id", or "createDate", "updateDate". If no
sortBy criteria is provided, the results are sorted by "createDate".
Note: it probably doesn’t make sense to sort for campaigns by more than one
field at a time; however multiple sort-by criteria are allowed for
consistency with mailing and cell functions.
Required. The maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). Must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results. Indicates which page number to return, where each page (list function call) returns the number of items specified by pageSize.
List/array of audiences that meet the criteria specified in the filters.
Complex type that describes an audience.
The ID of the audience.
The intended use of the audience. Either "Membership" or "Suppression",
The ID of an audience class in the data dictionary, which binds an audience list to a specific set of member columns in the master database.
Whether the audience was created as a single-use audience or a reusable audience.
The name of the audience.
Describes the nature and purpose of the audience.
A list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF) values used to categorize the object. Each string can be up to 30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account team as part of your initial setup process.
Date when the audience was created.
Date when the audience was most recently updated.
Whether the audience list is available in InsightBuilder. True if it is available.
A user-supplied alternate key to the audience.
Retrieves complete information about an audience based on the ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the audience to look up.
Information for the audience.
Retrieves complete information about an audience based on the a list of Audience IDs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
A list/array of audience IDst.
A list/array of audience information for the specified audience IDs.
Looks up full information about an audience based on the alternate key.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The value of the alternate key (user-defined identifier) of the audience to look up.
Complex type. An audience class binds an audience list to a specific set of member columns in the master database.
The ID that identifies an audience class in the data dictionary, which binds an audience list to a specific set of member columns in the master database.
The name of the class.
A list/array of strings, each containing a data dictionary row identifier. Each data dictionary row describes a member column in the master database.
Deletes an audience.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the audience to delete.
Empty response indicates success.
Complex type that describes a list of audiences and includes a list/array of audienceOverviewType structures.
Currently displayed page of audiences.
The number of audience lists that exist in the database as of the most recent
listAudiencesRequest. You can use this number to page through the list.
The number of pages found by the most recent listAudiencesRequest. (See listAudiencesRequest.pageSize.)
A list/array of audienceOverviewType complex types that includes information about each audience.
Complex type that describes an audience list.
The ID of the audience.
Intended use of the audience. Either "Membership" or "Suppression".
The ID of an audience class in the data dictionary, which binds an audience list to a specific set of member columns in the master database.
Whether the audience was created as a single-use audience or a reusable audience.
The name of the audience.
A list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF) values used to categorize the object. Each string can be up to 30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account team as part of your initial setup process.
The date when the audience was created.
The date when the audience list was most recently updated.
A user-supplied key to identify the created audience.
The number of members of the audience as of the most recent data upload, or in the case of an Insight Builder audience, the number of members at audience generation time.
Complex type that describes a list of audiences and includes a list/array of audienceOverviewType structures.
Currently displayed page of audiences.
The number of audience lists that exist in the database as of the most recent
listAudiencesRequest. You can use this number to page through the list.
The number of pages found by the most recent listAudiencesRequest. (See listAudiencesRequest.pageSize.)
A list/array of audienceOverviewType complex types that includes information about each audience.
Complex type that describes an audience list.
The ID of the audience.
Intended use of the audience. Either "Membership" or "Suppression".
Audience status can be Membership, Proof, Suppression
The ID of an audience class in the data dictionary, which binds an audience list to a specific set of member columns in the master database.
Whether the audience was created as a single-use audience or a reusable audience.
The name of the audience.
A list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF) values used to categorize the object. Each string can be up to 30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account team as part of your initial setup process.
The date when the audience was created.
The date when the audience list was most recently updated.
A user-supplied key to identify the created audience.
The number of members of the audience as of the most recent data upload, or in the case of an Insight Builder audience, the number of members at audience generation time.
Creates a copy of an audience list. This function does not copy membership data (users) into the new audience list.
Instead, it creates an audience list that is empty.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the audience to clone.
The ID of the newly created audience.
Returns the actual member count and updates the audience with the current total.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Required. The ID of the audience for which you want to compute the member count.
The number of members in the specified audience.
Retrieves an audience. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The ID of the audience to download.
Optional. The sets of columns to download. Null or empty array will download all columns (except those encrypted). To get all columns, leave this blank.
Optional. A list/array of name-value pairs to modify the downloaded audience file. You can use these options to compress the audience file,
specify field and record separator characters, include non-standard columns, encrypt the audience file, and so on.
The ID of the downloaded audience.
A set of name-value pairs with meta-data properties about the audience file.
The SOAP attachment. If you use Java (Axis2 or JAX-WS) this is returned as a javax.activation.DataHandler. By default the attachment is compressed using the GZIP algorithm.
Required. Complex type.
Value for the option or property.
Creates a new campaign.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The name of the campaign to create. The maximum length
is 500 characters, but relatively short names are recommended
because they appear in lists. The name cannot be empty or null.
Optional. Describes the nature and purpose of the campaign.
Can be left blank. Maximum length is 4000 characters.
Optional. List/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF)
values with which to categorize the object. Each string can be up
to 30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your
account team as part of your initial setup process. e-Dialog recommends
that you use only the UDF values that were defined at setup time for
categorization purposes.
The ID of the newly created campaign.
Looks up an existing campaign by identifier. Returns a
campaignDetailType structure containing identifier, name,
description, creation date, modification date, and user-defined field values.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the campaign to look up.
Deletes a campaign. Throws an exception on failure (the
campaign does not exist, was previously deleted, or has any
mailings or cells that are in a state in which they cannot be
deleted (actively mailing or proofing).
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the campaign to delete.
Empty response indicates success.
Complex structure including campaign identifier, name, description,
creation date, modification date, and user-defined field values.
The ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign.
Describes the nature and purpose of the campaign.
The date the campaign was created.
The date the campaign was last updated.
Up to five user-defined field (UDF) string values used to categorize the campaign. Each string can be up to 30 characters.
Updates specific properties of a campaign. Throws an exception if the campaign does not exist (or has been deleted).
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the campaign to modify.
Optional. The name to assign to the campaign. The maximum length of a campaign name is 500 characters. An empty name (null or blank) causes an exception to be thrown.
Optional. Describes the nature and purpose of the campaign. Can be left blank. Maximum length is 4000 characters.
Optional. List/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF)
values with which to categorize the object. Each string can be up to
30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account
team as part of your initial setup process. e-Dialog recommends
that you use only the UDF values that were defined at setup time for
categorization purposes.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns a list of campaigns, including the ID, name, creation date, and user-defined field values.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Optional. An expression that conforms to the syntax of the ANSI SQL LIKE operator (sometimes referred to as the LIKE predicate). See the Developer's Guide for details.
Optional. The start of a date range in which to search for campaigns.
Optional. The end of a date range in which to search for campaigns.
Optional. A list/array of campaign attribute names (in any order) used to sort the results: "name", "id", or "createDate". The default is "createDate".
Required. The maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). Must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results. Indicates which page number to return where each page (list function call) returns the number of items specified by pageSize. Must be a positive integer.
Complex type. A sequence of campaignOverviewType elements arranged in pages. Each use gets the next page.
The number of the page returned to the most recent listCampaignsRequest.
The number of campaigns that exist in the database as of the most recent listCampaignsRequest. You can use this number to page through the list.
The number of pages found by the most recent listCampaignsRequest. (See listCampaignsRequest.pageSize.)
Complex type that includes the identifier, name, creation date, and user-defined field values.
The ID of the campaign.
The name of the campaign.
Date the campaign was created.
Date the campaign was updated.
Five user-defined field (UDF) string values used to categorize the campaign. Each string can be up to 30 characters. Some fields may be empty.
Creates a new cell. Throws an exception if
an alternateKey was provided and a cell with that key
already exists or the domain name of the
fromAddress is not included in the set of
supported domain names and
does not pass a basic validation check.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the mailing in which you
want to place the cell.
The ID must be a valid mailing identifier.
Required. Specifies a name for the cell.
The cell name appears in reports but does
not appear in any part of a mailing sent
to an audience. Cell names cannot
contain underscore (_) or pound sign (#) characters.
Optional. Describes the nature and purpose of the cell.
The description does not appear in reports
or in any part of a mailing sent to an audience.
Required. The quoted name part of the
from address. In the following address:
"Customer Support" <>
the quoted name is the "Customer Support" part.
Required. Specifies an e-mail address to use as the "from" address
in the mailing. The domain of the address should be in the set of supported domains (see listDomains),
although external domains are allowed if the client is handling responses. There are also deliverability
implications if the domain name is not configured correctly.
Required. Specifies the subject line to
appear in the outgoing e-mail. Limit subject
lines to fewer than 60 characters because
some e-mail clients truncate the text
after 60 characters.
Optional. A list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF) values with
which to categorize the object. Each string can be up to 30 characters. The order of the UDF
values was defined by your account team as part of your initial setup process; e-Dialog recommends
that you use only the UDF values that were defined at setup time for categorization purposes.
Optional. A value to use as a
unique key for the cell.Throws an exception
if a cell already exists with this key.
See lookupCellByAlternateKey.
The ID of the newly created cell.
Returns a full set of cell properties.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required.The ID of the cell to look up.
Returns a full set of cell properties.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
The alternate key of the cell to look up (
user-supplied value used as a unique key for the cell).
Complex type that includes basic cell configuration information.
The ID of the campaign that contains the mailing
that contains the cell.
The ID of the mailing that contains the cell.
The ID of the cell.
The name of the cell. The cell name appears in reports but does not appear in any part of a mailing sent to an audience. Cell names cannot contain an underscore (_) or a pound sign (#).
Describes the nature and purpose of the cell. The cell description does not appear in reports or in any part of a mailing sent to an audience.
The quoted name part of the from address. In the following address: "Customer Support" <>, the quoted name is the "Customer Support" part.
An e-mail address to use as the "from" address in the mailing. The domain of the address should be in the set of supported domains (see listDomains), but external domains are allowed if the client is handling responses. Note that there are also deliverability implications if the domain name is not configured correctly.
The subject line that will appear in the outgoing e-mail.
A list/array of up to ten user-defined field values.
The ID of the content object that is merged into the cell.
The date when the cell was created.
The date when the cell was most recently updated.
Date when the cell started mailing. Cells can be metered over a period of days and, in the case of triggers, a cell can be used over a window of time.
The status of the cell with respect to live proofing and
mailing (read-only). Setup indicates that the cell is in the process
of being set up. Lproofed indicates that live proofs have been sent.
Lproof Mailing indicates that live proofs are in the process of being
sent. Mailed indicates that final e-mail has been sent. Mailing
indicates that final e-mail is in the process of being sent.
A list/array of IDs of the audience lists to associate with the cell.
A list/array of IDs of the suppression lists to associate with the cell.
The ID of the unsubscribe template to associate with the cell. Unsub templates are created by your account team as part of initial setup.
The ID of the unsubscribe audience list to associate with the cell.
A list/array of e-mail addresses to send proofs.
Domain name (or CNAMES) to use for URL redirection. Check with your account team if you are unsure which one to use.
The number of days to keep the URL redirection in effect. The default is 90 days. You can specify any amount up to 9999.
The alternate key of the cell (caller-supplied value used as a unique key into the cell table).
Updates a cell's main properties. Throws an exception if the domain
name of the fromAddress is not included in the set of supported
domain names and does not pass a basic validation check.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell to update.
Optional. The name of the cell.
Optional. Describes the nature and purpose of the cell.
Optional. The string to use as the quoted name part of the from address. In the following
address: "Customer Support" <>, the quoted name is the "Customer Support" part.
Optional (Empty String and Null are ignored). An e-mail address to use as the "from" address in the mailing.
The domain of the address should be in the set of supported domains (see listDomains), but
external domains are allowed if the client is handling responses. Note that there are also
deliverability implications if the domain name is not configured correctly.
Optional. The subject line that appears in the outgoing e-mail.
Optional. A list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF)
values with which to categorize the object. Each string can be up to
30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account
team as part of your initial setup process. e-Dialog recommends
that you use only the UDF values that were defined at setup time for
categorization purposes.
Empty response indicates success.
Deletes the specified cell. You cannot delete a cell whose status is "Mailed."
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell to delete.
Empty response indicates success.
Sets the audience lists attached to a cell.
The set of data fields available to custom publishing functions changes as audience lists change.
If an audience change invalidates any existing field mappings, this function does not touch those mappings.
However, adjusting audiences after setting field mappings may cause a cell to fail when mailed.
Calling this function will always set the recipient and suppression audiences.
Call the service lookupCellById or lookupCellByAlternateKey to get the current set of recipient and suppression audiences associated
with the cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell to update.
Optional. A list/array of integers that identify the audiences
that should receive this message. The order
of appearance in the list can affect how
custom publishing works if there is overlap
between audience members and advanced custom
publishing rules are in place. The first
audience that a member belongs to takes
precedence and duplicate membership on
subsequent audience lists is suppressed.
If you pass an empty list (or null in some language bindings), then the
cell audience list is cleared.
Optional. A list/array of IDs that identify the audience
lists containing members who should not receive the e-mail.
If you pass an empty list (or null in some language bindings), then the
cell suppresions list is cleared.
Empty response indicates success.
Binds a cell ID to an unsub template ID and an unsub audience ID (optional).
The first unsub template available is used by default, and is
configured for global unsubscribe. e-Dialog recommends that you
modify these settings carefully. Verify that your unsubscribe
policies are in compliance with e-Dialog regulations.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell for which
you want to specify the unsub rules.
Required. Identifies a
pre-configured template to use
(display) when users click the unsubscribe
link in this cell. See listUnsubTemplates.
Reserved for future use.
Empty response indicates success.
Specifies the e-mail addresses to receive proofs of the specified cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell for
which you want to send proofs.
Required. A list/array of e-mail addresses to receive proofs of the cell.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns the content ID assigned to the cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell for which
you want to look up the content ID.
See also lookupCellById and lookupCellByAlternateKey.
The content ID associated with the specified cell.
(Deprecated. Use the service listCellsByFilter)
Returns a list of cells filtered by the specified settings.
Returns only a limited set of cell properties. Filter settings are optional.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Optional. A list/array of integers that specify the set of mailing
IDs to search through. Leaving this
empty/blank searches through all
Optional. An expression that conforms to the syntax of the ANSI SQL LIKE operator (sometimes referred to as the LIKE predicate). See the Developer's Guide for details.
Optional. When used with filterCreateDateEnd, allows
you to search for cells created in a specified
date range. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. When used with filterCreateDateStart, allows
you to search for cells created in a specified
date range. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter cells by when
the first piece of final/production mail was
sent. This allows you to search for mailings
sent in a specified date range. Leave these
arguments null if you do not want to include
them as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter cells by when
the last piece of final/production mail was
sent. This allows you to search for mailings
sent in a specified date range. Leave these
arguments null if you do not want to include
them as part of the search criteria.
Optional. A list/array of strings
that specify a set of status values
to include in the search. Values include:
"Setup", "Merging", "Merged", "Proofing", "Proofed", "Mailing",
"Mailed", "Cancelled", "Failed", "Paused".
Optional. A list/array of cell attribute
names (in any order) used to sort the results:
"name", "id", "createDate",
or "firstMailedDate".
If no sortBy criteria is provided, the default is to sort
by "createDate".
Required. Specifies the maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). The value must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results.
Indicates which page number to return where
each page (list function call) returns the
number of items specified by pageSize. Must
be a positive integer.
Complex type. A list/array of cellOverviewType elements arranged in pages. Each use gets the next page.
The number of the page returned to the most recent listCellsRequest.
The number of cells that exist in the database as of the most recent listCellsRequest.
The number of pages found by the most recent listCellsRequest. (See listCellsRequest.pageSize.)
Returns a list of cells filtered by the specified settings.
Returns only a limited set of cell properties. Filter settings are optional.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Optional. A list/array of integers that specify the set of mailing
IDs to search through. Leaving this
empty/blank searches through all
Optional. An expression that conforms to the syntax of the ANSI SQL LIKE operator (sometimes referred to as the LIKE predicate). See the Developer's Guide for details.
Optional. When used with filterCreateDateEnd, allows
you to search for cells created in a specified
date range. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. When used with filterCreateDateStart, allows
you to search for cells created in a specified
date range. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter cells by when
the first piece of final/production mail was
sent. This allows you to search for mailings
sent in a specified date range. Leave these
arguments null if you do not want to include
them as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter cells by when
the last piece of final/production mail was
sent. This allows you to search for mailings
sent in a specified date range. Leave these
arguments null if you do not want to include
them as part of the search criteria.
Optional. A list/array of strings
that specify a set of status values
to include in the search. Values include:
"Setup", "Merging", "Merged", "Proofing", "Proofed", "Mailing",
"Mailed", "Cancelled", "Failed", "Paused".
Optional. When used with filterUpdateDateEnd allows
you to search for cells created in a specified
date range according to the last update timestamp. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. When used with filterUpdateDateStart allows
you to search for cells created in a specified
date range according to the last update timestamp. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. List of filtering conditions on UDFs
Optional. A list/array of cell attribute
names (in any order) used to sort the results:
"name", "id", "createDate",
or "firstMailedDate".
If no sortBy criteria is provided, the default is to sort
by "createDate".
Required. Specifies the maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). The value must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results.
Indicates which page number to return where
each page (list function call) returns the
number of items specified by pageSize. Must
be a positive integer.
The number of the page returned.
The number of cells that exist in the database.
The number of pages found.
Complex type that describes cell properties.
The ID of the campaign that contains the cell.
The ID of the mailing that contains the cell.
The ID of the cell.
The name of the cell. The cell name appears in reports but does not appear in any part of a mailing sent to an audience. Cell names cannot contain an underscore (_) or a pound sign (#).
Optional. A list/array of up to five user-defined field
(UDF) string values with which to categorize the
cell. Each string can be up to 30
characters. e-Dialog recommends that you use
only the UDF string values that were defined by
your account team as part of your initial setup
Date when the cell was created.
Date when the cell was last updated.
Date when the cell started mailing. Cells can be metered over a period of days and, in the case of triggers, a cell can be used over a window of time.
The status of the cell with respect to live proofing and
mailing (read-only). Setup indicates that the cell is in the process
of being set up. Lproofed indicates that live proofs have been sent.
Lproof Mailing indicates that live proofs are in the process of being
sent. Mailed indicates that final e-mail has been sent. Mailing
indicates that final e-mail is in the process of being sent.
The alternate key of the cell (caller-supplied value used as a unique key into the cell table).
Creates a clone of the specified cell and places the new cell in the specified mailing. Returns the new cell's ID.
Throws an exception if the cell being cloned is in Proofing or Mailing status, does not exist, or has been deleted.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell to clone.
ID of the mailing in which to place the clone of the cell.
The ID of the newly created cell.
Returns a list of the unsubscribe templates available to the cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Complex type that describes properties of an unsub template.
The ID of the unsub template.
The name of the unsub template.
Returns a list of domains that you can use in mailings. There are two different types/sets of domains:
domains that can be used in from addresses, and domains that can be used for redirected links.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
The type of domain to list. Either "Redirect" or "From".
A list/array of available domain names.
Returns a list of available metering schemes.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
A list/array of available metering schemes.
Returns a list of available feeder queues.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
A list/array of feeder queues.
Returns a list of available Forward-to-a-Friend template names.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
A list/array of Forward-to-a-Friend templates.
Returns a list of available web analytics vendors and their tokens. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Complex type that describes web analytics token properties.
Unique identifier that enables looking up the query string.
Name of the web analytics vendor.
String that is appended to every link in the cell. Used to track recipient activity in eReports.
Lets you modify advanced cell configuration options, including the domains for handling unsubscribes and redirects,
redirect expiration time, selection of Forward-to-a-Friend template, and error and event mailing. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Required. The ID of the cell to update.
Optional. The content format to send when a recipient prefers to receive messages as text.
The value must be either "TEXT" or "MULTIPART".
Optional. The content format to send when the recipient prefers to receive messages in HTML format.
The value must be "TEXT", "HTML" or "MULTIPART".
Optional. The content format to send when a recipient has no preference on format to
receive messages. The value must be either "TEXT" or "MULTIPART".
Optional. The domain name for unsubscribe links. It must match a name of the
available domains provided by the listDomains() function.
Optional. The domain name for the redirected links in the cell. It must match a name of the available
domains provided by listDomains function.
Optional. The number of days after which redirect URLs in the cell expire.
Optional. The name of the Forward-to-a-Friend (F2F) template for the cell.
Optional. A list/array of e-mail addresses that receive all notifications.
Optional. A list/array of e-mail addresses that receive only process notifications.
These events are a subset of the error notifications.
Empty response indicates success.
Sets the cookie lifetime for tracking customer activity on the client's website. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Required. The ID of the cell to update.
Cookie lifetime. One of "NONE", "SESSION", "PERSISTENT", "BOTH", "DOMAIN".
Empty response indicates success.
Sets the metering scheme to use when the cell is mailed. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Required. The ID of the cell to update.
The name of the preconfigured metering scheme. You can get the list of preconfigured metering schemes with the listAvailableMeters() function.
Empty response indicates success.
Assigns the specified e-mail headers to a cell. The headers are
included in each message sent through the cell. Headers can
contain merge symbols.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Required. The ID of the cell to update.
Additional e-mail headers. Must conform to the scheme name1=value1&name2=value2
Empty response indicates success.
(Deprecated. GoodMail no longer exists.)
Returns e-mail headers for use in GoodMail. GoodMail provides a way to guarantee the delivery of a message to an inbox.
You can use the results of this function as the parameter to updateCellHeaders(). Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Whether to return headers for transactional or promotional e-mail. If true, returns transactional headers.
The header to use in GoodMail.
Assigns the feeder configuration to a cell. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Required. The ID of the cell to update.
The name of the preconfigured feeder configuration.
Empty response indicates success.
Assigns the specified web analytics token to a cell. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Required. The ID of the cell to update.
Unique identifier used to find the original query string to enable updating it to the new query string.
HTTP query string to append to URLs. Must conform to the scheme name1=value1&name2=value2.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns the advanced cell configuration settings for the cell. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Required. The ID of the cell to look up.
Updates the date when a cell is scheduled to be sent. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Required. The ID of the cell to update.
The new drop date for the cell.
Empty response indicates success.
Complex type that includes advanced cell configuration information.
Content format to send when a recipient prefers to receive messages as text. The value must be either "TEXT" or "MULTIPART".
Content format to send when a recipient prefers to receive messages in HTML format. The value must be one of "TEXT", "HTML" or "MULTIPART".
Content format to send when a recipient has no preference on format to receive messages. The value must be either "TEXT" or "MULTIPART".
Domain name for unsubscribe links. It must match a name of the available domains provided by the listDomains() function.
Domain name for the redirected links. It must match a name of the available domains provided by the listDomains() function.
Number of days for expiring URLs.
A Forward-to-a-Friend (F2F) template name.
A list/array of e-mail addresses that receive all notifications
A list/array of e-mail addresses that receive only process notifications. These events are a subset of the error notifications.
The name of the set of pre-configured IP addresses to use when the cell is mailed.
Additional e-mail headers.
The name of the metering scheme to restrict the rate at which the e-mail is sent.
Cookie lifetime. One of "NONE", "SESSION", "PERSISTENT", "BOTH", "DOMAIN".
Creates a content object and stores it in the Content Library. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The name of the content object.
Optional. The text version of the content, used in text-based e-mail messages. e-Dialog Web Services finds links in the string you provide and adds anchor tags (a href=) to them.
Optional. The HTML version of the content, used in HTML-based email messages.
Optional. A list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF) values with which to categorize the object. Each string can be up to 30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account team as part of your initial setup process. e-Dialog recommends that you use only the UDF values that were defined at setup time for categorization purposes.
Optional. A value to uniquely identify the content.
The ID of the newly created content object.
Updates the specified content object.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the content object to update.
The name of the content object. If you set the name to an empty string, the content object does not appear in any list of content in the Content Library.
Optional. The text version of the content, used in text-based e-mail messages. e-Dialog Web Services finds links in the string you provide and adds anchor tags (a href=) to them.
Optional. The HTML version of the content, used in HTML-based e-mail messages.
Optional. A list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF)
values with which to categorize the object. Each string can be up to
30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account
team as part of your initial setup process. e-Dialog recommends
that you use only the UDF values that were defined at setup time for
categorization purposes.
Empty response indicates success.
Marks content object as hidden, which results if it is not
appearing in listContent results. However, you can look up
hidden content with the lookupContentByAlternateKey() and
lookupContentById() functions. You cannot hide content that is
a cell’s main content item.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the content object to hide.
Empty response indicates success.
Mark content as unhidden so that it appears in listContent results.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the content object to unhide.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns a list of symbols found in a content object.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the content object.
A list/array of symbols used in content object.
Returns a list of symbols in the specified text. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The text in which to search for symbols.
A list/array of symbols found in the specified text.
Marks content object as deleted. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. Database identifier of content object to mark as deleted.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns the content object that has the specified ID. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of content object to retrieve.
The content object that has the specified ID.
Returns the content object that has the specified alternative key. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The database key of the content object to retrieve.
The content object that has the specified alternate key.
Returns a list of content objects. Only a limited set of properties is returned. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Optional. An expression that conforms to the syntax of the ANSI SQL LIKE operator (sometimes referred to as the LIKE predicate). See the Developer's Guide for details.
Optional. Used to filter against the
creation date of the content. This allows you to search for
content created in a specified date range. Leave these arguments
null if you do not want to include these as part of the search
Optional. Used to filter against the
creation date of the content. This allows you to search for
content created in a specified date range. Leave these arguments
null if you do not want to include these as part of the search
Optional. A list/array of content
attribute names (in any order) used to sort the results: "name",
"createDate", "udf_". If no sortBy criteria
is provided, the results are sorted by "createDate".
Required. The maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). Must be a positive integer.
Required, used for pagination of results. Indicates which page number to return where each page (list function call) returns the number of items specified by pageSize. Must be a positive integer.
One "page" of content objects that meet the specified criteria.
Returns a list of content objects. Returns only a limited set of properties. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Optional. An expression that conforms to the syntax of the ANSI SQL LIKE operator (sometimes referred to as the LIKE predicate). See the Developer's Guide for details.
Optional. Used to filter against the
creation date of the content. This allows you to search for
content created in a specified date range. Leave these arguments
null if you do not want to include them as part of the search
Optional. Used to filter against the
creation date of the content. This allows you to search for
content created in a specified date range. Leave these arguments
null if you do not want to include these as part of the search
Optional. Used to filter against the
update date of the content. This allows you to search for
content updated with in a specified date range. Leave these arguments
null if you do not want to include these as part of the search
Optional. Used to filter against the
update date of the content. This allows you to search for
content updated with in a specified date range. Leave these arguments
null if you do not want to include these as part of the search
Optional. A list/array of content
attribute names (in any order) used to sort the results: "name",
"createDate", "udf_". If no sortBy criteria
is provided, the results are sorted by "createDate".
Required. The maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). Must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results. Indicates which page number to return where each page (list function call) returns the number of items specified by pageSize. Must be a positive integer.
One "page" of content objects that meets the specified criteria.
Finds links in the string you provide and adds anchor tags (a href=) to them.
It does change content stored in the database.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
The text string in which to insert anchor tags around links.
The string in which links have been found and anchor tags added.
A list (one page) of contentItemType structures.
Whether the content object is marked as hidden.
The content object identifier.
The name of the content object.
The alternate key used to identify the content object.
The content of the object for text-only e-mail messages. e-Dialog Web Services finds links in the content and adds anchor tags (a href=) to them.
Content data for HTML mail messages.
Optional list of up to five user-defined field (UDF) string values with which to categorize the content. Each string can be up to 30 characters. e-Dialog recommends that you use only the UDF string values that were defined by your account team as part of your initial setup process.
The date when the content object was created.
The date when the content object was most recently updated.
A list (one page) of contentItemType structures.
Whether the content object is marked as hidden.
The content object identifier.
The name of the content object.
If available the file system name locator of the content. Only valid for library content. For cell content this value is always null.
The alternate key used to identify the content object.
The content size of the object for text-only e-mail messages. e-Dialog Web Services finds links in the content and adds anchor tags (a href=) to them.
Content size of the data for HTML mail messages.
Content size of the landing page.
Optional list of up to five user-defined field (UDF) string values with which to categorize the content. Each string can be up to 30 characters. e-Dialog recommends that you use only the UDF string values that were defined by your account team as part of your initial setup process.
The date when the content object was created.
The date when the content object was most recently updated.
Complex type. Contains list of content objects organized in pages.
The number of the page returned to the most recent list request.
The number of content objects that exist in the database as of the most recent listContentRequest.
Tthe number of pages found by the most recent listContentRequest.
Complex type. One page of content objects that meet specified criteria.
The number of the page returned to the most recent list request.
The number of content objects that exist in the database as of the most recent listContentRequest.
The number of pages found by the most recent listContentRequest.
Allows a user to retrieve the individual MIME representations for
a piece of content related by a content ID. Currently, e-Dialog
Web Services support "Text" content, "HTML"
content, and "landing" page content parts.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
The ID of the content object for which a content part is returned. This function will only return one of the related parts of content identified by this ID.
One of the following: "text", "html" or "landing". Identifies which part of the content object to retrieve. This argument is not case-sensitive.
The data for the content part.
Allows a user to update the individual MIME representations for
a piece of content related by a content ID. Currently,
e-Dialog Web Services supports "Text" content,
"HTML" content, and "Landing" page content parts.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The ID of the content object for which a
content part is returned. This
function returns only one of the related
parts of content identified by this ID.
Required. One of the following: "Text", "HTML" or "Landing". Identifies which part of the content
object is being retrieved. This argument is
not case-sensitive.
Required. The new value for the specified content part.
Lists all the symbols used in the cell. For example,
if the symbol "_FIRSTNAME__" appears in the cell
content, the list includes "FIRSTNAME".
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell for which to list symbols.
Does not include intrinsic symbols in the list.
A list/array of symbols used in the content of a cell.
Automatically maps all data column symbols in the cell to the corresponding columns in the master database.
Data column symbols that do not have a corresponding column are blank in the resulting email.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell in which to map data column symbols.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns a JSON structure of all current symbol mappings. See the
Developer's Guide for a description of the JSON data structure and
valid symbol definitions.
In a newly created cell (before calling resetSymbolMap) the structure
shows each symbol mapped to an empty literal value.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell for which to return symbol mappings.
A JSON structure of all current symbol mappings. See the Developer's Guide for a description.
Sets the entire symbol map using a JSON data structure. See the
Developer's Guide for a description.
Throws an exception if any of the symbol names in the symbolMap
are illegal or if any of the symbol definitions are invalid.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell for which to set the symbol map.
The symbol map to set. This is a string that contains the JSON structure to use to set the symbol map.
Empty response indicates success.
Maps a specific symbol to a data column. The data column must
exist in the set returned by listDataColumnsForCell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell in which to map a symbol to a data column.
Required. The name of the symbol to map to a data column.
Required. The name of the data column whose values replace the symbol.
Optional. A value to use if there is no data available in the specified symbol for any given user record.
Empty response indicates success.
Maps the specified symbol to a literal value. The value appears
in the resulting mail unless the literal value itself contains symbols.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell in which to map the symbol to text.
Required. The name of the symbol to map to text.
Required. The text value to use in place of the specified symbol.
Empty response indicates success.
Maps the specified symbol to a content object reference.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell in which to map symbols.
Required. The name of the symbol to map.
Required. The ID of the content object to use in place of the specified symbol.
Empty response indicates success.
Maps the specified symbol to a custom function that was configured
by your account team. See listMappingFunctionsForCell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell in which to map the symbol to a custom function.
Required. The name of the symbol to map to a custom function.
Required. A custom function name. The output of this function is used in place of the specified symbol.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns a list of all master database columns to which a symbol
within the specified cell can be mapped (see mapSymbolToDataColumn).
Assign audience lists to the cell before you call this function.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell for which to list symbols.
A list/array of master database columns to which a symbol within the specified cell can be mapped.
Returns a list of custom functions to which a symbol within the
cell can be mapped. See mapSymbolToCustomFunction.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell for which to list custom functions.
A list/array of custom functions to which a symbol within the cell can be mapped. See mapSymbolToCustomFunction.
Map a specific grid column to a symbol that is used in cell content.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Cell whose symbols tomap to a grid.
Unique grid indentifier.
Grid columns to be mapped.
Optional. User defined symbol name for the Grid Column to be mapped.
The name of the symbol that maps to the key column in the grid.
The response is empty
Maps a key value from the grid to a symbol in the cell content.
The keySymbolName is not a symbol ( _SYMBOL__).
It is a key value from the grid.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Cell whose symbols to map to a grid.
Unique grid indentifier.
Grid columns to be mapped
Optional. User defined symbol name for the Grid Column to be mapped.
The name of the symbol that maps to the key column in the grid.
The response is empty
Maps all the columns in a grid to symbols in the content.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Cell whose symbols to map to a grid.
Unique grid indentifier.
The name of the symbol that maps to the key column in the grid.
Empty response indicates success.
Maps a key value from the grid to symbols in the cell content.
The keySymbolName is not a symbol ( _SYMBOL__).
It is a key value from the grid.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Cell whose symbols to map to a grid.
Unique grid indentifier.
The name of the symbol that maps to the key column in the grid.
Empty response indicates success.
Removes all symbol mappings.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Uniquely identifies the cell whose symbols have to cleared/deleted
If True: Delete all the symbols for the cell
If False: Delete only symbols which are supported by the SDK
Empty response indicates successfull deletion of symbols.
Look up recipient profile data. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
The object contains a list of name/value pairs which correspond to an index that uniquely identifies a recipient.
Complex type. Recipient profile properties.
The unique identifier of the recipient.
Whether the recipient has unsubscribed.
The date when the recipient unsubscribed.
Whether the recipient has been undeleted.
The date when the recipient was undeleted.
Whether the recipient receives messages on a mobile device.
When the recipient enabled receiving messages on a mobile device.
A recipient's preferred MIME type: T (Text), H
(HTML), M (MultiPart).
The date when the recipient was created.
The date when the recipient was most
recently updated.
Look up member properties data. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The audience ID of the
membership to lookup.
One or more name-value pairs that represent the recipient key.
Complex type. Recipient audience properties.
The unique identifier of the recipient.
The date when the recipient was created.
A list/array of name-value
pairs of member information.
A data value representing all or a portion of the recipient
The name corresponds to a column in the e-Dialog database.
Returns a list of events filtered by a specified date range. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The recipient profile key consists of a one or more name-value pairs that represent the recipient key.
Optional. When used with filterCreateDateEnd, allows
you to search for events created in a specified
date range.
Optional. When used with filterCreateDateStart, allows
you to search for events created in a specified
date range.
Complex type. A list/array of eventType elements arranged in pages. Each use gets the next page.
Complex type that describes event properties.
The ID of the campaign for the event.
The name of the campaign.
The ID of the mailing for the event.
The name of the mailing.
The ID of the cell for the event.
The name of the cell. The cell name appears in reports for the event.
The ID of the audience for the event.
The name of the audience.
Date when the event was occurred.
Complex type that describes event properties.
The name of the single entry under event info.
The associated value for the event info.
Complex type. A list/array of eventType elements arranged in pages. Each use gets the next page.
Date when the event occurred.
Complex type. A list/array of eventType elements arranged in pages. Each use gets the next page.
Inbound event types include CLICK, OPEN, UNSUB, UNDEL, CONV, SPAM, UNSUBVIAEMAIL, UNDELVIAEMAIL, WEBEVENT. Outbound event types include MAILED.
Complex type. A list/array of event elements.
Contains the mailgroup identifier.
Complex type. A list/array of event elements.
Look up member properties data when a recipient clicks on a link in an e-mail. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The cell ID.
Required. Contains a list of name-value pairs that represent the recipient key.
Creates a data upload configuration for a new audience list based on a defined Class ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
The ID of the audience class in the data dictionary, which binds an audience list to a specific set of member columns in the master database. See audienceClassType.
Tthe filename prefix for data files associated with the upload configuration.
Data filenames consist of a prefix followed by a unique identifer. For example, if you specify a prefix of "DEMO",
an actual filename prefix would be something like: "DEMO_DDSDK_S1234567_20081230".
Optional. A list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF) values with which to categorize the new audience list.
Each string can be up to 30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account team as part of your initial setup process.
e-Dialog recommends that you use only the UDF values that were defined at setup time for categorization purposes.
The e-mail address to which to send notifications.
Creates a data upload configuration for a new suppression list based on a default Class ID 98.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
The filename prefix for data files associated with the upload configuration.
Data filenames consist of a prefix followed by a unique identifer. For example, if you specify a prefix of "DEMO",
an actual filename prefix would be something like: "DEMO_DDSDK_S1234567_20081230".
Optional. A list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF) values with which to categorize the new suppression list.
Each string can be up to 30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account team as part of your initial setup process.
e-Dialog recommends that you use only the UDF values that were defined at setup time for categorization purposes.
The e-mail address to which to send notifications.
Creates a data upload configuration for an existing audience list ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of an existing audience list.
Required. Whether to replace the existing audience list (false) or append to it (true).
A list/array of the e-mail address to which to send notifications.
Creates a data upload configuration for an existing suppression list.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of an existing suppression list.
Required. Whether to replace the existing suppression list (false) or to append to it (true).
A list/array of the e-mail address to which to send notifications.
Creates a data upload configuration to perform a global unsubscribe.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
The e-mail address to which to send notifications.
Complex type that describes a data upload configuration.
The ID of a data upload configuration.
The prefix of the filename(s) for files that you upload to the FTP/SFTP server.
Dynamic DataSYNC uses the file naming convention prefix*.suffix where * is a unique identifier string.
For example, if the upload configuration prefix is "DEMO", the filename prefix is something
like "DEMO_DDSDK_S1234567_20081230".
The suffix of the filename(s) for files that you upload to the FTP/SFTP server. The suffix
represents the encoding type of the file, typically "UTF-8".
Gets the data upload status of the specified file.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
The name of the file being uploaded.
Creates a class (group of data columns) by providing a list of data dictionary rows.
Calling this function with an empty column identifier list returns Class ID 95. To get a complete list
of data columns from the data dictionary, use listAllDataColumns.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
A list/array of column IDs.
The ID of an audience class in the data dictionary,
which binds an audience list to a specific set of member columns in the master database.
The default class identifier is 95 if you call createAudienceClass with an empty identifier list. See audienceClassType.
Gets a list of defined data column information from the data dictionary.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Gets a list of defined master data column information from the data dictionary for a specific list.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of an existing audience list.
Complex type that represents a row in the data dictionary. Each row describes a column in the database.
The unique ID for a row in the data dictionary. Each row contains information about a column in the master database.
The name of the table that contains the data column described in the data dictionary.
The name of the data column described in the data dictionary.
The data type of the data column described in the data dictionary.
The maximum number of characters stored in the data column described in the data dictionary.
The format (if applicable) of the data column stored in the data dictionary.
Complex type that includes the upload status.
The status of the upload. Can be one of the following: FAILED, PENDING, WIP, DONE, UNKNOWN.
Gets a list of defined master database unique key columns information.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns mailing volume information over a specified date range.
The report can be broken down by domain, cell (identifier), or time (day or hour) or
some combination of these dimensions. Valid dimensions include CELLID, DOMAIN, TIME.
For CELLID, you can use a cell identifier to limit the result to the specified cell.
For DOMAIN, you can use a domain name (e.g., to limit the results to mail
sent to the specified domain. Use '***OTHER***' for domains not tracked.
For TIME, use HOUR or H to obtain volume broken down per hour; use DAY or D to obtain
volume broken down per day. The response will be broken down per day if you do not
specify a value for this dimension.
Valid start and end date are required. Null is reserved for the future.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
Returns mailing information for a specific EventType (Undeliverable, Unsubscribe, Spam) in a given date range.
The results are grouped based on the 'Dimension' filters passed in. Only 2 dimensions are allowed at a time.
Some of the dimensions can take 'null' which means group by all possible values..
The report can be broken down into different dimensions:
1. CELLID - Single cellI ID (123) or all cell IDs (null)
2. DOMAIN - Domain to which the mailing was sent/received. '***OTHER***' if the domain is not tracked.\
3. TIME - Group the results hourly (h) or daily (d). This cannot be 'null'
4. CATEGORY - Only valid for "Undeliverable"
5. SOURCE - Only valid for "Undeliverable" and "Unsubscribe" events
"Undeliverables" can be by email (Undel_via_email) or by some other source (Undel).
"Unsubscribes" can be by email (unsub_via_email) or some other source (unsub)
6. UNDELTYPE - Only valid for "Undeliverables"
Valid values are 't' (temporary) and 'p' (permanent)
Valid start and end date are required. Null is reserved for the future.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
You can use the getDeliverabilityReport function to analyze the performance of email campaigns. Mailing results for UNDELIVERABLE, SPAM, and UNSUBSCRIBE events can be specified over a period of time.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
Forces a refresh of eReports data for a mailing.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
The unique identifier of the mailing to
A list/array of email
addresses to whom to send
notifications about the refresh.
Empty response indicates success.
Get the status of the eReports refresh.
in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
The unique identifier of the mailing for which
to retrieve refresh
Unique identifier of the mailing.
Name of the mailing.
Status of the most recently requested or
executed eReports refresh for the mailing. Status can be:
Date when eReports was scheduled to be
Date when the refresh started.
Date when the refresh completed.
Returns a list of available eReports report types.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
A list/array of eReports report types.
Retrieves eReports data for a particular mailing
and a particular report
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
The unique identifier of the mailing for which
to retrieve data.
The type of the requested report. For a list of
eReport report types, use listEReportTypes.
(Deprecated. Use the service retrieveMailingViewEReportsUdfs)
Retrieves eReports data for the specified mailing.
Note that for this function, the filtering conditions on mailing IDs
mailing names are ORed together and ANDed with UDFs and
mailed date period specified.
For reports including rollups per cell,
for example, Mailing_Cell or
this method
returns all the cells of the mailing matching the search
Even if only a single cell was mailed in the specified period for a
all the cells of that mailing will be returned.
Introduced in
e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
The unique identifier of the mailing.
Search string used to find mailings with a name
that contains this
Optional. When used with filterMailedDateEnd,
you to search for cells that have been mailed in a
date range. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want
to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. When used with filterMailedDateStart,
you to search for cells that have been mailed in a
date range. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want
to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. List of filtering conditions on UDFs
The name of the requested report.
In addition to returning all the information in retrieveMailingViewEReports, also returns information about
10 UDFS for the mailing(s). Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.2
The unique identifier of the mailing.
Search string used to find mailings with a name
that contains this
Optional. When used with filterMailedDateEnd,
you to search for cells that have been mailed in a
date range. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want
to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. When used with filterMailedDateStart,
you to search for cells that have been mailed in a
date range. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want
to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. List of filtering conditions on UDFs.
The name of the requested report.
A list/array of mailings with eReport data.
A list of mailings.
A responseCode of 200 equals success where 500
means that the
needed to be truncated to summary view.
A list/array of mailings with eReport data.
A list of mailings.
A responseCode of 200 equals success where 500
means that the
needed to be truncated to summary view.
Retrieves eReports data for mailing that match the
mailing filtering criteria and the cell filtering criteria
conditions on mailing IDs and mailing names are ORed.
conditions on cell IDs and cell names are ORed.
The filters above are
then ANDed with UDFs and cell mailed date.
This method only returns
those cells of a mailing matching the search
Introduced in
e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
The unique identifier of the mailing.
Search string used to find mailings with a name
that contains this
The unique identifier of the cells.
Search string used to find cells with a name
that contains this string.
Optional. When used with filterMailedDateEnd,
you to search for cells that have been mailed in a
date range. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want
to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. When used with filterMailedDateStart,
you to search for cells that have been mailed in a
date range. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want
to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. List of filtering conditions on UDFs.
The name of the requested report.
A list/array of mailings with eReport data.
A responseCode of 200 equals success where 500
means that the
needed to be truncated to summary view.
Complex type that contains eReports information
about a mailing.
The unique identifier of the mailing to report
The name of the mailing to report on.
A list of related cells (if the request report
contains cell level rollups).
Date when the mailing was sent.
Date when the eReports data was most recently
The mime type of the mailing, including A (AOL),
H (HTML) T (text), or M(Multipart).
The mime type of a cell. : 0=text, 1=landing
page, 2=HTML, 4=multi-part, 9=unknown, null-unknown.
Number of cells in the mailing.
Number of audiences that the mailing was sent
Number of links in the cells in the mailing.
A list/array that contains definitions of custom
eReport columns.
A list/array of eReport rollups.
Complex type that contains eReports information
about a mailing.
The unique identifier of the mailing to report
The name of the mailing to report on.
A list of related cells (if the request report
contains cell level rollups).
Date when the mailing was sent.
Date when the eReports data was most recently
The mime type of the mailing, including A (AOL),
H (HTML) T (text), or M(Multipart).
The mime type of a cell. : 0=text, 1=landing
page, 2=HTML, 4=multi-part, 9=unknown, null-unknown.
Number of cells in the mailing.
Number of audiences that the mailing was sent
Number of links in the cells in the mailing.
A list/array that contains definitions of custom
eReport columns.
A list/array of eReport rollups.
Complex type that includes the name of the
eReports report type.
eReports report name as it is stored in the
database. The name includes an underscore, for example
eReports report name. The name includes spaces,
for example mailing cell.
Complex type that includes information about a
custom column.
The name of the column as it appears in
The name of the column as it appears in the
Whether to show rollup figures in the custom
Whether to display zero when there is no value
in the custom column.
Complex type that includes values for a row in a
custom column.
The value of a row in a custom column, displayed
as a number.
The value of a row in a custom column, displayed
as a percentage.
Complex type that contains eReports rollup data
for the mailing.
The number of unique e-mail addresses to which
an e-mail was sent.
The number of unique e-mail addresses to which
an e-mail was successfully delivered; Net Delivered is the basis
most other metrics, including Open Rate, Total/Unique Click
Rates, and
Unsub Rate.
Total Mailed minus Net Delivered; the primary
reasons for undeliverable e-mails are inactive e-mail addresses
problems with or unavailability of the recipient's e-mail
Unsubscribe requests as a percent of Net
Delivered. High Unsub
Rates indicate that your message content
and/or frequency are
not well targeted to your audience.
Number of unique e-mail adresses that opened the
HTML version of the e-mail. (Cannot distinguish someone opening
the actual message from
someone seeing it in their e-mail client's
preview window.)
The total number of clicks on all links
contained within an e-mail (excluding the unsubscribe link); Total
Clicks can also
be viewed by cell, audience, link, format, or
domain. If the same
e-mail recipient clicks multiple times on
either the same link or
multiple links within a
message, all of
those clicks are counted when calculating Total Clicks; to
counting multiple clicks by the same email
recipient or by those to
whom the e-mail was forwarded, use Unique Click
The number of e-mail message recipients who
clicked through on
at least one URL link within the e-mail
(excluding the
"unsubscribe" link) as a percent of Net
Unlike Total
Click Rate, Unique Click Rate does not count
multiple clicks by the
same message recipient or clicks by multiple
people to whom the
message was forwarded. This is the best measure
for answering
the question, "What percent of my message
recipients clicked
through to access more information?" It is
a good proxy for
effectiveness of an e-mail's message content.
The number of conversions (by mailing, cell,
audience, link, format, or domain, depending on the type of
including multiple conversions by the same recipient. (If
one recipient
converted twice, Total Conversions would
increase by
The number of conversions (by mailing, cell,
audience, link, format, or domain, depending on the type of
report), not
including multiple conversions by the same recipient;
each recipient is
credited with a maximum of one conversion.
The total amount of revenue credited to all
conversions by mailing, cell, audience, link, format, or domain,
on the type of report.
The number of unique spam complaints. Only one
spam complaint per CID per cell is recorded.
A list/array of custom eReport columns.
The type of eReports report. For a list of
report types, use listEReportTypes.
Name of the report.
ID of the mailing that is being reported on.
ID of the cell that is being reported on.
ID of the audience that is being reported on.
ID of the link that is being reported on.
The e-mail provider that is being reported on.
The possible providers are the ones are most used by the client's
The format in which the e-mail was sent (HTML or
The name of the dimension being reported, for
example, "Gender" (where the name field would be 'male' or
A list/array of rollup counts.
A list of eReport rollups.
Complex type that describes cell properties.
The ID of the campaign that contains the cell.
The ID of the mailing that contains the cell.
The ID of the cell.
The name of the cell. The cell name appears in
reports but does not appear in any part of a mailing sent to an
audience. Cell names cannot contain an underscore (_) or a pound
sign (#).
The subject line for the cell.
Optional. A list/array of up to five
user-defined field
(UDF) string values with which to categorize the
cell. Each string can be up to 30
characters. e-Dialog recommends
that you use
only the UDF string values that were defined by
account team as part of your initial setup
Date when the cell was created.
Date when the cell was last updated.
Date when the cell started mailing. Cells can be
metered over a period of days and, in the case of triggers, a cell
can be used over a window of time.
The status of the cell with respect to live
proofing and
mailing (read-only). Setup indicates that the cell is
in the process
of being set up. Lproofed indicates that live proofs
have been sent.
Lproof Mailing indicates that live proofs are in
the process of
sent. Mailed indicates that final e-mail has
been sent. Mailing
indicates that final e-mail is in the process of
being sent.
The alternate key of the cell (caller-supplied
value used as a unique key into the cell table).
Complex type that describes cell properties.
The ID of the campaign that contains the cell.
The ID of the mailing that contains the cell.
The ID of the cell.
The name of the cell. The cell name appears in
reports but does not appear in any part of a mailing sent to an
audience. Cell names cannot contain an underscore (_) or a pound
sign (#).
The subject line for the cell.
Optional. A list/array of up to five
user-defined field
(UDF) string values with which to categorize the
cell. Each string can be up to 30
characters. e-Dialog recommends
that you use
only the UDF string values that were defined by
account team as part of your initial setup
Date when the cell was created.
Date when the cell was last updated.
Date when the cell started mailing. Cells can be
metered over a period of days and, in the case of triggers, a cell
can be used over a window of time.
The status of the cell with respect to live
proofing and
mailing (read-only). Setup indicates that the cell is
in the process
of being set up. Lproofed indicates that live proofs
have been sent.
Lproof Mailing indicates that live proofs are in
the process of
sent. Mailed indicates that final e-mail has
been sent. Mailing
indicates that final e-mail is in the process of
being sent.
The alternate key of the cell (caller-supplied
value used as a unique key into the cell table).
Complex type. Subset of mailingDetailType.
The ID of the campaign that contains the
The ID of the mailing.
The name of the mailing.
The date the mailing was created.
The date the mailing was last updated.
A list/array of user defined field values.
The status of the maililng. Either
"Setup" or "Mailed".
A user-provided unique key to use for this
mailing. See lookupMailingByAlternateKey.
Complex type. Subset of mailingDetailType.
The ID of the campaign that contains the
The ID of the mailing.
The name of the mailing.
The date the mailing was created.
The date the mailing was last updated.
A list/array of user defined field values.
The status of the maililng. Either
"Setup" or "Mailed".
A user-provided unique key to use for this
mailing. See lookupMailingByAlternateKey.
Returns hourly event counts for a specific cellId.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The ID of the cell to report on.
Total number of hours after mail date to report
The value must be in the range of totalHours (greater than or
to 1 and less than or equal to 72).
Inbound event types include CLICK, OPEN, UNSUB,
The date time when the first mailed is sent.
An array/list of summaries per hour for each
event type.
Counts by hour of a specifc event type.
Event type name.
A list/array of event elements.
Data structure holding the count and revenue for a
specific hour of some event.
Hour reported one. Represents hour(s) after
mailed_date for a cell.
Contains total Events by hour.
Contains generated Revenue (Only applicaple to
Tries to start an export job for the specified cell.
The call fails if there is an existing export job running from the same cell.
The call also fails if there are no audiences associated with the cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell in which to start an export job.
If an export job is running for the specified cell, cancels the export job.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell in which to cancel any running export job.
Returns the status of the export job associated with the cell (ExportJobStatus object).
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell for which to get the export job status.
Empty response indicates success.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns a list of columns from the exported data file.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the cell for which to list exported data columns.
A list/array of column names to permutate.
The status of the export job. On of the following:
"none", " running", " success", " failure".
The value "none" indicates that no exporting has ever
A blob with the last messages logged by the exporter.
Total number of rows in the audiences associated with
the cell in the last export job. Only returned if the
status is "success".
Total number of rows exported by the last export job. Only
returned if the status is "success".
Filename used by the export process.
Not present if the status is "none".
List grids according matching filtering conditions.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Optional. The name of the Grid. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. The description of the grid. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. The date when the grid was created. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria. If this is non-null then
return all the grid created on and after the date specified
Optional. The date when the grid was created. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria. If this is non-null then
return all the grid created on and before the date specified
Optional. The last modified date of the grid. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria. If this non-null then
return all the grids updated on and after the date specified.
Optional. The last modified date of the Grid. Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria. If this is non-null then
return all the grids updated on and before then date specified.
Optional. A list/array of grid attribute names (in any order)
used to sort the results: "gridName", "gridId", "gridAddDate", "gridUpdateDate". If no
sortBy criteria is provided, the results are sorted by "gridName".
Required. The maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). Must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results. Indicates which page number to return, where each page (list function call) returns the number of items specified by pageSize.
Complex type that describes a list of grids and includes a list/array of grid structures.
Currently displayed page of grid.
The number of grid lists that exist in the database as of the most recent
listGridRequest. You can use this number to page through the list.
The number of pages found by the most recent listGridsByFilter. (See listGridsByFilter.pageSize.)
A list/array of GridEntryType complex types that includes information about each grid.
Lists all the columns in the grid, excluding the key column.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The identifier of the grid whose columns to list.
List/array of strings that contain the names of the columns in the grid, excluding the key column.
Lists all the values in the key column of the grid. These are the
values that are used to determine what content to merge for each
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The identifier of the grid for which you want to list the the key values.
List/array of strings that contain the key values in the grid.
Deletes a grid. If you delete a grid that is used in a mail that
has not yet been mailed, the symbols will resolve correctly.
However, you cannot use a deleted grid in another cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The identifier of the grid to delete.
Empty response indicates success.
Retrieves the rows and columns of a grid that is stored in rows, including the key column.
For a grid stored in tab-delimited format, use lookupTabSeparatedGrid().
For a grid stored in XML, use lookupXMLGrid().
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The grid identifier.
Creates a grid for use in content, Each column of the grid represents a symbol. Each row contains string values to merge into the content. The first column of the grid contains key values used to determine the content to merge for each recipient.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. A name for the grid. The name must be unique; no other grids can have the same name.
Optional. A description of the grid.
A list/array of grid row contents as defined in a GridRowType.
The identifier of the new grid.
Updates a grid that is stored as rows.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. Grid identifier.
Optional A name for the grid.
Optional. A description of the grid.
The rows of the grid to update. Specify the contents of the entire grid in the rows array. To change only the name or description, but not the contents of the grid, set the value of rows to null.
Empty response indicates success.
Creates a grid for use in content from XML. Each column of the grid represents a symbol. Each row contains string values to merge into the content. The first column of the grid contains key values used to determine the content to merge for each recipient.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. A name for the grid. The name must be unique; no other grids can have the same name.
Optional. A description of the grid.
The grid data that is stored as XML.
The identifier of the new grid.
Updates a grid for use in content.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. Grid identifier.
Optional A name for the grid.
Optional. A description of the grid.
Optional. The grid data stored in XML. You specify the contents of the entire grid.
To change only the name or description, but not the contents of the grid, set the value of xmlData to null.
Empty response indicates success.
Retrieves the rows and columns of a grid that is stored in XML format, including the key column.
For a grid stored in rows, use lookupGrid().
For a grid stored in tab-delimited format, use lookupTabSeparatedGrid().
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The grid identifier.
Creates a grid for use in content, based on tab-delimited data. Each column of the grid represents a symbol. Each row contains string values to merge into the content. The first column of the grid contains key values used to determine the content to merge for each recipient.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. A name for the grid. The name must be unique; no other grids can have the same name.
Optional. A description of the grid.
The grid data that is stored using tab-separated-values.
The identifier of the new grid.
Updates a grid that is stored in tab-delimited format.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. Grid identifier.
Optional A name for the grid.
Optional. A description of the grid.
Optional. The grid data stored in tab-separated format. You specify the contents of the entire grid.
To change only the name or description, but not the contents of the grid, set the value of tabSeparatedData to null.
Empty response indicates success.
Retrieves the rows and columns of a grid that is stored in tab-delimited format, including the key column.
For a grid stored in rows, use lookupGrid().
For a grid stored in XML, use lookupXMLGrid().
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The grid identifier.
Complex type that includes grid content in tab-separated format.
Grid identifier, used in reportable links.
The name of the grid.
The description of the grid.
The date when the grid was created.
The date when the grid was most recently updated.
Whether the grid data is available only in XML format.
Grid data that is stored in tab-separated format.
Complex type that contains XML data for the grid.
Grid identifier, used in reportable links.
The name of the grid.
The description of the grid.
The date when the grid was created.
The date when the grid was most recently updated.
Whether the grid data is available only in XML format.
Grid data that is stored as XML.
Complex type. Contains the unique key for the row, and a name/value pair for each column in the row.
Grid columns
The value in the key column for the row.
A name/value pair that specifies the column name and value for that column in that row. If there is no value, you can omit the name/value pair entirely.
The name of the grid column.
The value of the grid column.
Complex type that contains grid content.
Grid identifier, used in reportable links.
The name of the grid.
The description of the grid.
The date when the grid was created.
The date when the grid was most recently updated.
Whether the grid data is available only in XML format.
A list/array of the rows and columns of the grid.
Complex type that describes a list of grids and includes a list/array of grid structures.
Currently displayed page of grid.
The number of grid lists that exist in the database as of the most recent
listGridRequest. You can use this number to page through the list.
The number of pages found by the most recent listGridsByFilter. (See listGridsByFilter.pageSize.)
A list/array of GridEntryType complex types that includes information about each grid.
Complex type that includes information about the grid.
Grid identifier, used in reportable links.
The name of the grid.
The description of the grid.
The date when the grid was created.
The date when the grid was most recently updated.
Whether the grid data is available only in XML format.
Returns the properties of an InsightBuilder query identified by a given ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
A list/array of InsightBuilder Query identifiers to retrieve
Optional. An expression to filter InsightBuilder queries by name.
Use % as wildcard to match any substring of characters.
Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. If this is non-null then return all the queries created on and after the date specified.
Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. If this is non-null then return all the queries created on and before the date specified.
Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. If this is non-null then return all the queries updated on and after the date specified.
Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. If this is non-null then return all the queries updated on and before the date specified.
Leave this null if you do not want to include it as part of the search criteria.
Optional. A list/array of strings
that specify a set of state values
to include in the search. Values include:
Optional. A list/array of IB Query attribute names (in any order)
used to sort the results: "queryId", "name", "addDate", "updateDate". If no
sortBy criteria is provided, the results are sorted by "name".
The maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size).
Must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results. Indicates which page number to return,
where each page (list function call) returns the number of items specified by pageSize.
A page of InsightBuilder Queries.
Page number.
The number of IB Queries that exist in the database as
of the most recent call to listIBQueries.
The number of pages found by the most recent listIBQueries.
A list/array of IBQueryType complex types that includes information about each InsightBuilder query
Returns the properties of an InsightBuilder query identified by a given ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
Required.The ID of the InsightBuilder query to look up.
InsightBuilder query
The InsightBuilder Query Identifier
The name of the InsightBuilder Query.
InsightBuilder Query description
The state of the query.
A value of "Valid" indicates that the query can be executed,
"Invalid" indicates that a previous execution produced an error and the query cannot be exectued until modified,
"WIP" indicates that a query execution is taking place and the query is not updatable temporarily.
A list/array of e-mail addresses that receive notifications whenever this InsightBuilder query is executed.
Timestamp when the InsightBuilder Query was created
Timestamp when the InsightBuilder Query was last updated
Recipient count -using as the universe all registered recipient- at the last time when this query was updated.
Note that this count is not updated when the query is executed, therefore it is not a reliable estimate of the number
of recipients that would match the query if executed.
Returns the status of an InsightBuilder job.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
Required. The element ID.
Represents that status of the job
Build an Audience based on a pre-defined Insight-Builder query.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
Unique Query identifier
List to build the Audiece of off.
The new list which will have the built audience
Emails to be notified after the Audience is built
The date when the audience list will be built
Unique Job identifier configured to build the Audience from List
Unique Identifier of the Job that creates and populates the Audience List
Lets you modify the target URL, report name, expiration date, enabled status, and UDF for the specified reportable link.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The reportable link ID.
Optional. The target URL to redirect to.
Optional. The name of the report in eReports for this link.
Optional. The new expiration date for the link. You can
extend the expiration date up to 90 days from the time this
call is made.
Optional. Whether this link is enabled. If you disable the link,
it will stop being redirected, even if it has not expired.
Optional. List/array of strings that contain user-defined field (UDF)
values to use to categorize the reportable link.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns a link that has the specified ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The reportable link ID.
Returns a link that is associated with an encoded URL sent in a message.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. A URL obtained from a rendered message.
Get a list of links filtered by the specified settings. Filter settings are optional.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Optional. The mailing ID to use to filter the list of links. The list will include links in all the mailed cells in the specified mailing.
Optional. The cell ID to use to filter the list of links. The list will include links in the cell if it has been mailed.
Optional. Specifies whether the list of links should
include only enabled links. If false, the list will include only disabled links.
Optional. When used with filterExpiresBefore, lets
you search for links that will expire (will no longer be redirected) within the specified date range.
Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. When used with filterExpiresAfter, lets
you search for links that will expire (will no longer be redirected) within the specified date range.
Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. A list/array of link attribute
names (in any order) used to sort the results:
"expirationDate", "id", "targetURL",
"reportName", "enabled", "udf1" ... "udf5"
If no sortBy criteria is provided, the default is to sort
by "expirationDate".
Required. Specifies the maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). The value must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results.
Indicates which page number to return, where
each page (list function call) returns the
number of items specified by pageSize. Must
be a positive integer.
A list of links that meet the filter criteria, if any.
The number of the page returned to the most recent listLinksRequest.
The number of links that exist in the database as of the most recent listLinksRequest.
The number of pages found by the most recent listLinksRequests (See listLinksRequest.pageSize.)
A list/array of links that meet the filtering requirements.
The reportable link.
Reportable link ID.
The ID of the content in which the link appears.
The URL that is the destination the recipient expects to go to after clicking the link. For example, your organization's home page on your web site.
The target URL as it originally appears in the content.
Whether the link is enabled for redirection.
List/array of strings that contain user-defined field (UDF)
values to use to categorize the reportable link.
The name of the report that will appear in eReports.
Date after which this link will no longer be redirected through the e-Dialog Redirection Service.
Attempts to pause a cell that is sending proofs or final e-mails.
A cell must have a status of MAILING, MERGED, MERGING, or PROOFING to be paused.
MERGING, MERGED status support added in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the cell to pause.
Empty response indicates success.
Cancels further processing of a cell. A cell must be in the PAUSED, MAILING, PROOFING, MERGING, or MERGED state to be cancelled.
MERGING, MERGED status support added in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the cell to cancel.
Empty response indicates success.
Resume processing of a cell. A cell must be in the "Paused" state to be resumed.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the cell to resume.
Empty response indicates success.
Attempts to asynchronously mail all unmailed cells in this mailing.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the mailing whose unmailed cells to send.
A list/array of IDs of cells to mail.
Attempts to asynchronously mail all unmailed
cells in this mailing at a specified date/time.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the mailing whose unsent mails to send.
The date and time at which to send the unsent cells in the mailing (drop date).
A list/array of IDs of cells to mail later.
Attempts to asynchronously mail a cell. If the cell status is Mailing, Merging, or Merged, you cannot send the cell.
Does not require that the cell has been proofed.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
The ID of the cell to mail.
Empty response indicates success.
Attempts to asynchronously mail a cell at a specified date/time.
If the status of the cell is Mailing, Merging, or Merged, you cannot send it.
Does not require that the cell has been proofed.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell to mail.
The date and time at which to send the cell (drop date).
Empty response indicates success.
Attempts to asynchronously mail a cell at the time previously set
for merging and mailing. Does not require that the cell has been
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The ID of the cell to mail.
Empty response indicates success.
Attempts to asynchronously mail all cells in a mailing at the
time previously set for merging and mailing. Does not require
that the cells have been proofed.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The ID of the mailing whose cells you want to send.
A list/array of IDs of cells to mail.
A list/array of IDs of cells in the mailing to send.
Lets you set the date when the merger will occur and, separately,
when the cell will be sent.
If the merger is not complete by the date specified as the dropDate,
the cell is sent when the merger is complete.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The ID of the cell to mail.
The date and time at which to start the merger for the cell.
The date and time at which to send the cell.
Empty response indicates success.
Lets you set the date when the merger will occur and, separately specify when the cells in the mailing will be sent.
If you schedule sending a mailing, all of the cells that are ready to mail are sent. If the merger is not completed
by the mail date, the mail is sent when the merger is complete. During the merger, the cell status is Mailing.
You can pause and cancel a cell after the merge has started and before the mail is being sent.
If you do so, the cell status is Cancelled. Past dates are allowed for the merger.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Required. The ID of the mailing whose cells to send.
The date and time at which to begin the merger for the cells in the mailing.
The date and time at which to sendthe cells in the mailing.
If you schedule sending a mailing, all of the cells that are ready to mail are sent.
If the merger is not completed by the mail date, the mail is sent when the merger is complete.
A list/array of IDs of cells that were scheduled
A list/array of IDs of cells to mail later.
Sends proofs for the specified cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell to proof.
Empty response indicates success.
Requests the status of the specified cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the cell whose status to look up.
One of the following status values:
Cancelled, Deleted, Failed, Merging, Merged, Mailed, Mailing, Paused, Proofed,
Proofing, Setup, Readytomail, Readytoproof
Generates the random sample file that contains a subset of rows
from the full export file, with a maximum number of records set by the sampleSize.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the cell for which to generate the subset of the full export file.
The maximum number of rows from the full export file to include in the sample file.
Empty response indicates success.
Generates a file that contains a subset of data columns from the full export file.
You can get the list of data columns available for generating the permutation by using the listExportedDataColumns function.
To check the status of the operation, you can use the getProofSampleStatus function.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the cell for which to generate the subset of the full export file.
A list/array of column names to include in the subset of the export file.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns the status of the operation to build the proof sample.
One of the following: "Processing", Processed", "Failed", "None".
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the cell for which to get information about the sample build process.
Complex type that includes the proof status and status message.
The status of the proof build operation: Processing, None, Failed, Processed.
The message that includes additional information about the proof build process status.
Gets information about the proof sample. If the sample type is Random (created with the
buildRandomProofSample function), returns the size of the sample. If the sample type is
Permutation (created with the buildPermutationProofSample function), returns a list/array
of column names.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the cell for which to get proof sample information.
Complex type that describes the proof sample properties.
The maximum number of recipients of the randomly generated sample.
A list/array of column names that is the subset of rows from the full export file.
Sets the options for the proof group specified, including whether to include in proofs,
include in the final e-mail, and send multipart samples as text.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Required. The ID of the cell for which to set proof group options.
The LProof group number (1,2,3).
Whether to send the proof to the e-mail addresses specified in the group (true).
Whether to send the final e-mail to the e-mail addresses specified in the group (true).
Whether to send multipart samples as text (true).
A list/array of e-mail addresses to whom to send proofs.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns a list of customer IDs that were used during the most recent build sample operation.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the cell for which to get customer IDs from the most recent proof sample.
A list/array of the customer IDs from the most recently generated proof sample.
Updates the Lproof group with the list of CIDs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Required. The ID of the cell whose proof group to update.
Required. The LProof group number (1,2,3).
A list/array of customer IDs to which to send proofs.
Empty response indicates success.
Returns a list of customer IDs that were used for a specific LProof
group during the most recent build sample operation.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the cell for which to get customer IDs from the most recent proof sample.
The LProof group number (1,2,or 3).
A list/array of the customer IDs for the specified group from the most recently generated proof sample.
Returns the settings for the proof group specified, including whether to include in proofs,
include in the final e-mail, and send multipart samples as text.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the cell for which to get proof group options.
The Lproof group (1,2, or 3).
Complex type that describes proof group options.
The ID of the cell for which to get the proof group settings.
The LProof group number (1,2,or 3).
Whether to send the proof to the e-mail addresses specified in the group (true).
Whether to send the final e-mail to the e-mail addresses specified in the group (true).
Whether to send multipart samples as text (true).
A list/array of e-mail addresses to send proofs.
Returns the list of customer IDs that were used during the most
recent build sample operation.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The ID of the audience list for which to get the e-mail addresses.
A list/array of e-mail addresses for the specified audience.
Creates a new mailing. Throws an exception if the alternate key already exists in the database (not null).
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Optional. The ID of the campaign in which to create the mailing. There is no default value; an empty/null or zero campaignId specifies that the mailing should not be located within a campaign (correct for automated mailings). Mailings created this way appear in eReports but may not be visible in the Campaign Builder graphical user interface.
Required. A string, up to 64 characters. The name of the mailing.
Optional. A string up to 224 characters. A description for the mailing.
Optional. A list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF) values with which to categorize the object.
Each string can be up to 30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account team as
part of your initial setup process. e-Dialog recommends that you use only the UDF values that were defined
at setup time for categorization purposes.
Optional. A user-provided unique key to use for this mailing. See lookupMailingByAlternateKey.
Changes the properties of a mailing.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the mailing to update.
Optional. A string of up to 64 characters. The name of the mailing.
Optional. A string of up to 224 characters. A description for the mailing.
Optional list/array of strings containing user-defined field (UDF)
values with which to categorize the object. Each string can be up to
30 characters. The order of the UDF values was defined by your account
team as part of your initial setup process. e-Dialog recommends
that you use only the UDF values that were defined at setup time for
categorization purposes.
Empty response indicates success.
Looks for a mailing using the specified ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the mailing to look for.
Looks for a mailing using the alternate (user-provided) key.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The alternate key to use to find the mailing.
Deletes a mailing.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the mailing to delete.
Empty response indicates success.
Clones a mailing.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Required. The ID of the mailing to clone.
Optional. The ID of the campaign in which to place the cloned mailing. There is no default value; an empty/null or zero
campaignId specifies that the cloned mailing should not be located within a campaign. Mailings created this way
appear in eReports but may not be visible in the Campaign Builder graphical user interface.
Required. Whether the cells inside the mailing should also be cloned (true).
The ID of the newly created mailing.
The ID of the newly cloned mailing.
Compex type. Detailed information about a mailing.
The ID of the campaign that contains the mailing.
The ID of the mailing.
The name of the mailing.
The description provided when the mailing was created or last updated.
The date the mailing was created.
The date of the most recent update to the mailing.
The status of the mailing. Either "Setup" or "Mailed".
A list/array of up to five user-defined field values.
A user-provided unique key to use for this mailing. See lookupMailingByAlternateKey.
(Deprecated. Use the service listMailingsByFilter)
Returns a list of mailings. Only a limited set of properties for each campaign are returned.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Optional. List/array of campaign IDs to search through. Leaving this empty/blank searches through all campaigns.
Optional. String that contains an expression that conforms to the syntax of the ANSI SQL LIKE operator (sometimes referred to as the LIKE predicate). See the Developer's Guide for details.
Optional. Used to filter against the creation date of the mailing. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter against the creation date of the mailing. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter mailings by when the first piece of final/production mail was sent. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter mailings by when the first piece of final/production mail was sent. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. A list/array of strings that indicate a set of statuses to include in the search. Values include: "Setup", "Mailed", "Deleted".
Optional. A list/array of mailing attribute names (in any order) used to sort the results: "name", "id", "createDate", or "firstMailedDate". If no sortBy criteria is provided, the results are sorted by "createDate".
Required. The maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). Must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results. Indicates which page number to return where each page (list function call) returns the number of items specified by pageSize. Must be a positive integer.
Returns a list of mailings. Only a limited set of properties for each campaign are returned.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Optional. List/array of campaign IDs to search through. Leaving this empty/blank searches through all campaigns.
Optional. String that contains an expression that conforms to the syntax of the ANSI SQL LIKE operator (sometimes referred to as the LIKE predicate). See the Developer's Guide for details.
Optional. Used to filter against the creation date of the mailing. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter against the creation date of the mailing. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter mailings by when the first piece of final/production mail was sent. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter mailings by when the first piece of final/production mail was sent. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. A list/array of strings that indicate a set of statuses to include in the search. Values include: "Setup", "Mailed", "Deleted".
Optional. When used with filterUpdateDateEnd allows
you to search for mailings created in a specified
date range according to the last update timestamp. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. When used with filterUpdateDateStart allows
you to search for mailings created in a specified
date range according to the last update timestamp. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. List of filtering conditions on UDFs
Optional. A list/array of mailing attribute names (in any order) used to sort the results: "name", "id", "createDate", or "firstMailedDate". If no sortBy criteria is provided, the results are sorted by "createDate".
Required. The maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). Must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results. Indicates which page number to return where each page (list function call) returns the number of items specified by pageSize. Must be a positive integer.
The number of the page returned.
The number of mailings that exist in the database.
The number of pages found.
Returns a list of mailings. Only a limited set of properties for each
campaign are returned.
Allows filtering by specific mailing type.
Optional. List/array of campaign IDs to search through. Leaving this empty/blank searches through all campaigns.
Optional. String that contains an expression that conforms to the syntax of the ANSI SQL LIKE operator (sometimes referred to as the LIKE predicate). See the Developer's Guide for details.
Optional. Used to filter against the creation date of the mailing. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter against the creation date of the mailing. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter mailings by when the first piece of final/production mail was sent. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. Used to filter mailings by when the first piece of final/production mail was sent. This allows you to search for mailings created in any given date range. Leave these arguments null if you do not want to include these as part of the search criteria.
Optional. A list/array of strings that indicate a set of statuses to include in the search. Values include: "Setup", "Mailed", "Deleted".
Optional. When used with filterUpdateDateEnd allows
you to search for mailings created in a specified
date range according to the last update timestamp. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. When used with filterUpdateDateStart allows
you to search for mailings created in a specified
date range according to the last update timestamp. Leave these arguments null if
you do not want to include them as part of
the search criteria.
Optional. List of filtering conditions on UDFs
Optional. A list/array of mailing attribute names (in any order) used to sort the results: "name", "id", "createDate", or "firstMailedDate". If no sortBy criteria is provided, the results are sorted by "createDate".
Required. The maximum number of items to return each time you call the list function (the page size). Must be a positive integer.
Required. Used for pagination of results. Indicates
which page number to return where each page (list function call)
returns the number of items specified by pageSize. Must be a
positive integer.
Optional. List of mailing types to be included in the result. If
omitted, all mailing types will be included.
The number of the page returned.
The number of mailings that exist in the database.
The number of pages found.
Complex type. Subset of mailingDetailType.
The ID of the campaign that contains the mailing.
The ID of the mailing.
The name of the mailing.
The date the mailing was created.
The date the mailing was last updated.
A list/array of user defined field values.
The status of the maililng. Either "Setup" or "Mailed".
A user-provided unique key to use for this mailing. See lookupMailingByAlternateKey.
Complex type. A sequence of mailingOverviewType elements arranged into pages. Each user gets the next page.
The number of the page returned to the most recent listMailingsRequest.
The number of mailings that exist in the database as of the most recent listMailingsRequest.
The number of pages found by the most recent listMailingssRequest. (See listMailingsRequest.pageSize.)
Adds or updates recipient profile data and sends a proof message to a single recipient.
The recipient e-mail address can be substituted with a replacement address.
This function is intended for generating tests of messages to be sent via the sendMessage function.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The name of a trigger as defined by as defined by your e-Dialog account team or when you created your RTM configuration.
Optional. E-mail addresses to receive the proofs.
If replacement addresses are specified, the profile e-mail address do not receive the proof.
Complex type. Recipient profile data consists of a sequence of property type objects each of which can
store a simple name-value pair, act as a container for nested PropertyTypes, or act as a
container for multiple rows of data values (multivals). Nested properties
allow you to store profile data that is not defined as
columns in the master database. The data is stored in
a special EVENTINFO column that is present in all e-
Dialog databases (or a custom column) and can be used
in cell content but cannot be used for reporting
purposes or to create an Insight Builder query.
Unique identifier for the request. Used for support purposes.
Adds or updates recipient profile data and sends a message to a single recipient.
For example, if a customer purchases goods from your web site, you can instantly
update the customer's shipping address and send that customer an order confirmation
message that includes a detailed list of items purchased, quantities, prices,
discounts, shipping fees, and so forth.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
The name of a trigger as defined by your e-Dialog account team.
Complex type. Recipient profile data consists of a sequence of property type objects each of which can
store a simple name-value pair, act as a container for nested PropertyTypes, or act as a
container for multiple rows of data values (multivals). Nested properties
allow you to store profile data that is not defined as
columns in the master database. The data is stored in
a special EVENTINFO column that is present in all e-
Dialog databases (or a custom column) and can be used
in cell content but cannot be used for reporting
purposes or to create an Insight Builder query.
Unique identifier for the request. Used for support purposes.
Adds or updates recipient profile data, adds a recipient to audience lists,
and removes a recipient from audience lists.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Recipient profile data. See PropertyType.
Array/list of audience names that a recipient will be removed from.
Unique identifier for the request. Used for support purposes.
(Deprecated. Use the service listRTMConfigurations)
Provides a list of realtime messaging configurations.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1
List of realtime messaging configurations.
Complex type. A list/array of realtime messaging configuration elements arranged in pages.
Complex type. Describes realtime messaging configurations.
The audience class identifier of audiences created by this RTM configuration.
The name of the realtime message.
The e-mail address where notifications are sent.
Complex type. Audience membership data consists of an alternate key that identifies the audience list and a property type that identifies a recipient.
Sets the alternate key column in the e-Dialog database, which is a
client-defined string used to identify a campaign, mailing, cell,
audience, or content item. It provides an easy way to refer to an
element, as an alternative to the internal primary key.
Profile data that identifies the recipient to add to the audience list. See PropertyType.
Complex type. A sequence of RowType objects functions as a table, i.e., a set of
columns and rows typically used to store line items. Each RowType
object is a set of PropertyType objects, each of which can be a
simple, nested, or multival type. You bind the set of PropertyType
objects to the RowType object using the setProperty method and you
bind the array of RowType objects to a simple PropertyType object
using the setRow method.
Recipient profile data. See PropertyType.
A data value for a simple PropertyType. Simple properties allow you to
store recipient profile data values in specific columns in the master
database. These columns can be e-Dialog "standard" columns or custom
columns as arranged with your e-Dialog account representative. Simple
values stored in columns can be used in cell content by means of
symbols and for any other purpose such as reporting or creating an
Insight Builder query.
A string that corresponds to a symbol name in the cell content. In a simple PropertyType (the value is also a string),
the name must correspond to a column in the e-Dialog database.
Provides a list of available realtime messaging queues.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Complex type. Retrieves the set of available queues. RTM queues are managed by e-Dialog; users cannot create new queues. By default, users have one queue for all RTM configurations. Multiple queues are required when messages have to be processed with different priority.
A list of realtime messaging queue names.
A list/array of realtime messaging queues.
Provides a list of realtime messaging configurations.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
List of realtime messaging configurations.
A list/array of realtime messaging configurations.
Creates a new realtime messaging configuration.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The name of the configuration.
Optional. The name of the queue to handle the requests.
If specified, the value must be a name obtained by calling listRTMQueues.
If null, a default queue is used.
Optional. An array or list of e-mail addresses to notify for errors when processing requests.
Required. The period to automatically clone the cells associated with this RTM configuration.
Valid values include "NEVER", "DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY".
THIS FEATURE IS NOT ENABLED. Optional. Timezone information is currently persisted, but not used.
Timezone for cell cloning and audience rollup.
Use a TZ zone name from the Olson database (for example, "America/Los_Angeles" or
specify the offset from GMT using the format GMT[+|-]HH:MM.
Optional. An audience class identifier. The audience class will be used when
creating new audience lists at the beginning of the audience rollup period.
The audience class defines the set of fields available for storage. If not specified,
a default audience class is selected.
Required. The period for which an audience is used and a new audience is created.
Valid values include "NEVER", "DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY". At the end of the period, a new
audience is created and RTM requests sent to this configuration will use the new audience
for storing data associated with the sendMessage/sendProofMessage requests.
Empty response indicates success.
Updates a realtime messaging configuration.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The name of the configuration to update.
Optional. The name of the queue to handle the requests.
If specified, the value must be a name obtained by calling listRTMQueues.
If null, the existing queue is used. If an empty string is specified, the default queue will be assigned.
Optional. A list/array of e-mail addresses to be notified of errors when processing requests.
If no address is specified, no changes to the notification addresses are made.
Optional. The period to automatically clone the cells associated with this RTM configuration.
Valid values include NEVER, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY. If null, the clone period is unchanged.
Optional. If null, the existing timezone is unchanged. If an empty string,
then the default timezone is used.
THIS FEATURE IS NOT ENABLED. Optional. Timezone information is currently persisted, but not used. Timezone for cell cloning and audience rollup.
Use a TZ zone name from the Olson database (for example, "America/Los_Angeles") or specify the offset from GMT using the format GMT[+|-]HH:MM.
The period for which an audience is used and a new audience is created.
Valid values include "NEVER", "DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY". At the end of the period, a new
audience is created and RTM requests sent to this configuration will use the new audience
for storing data associated with the sendMessage/sendProofMessage requests.
If null, the existing rollup period is not affected.
Empty response indicates success.
Assigns the set of allowed variations of a realtime messaging configuration.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The name of the configuration to update.
Optional. An expression based on the profile data. This expression must generate one of the variation keys
of the set of variations.
If not specified, only the set of variations are updated and the current expression is unchanged.
Optional. A list/array of name-value pairs (variationKey, testCellID) that specify the set of variations of an RTM configuration.
If the set is empty, only the expression is updated and the existing set of variations are unchanged.
Removes all RTM variations from an RTM configuration.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The name of the RTM configuration to update.
Assigns a cell to a realtime messaging configuration as the "test" cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
The name of the RTM configuration to update Required.
The cell identifier to use through this RTM configuration as the 'test' cell.
Optional parameter. If not specified, the cell identifier is
associated with the RTM configuration. If specified, the
RTM variation identified by the key is updated to use the
given cell as the 'test' cell. Use a variation key
only if you have setup your RTM configuration with variations using the
function updateRTMVariations().
Empty response indicates success.
Promotes the test cell associated with a realtime messaging configuration (RTM) or
an RTM variation, making it the current cell. After you use this function, sendMessage()
uses this cell when sending a realtime message.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The name of the RTM configuration to update.
Optional. If not specified, the test cell
associated with the RTM configuration is promoted to
be the current cell. If specified, the RTM variation identified by the key
is updated to use the given cell and the test cell. Use a variation key only if you have set up your RTM configuration with variations using the
function updateRTMVariations().
Empty response indicates success.
Deletes a realtime messaging configuration.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The name of the RTM configuration to delete.
Empty response indicates success.
Retrieves a realtime messaging configuration by message name.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Required. The name of the configuration to retrieve.
Complex type. Includes RTM configuration information. The RTM configuration is not deleted, just its variations.
RTM configuration name.
Queue where messages directed to this RTM configuration are directed.
A list/array of e-mail addresses to notify for errors or events while processing the RTM messages.
Audiences created while processing messages directed to this RTM configuration
are created using this audience class.
Cloning period of the cells associated with this RTM configuration.
(Reserved field. Not yet functional.) Cloning will occur according to this timezone.
Audiences created while processing messages directed to this RTM configuration
are given an alternate key as defined by this expression.
Audiences created while processing messages directed to this RTM configuration
are given a name as defined by this expression.
Audiences created while processing messages directed to this RTM configuration
are given UDFs as defined by these expressions.
Timestamp to indicate when the cells were most recently cloned.
Cell identifier for production messages. This value has no effect when the RTM configuration has been configured with variations.
Cell identifier for proof messages. This value has no effect when the RTM configuration has been configured with variations.
The variation configuration to use for this realtime message. Empty (null) if this RTM has not been configured with variations.
This expression is evaluated with each message directed to the RTM configuration
to select one of the RTM variations.
A list/array of RTM variations associated with an RTM configuration.
When the variation selection expression resolves to this value, sendProofMessages are sent using the test cell and sendMessages are sent using the production cell.
Cell identifier for proof messages.
Cell identifier for production messages.
Returns a list/array of all available values for each of the five mailing UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list/array of all available values for each of the five audience UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list/array of all available values for each of the ten cell UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list/array of all available values for each of the five campaign UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
A list/array of strings that contain UDF values.
A list/array of strings containing all predefined values available for a particular user-defined field (UDF).
These values are created by your account team at initial setup time for categorization purposes.
Each string can be up to 30 characters.
Returns a list/array of all available values for each of the five content object UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of category names for cell UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
A list/array of category names.
Returns a list of category names and values for a given entity.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3. Ability to return information about 10 UDFs added in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.2.
The type of object to retrieve UDF definitions and values. One of AUDIENCE, CAMPAIGN, CELL, CONTENT, LINK or MAILING
A list/array of UDF categories
The number of the UDF
The category name or standard numbered UDF
A list/array of category values
Returns true if the user has permission to access the client ID or schema name passed as an argument.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
The client ID or the client schema.
Whether the user may access the client.
Returns a list of clients that are available to the currently logged in user.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
A list/array of clientListType.
The first client in the list is the default client assigned to this user.
Complex type that describes a client.
The ID of the client.
The name of the client.
The client that is assigned to the currently logged in user.
The client that is set as the default for the currently logged in user.
Maps the specified symbol to a custom function that was configured
by your account team. See listMappingFunctionsForCell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list/array of all available values for each of the five content object UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns the status of an InsightBuilder job.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
Returns a list of customer IDs that were used for a specific LProof
group during the most recent build sample operation.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Generates a file that contains a subset of data columns from the full export file.
You can get the list of data columns available for generating the permutation by using the listExportedDataColumns function.
To check the status of the operation, you can use the getProofSampleStatus function.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Adds or updates recipient profile data and sends a proof message to a single recipient.
The recipient e-mail address can be substituted with a replacement address.
This function is intended for generating tests of messages to be sent via the sendMessage function.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Deletes a grid. If you delete a grid that is used in a mail that
has not yet been mailed, the symbols will resolve correctly.
However, you cannot use a deleted grid in another cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Returns a list of available feeder queues.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Gets a list of defined data column information from the data dictionary.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Adds or updates recipient profile data and sends a message to a single recipient.
For example, if a customer purchases goods from your web site, you can instantly
update the customer's shipping address and send that customer an order confirmation
message that includes a detailed list of items purchased, quantities, prices,
discounts, shipping fees, and so forth.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Returns true if the user has permission to access the client ID or schema name passed as an argument.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Creates a copy of an audience list. This function does not copy membership data (users) into the new audience list.
Instead, it creates an audience list that is empty.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Creates a class (group of data columns) by providing a list of data dictionary rows.
Calling this function with an empty column identifier list returns Class ID 95. To get a complete list
of data columns from the data dictionary, use listAllDataColumns.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Marks content object as hidden, which results if it is not
appearing in listContent results. However, you can look up
hidden content with the lookupContentByAlternateKey() and
lookupContentById() functions. You cannot hide content that is
a cell’s main content item.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns hourly event counts for a specific cellId.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Sets the metering scheme to use when the cell is mailed. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Returns a link that is associated with an encoded URL sent in a message.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Returns a list of columns from the exported data file.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Looks for a mailing using the alternate (user-provided) key.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Creates a data upload configuration for a new suppression list based on a default Class ID 98.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns the properties of an InsightBuilder query identified by a given ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
Attempts to asynchronously mail all unmailed
cells in this mailing at a specified date/time.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Maps a specific symbol to a data column. The data column must
exist in the set returned by listDataColumnsForCell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Retrieves the rows and columns of a grid that is stored in rows, including the key column.
For a grid stored in tab-delimited format, use lookupTabSeparatedGrid().
For a grid stored in XML, use lookupXMLGrid().
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Attempts to asynchronously mail all unmailed cells in this mailing.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Binds a cell ID to an unsub template ID and an unsub audience ID (optional).
The first unsub template available is used by default, and is
configured for global unsubscribe. e-Dialog recommends that you
modify these settings carefully. Verify that your unsubscribe
policies are in compliance with e-Dialog regulations.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Specifies the e-mail addresses to receive proofs of the specified cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of customer IDs that were used during the most recent build sample operation.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Creates a grid for use in content from XML. Each column of the grid represents a symbol. Each row contains string values to merge into the content. The first column of the grid contains key values used to determine the content to merge for each recipient.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Deletes the specified cell. You cannot delete a cell whose status is "Mailed."
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Sets the entire symbol map using a JSON data structure. See the
Developer's Guide for a description.
Throws an exception if any of the symbol names in the symbolMap
are illegal or if any of the symbol definitions are invalid.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Assigns the set of allowed variations of a realtime messaging configuration.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Returns a list of symbols in the specified text. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Updates a realtime messaging configuration.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Looks for a mailing using the specified ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Updates specific properties of a campaign. Throws an exception if the campaign does not exist (or has been deleted).
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Creates a data upload configuration for an existing audience list ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns the list of customer IDs that were used during the most
recent build sample operation.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Maps a key value from the grid to symbols in the cell content.
The keySymbolName is not a symbol ( _SYMBOL__).
It is a key value from the grid.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Creates a data upload configuration to perform a global unsubscribe.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Retrieves the rows and columns of a grid that is stored in XML format, including the key column.
For a grid stored in rows, use lookupGrid().
For a grid stored in tab-delimited format, use lookupTabSeparatedGrid().
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Assigns the specified e-mail headers to a cell. The headers are
included in each message sent through the cell. Headers can
contain merge symbols.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Attempts to asynchronously mail a cell at a specified date/time.
If the status of the cell is Mailing, Merging, or Merged, you cannot send it.
Does not require that the cell has been proofed.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of category names and values for a given entity.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3. Ability to return information about 10 UDFs added in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.2.
Gets information about the proof sample. If the sample type is Random (created with the
buildRandomProofSample function), returns the size of the sample. If the sample type is
Permutation (created with the buildPermutationProofSample function), returns a list/array
of column names.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Returns the actual member count and updates the audience with the current total.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Creates a grid for use in content, Each column of the grid represents a symbol. Each row contains string values to merge into the content. The first column of the grid contains key values used to determine the content to merge for each recipient.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Attempts to asynchronously mail a cell at the time previously set
for merging and mailing. Does not require that the cell has been
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Returns mailing information for a specific EventType (Undeliverable, Unsubscribe, Spam) in a given date range.
The results are grouped based on the 'Dimension' filters passed in. Only 2 dimensions are allowed at a time.
Some of the dimensions can take 'null' which means group by all possible values..
The report can be broken down into different dimensions:
1. CELLID - Single cellI ID (123) or all cell IDs (null)
2. DOMAIN - Domain to which the mailing was sent/received. '***OTHER***' if the domain is not tracked.\
3. TIME - Group the results hourly (h) or daily (d). This cannot be 'null'
4. CATEGORY - Only valid for "Undeliverable"
5. SOURCE - Only valid for "Undeliverable" and "Unsubscribe" events
"Undeliverables" can be by email (Undel_via_email) or by some other source (Undel).
"Unsubscribes" can be by email (unsub_via_email) or some other source (unsub)
6. UNDELTYPE - Only valid for "Undeliverables"
Valid values are 't' (temporary) and 'p' (permanent)
Valid start and end date are required. Null is reserved for the future.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
Get a list of links filtered by the specified settings. Filter settings are optional.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Looks up an existing campaign by identifier. Returns a
campaignDetailType structure containing identifier, name,
description, creation date, modification date, and user-defined field values.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Creates a new cell. Throws an exception if
an alternateKey was provided and a cell with that key
already exists or the domain name of the
fromAddress is not included in the set of
supported domain names and
does not pass a basic validation check.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a full set of cell properties.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Maps the specified symbol to a content object reference.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of the unsubscribe templates available to the cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of available metering schemes.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Returns a list of available Forward-to-a-Friend template names.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
If an export job is running for the specified cell, cancels the export job.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Retrieves an audience. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Returns a list of clients that are available to the currently logged in user.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Requests the status of the specified cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Deletes an audience.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Updates a grid for use in content.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Returns a list of campaigns, including the ID, name, creation date, and user-defined field values.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
List grids according matching filtering conditions.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Creates a new audience, either membership or suppression,
based on the specified type, and using the specified class
identifier (which defines which member fields to include).
See listAudienceClasses.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Allows a user to update the individual MIME representations for
a piece of content related by a content ID. Currently,
e-Dialog Web Services supports "Text" content,
"HTML" content, and "Landing" page content parts.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Lists the available audiences using the specified filter settings.
Does not list audiences that have a status of DELETED. The filter* arguments are optional arguments
used to filter the results. Dates in date ranges are inclusive.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Get the status of the eReports refresh.
in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Returns a list of domains that you can use in mailings. There are two different types/sets of domains:
domains that can be used in from addresses, and domains that can be used for redirected links.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of custom functions to which a symbol within the
cell can be mapped. See mapSymbolToCustomFunction.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Updates the date when a cell is scheduled to be sent. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Updates the properties of an audience.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Forces a refresh of eReports data for a mailing.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Creates a grid for use in content, based on tab-delimited data. Each column of the grid represents a symbol. Each row contains string values to merge into the content. The first column of the grid contains key values used to determine the content to merge for each recipient.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Attempts to pause a cell that is sending proofs or final e-mails.
A cell must have a status of MAILING, MERGED, MERGING, or PROOFING to be paused.
MERGING, MERGED status support added in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Lets you set the date when the merger will occur and, separately specify when the cells in the mailing will be sent.
If you schedule sending a mailing, all of the cells that are ready to mail are sent. If the merger is not completed
by the mail date, the mail is sent when the merger is complete. During the merger, the cell status is Mailing.
You can pause and cancel a cell after the merge has started and before the mail is being sent.
If you do so, the cell status is Cancelled. Past dates are allowed for the merger.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Lists all the values in the key column of the grid. These are the
values that are used to determine what content to merge for each
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Sets the cookie lifetime for tracking customer activity on the client's website. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Promotes the test cell associated with a realtime messaging configuration (RTM) or
an RTM variation, making it the current cell. After you use this function, sendMessage()
uses this cell when sending a realtime message.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Maps a key value from the grid to a symbol in the cell content.
The keySymbolName is not a symbol ( _SYMBOL__).
It is a key value from the grid.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Creates a new realtime messaging configuration.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Returns the content ID assigned to the cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Finds links in the string you provide and adds anchor tags (a href=) to them.
It does change content stored in the database.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Assigns a cell to a realtime messaging configuration as the "test" cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Returns the content object that has the specified alternative key. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Sets the options for the proof group specified, including whether to include in proofs,
include in the final e-mail, and send multipart samples as text.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Adds or updates recipient profile data, adds a recipient to audience lists,
and removes a recipient from audience lists.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Assigns the feeder configuration to a cell. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Creates a new mailing. Throws an exception if the alternate key already exists in the database (not null).
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a link that has the specified ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Returns the properties of an InsightBuilder query identified by a given ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
Returns a list of content objects. Only a limited set of properties is returned. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Gets a list of defined master data column information from the data dictionary for a specific list.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Creates a data upload configuration for a new audience list based on a defined Class ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Assigns the specified web analytics token to a cell. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Retrieves eReports data for mailing that match the
mailing filtering criteria and the cell filtering criteria
conditions on mailing IDs and mailing names are ORed.
conditions on cell IDs and cell names are ORed.
The filters above are
then ANDed with UDFs and cell mailed date.
This method only returns
those cells of a mailing matching the search
Introduced in
e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Returns a list of all master database columns to which a symbol
within the specified cell can be mapped (see mapSymbolToDataColumn).
Assign audience lists to the cell before you call this function.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Tries to start an export job for the specified cell.
The call fails if there is an existing export job running from the same cell.
The call also fails if there are no audiences associated with the cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of cells filtered by the specified settings.
Returns only a limited set of cell properties. Filter settings are optional.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
(Deprecated. Use the service retrieveMailingViewEReportsUdfs)
Retrieves eReports data for the specified mailing.
Note that for this function, the filtering conditions on mailing IDs
mailing names are ORed together and ANDed with UDFs and
mailed date period specified.
For reports including rollups per cell,
for example, Mailing_Cell or
this method
returns all the cells of the mailing matching the search
Even if only a single cell was mailed in the specified period for a
all the cells of that mailing will be returned.
Introduced in
e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Updates the specified content object.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Map a specific grid column to a symbol that is used in cell content.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
In addition to returning all the information in retrieveMailingViewEReports, also returns information about
10 UDFS for the mailing(s). Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.2
Provides a list of available realtime messaging queues.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Sends proofs for the specified cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Creates a clone of the specified cell and places the new cell in the specified mailing. Returns the new cell's ID.
Throws an exception if the cell being cloned is in Proofing or Mailing status, does not exist, or has been deleted.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Resume processing of a cell. A cell must be in the "Paused" state to be resumed.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Provides a list of realtime messaging configurations.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Updates a grid that is stored as rows.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Removes all RTM variations from an RTM configuration.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Automatically maps all data column symbols in the cell to the corresponding columns in the master database.
Data column symbols that do not have a corresponding column are blank in the resulting email.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Retrieves complete information about an audience based on the a list of Audience IDs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Retrieves a realtime messaging configuration by message name.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Lets you modify advanced cell configuration options, including the domains for handling unsubscribes and redirects,
redirect expiration time, selection of Forward-to-a-Friend template, and error and event mailing. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Returns the settings for the proof group specified, including whether to include in proofs,
include in the final e-mail, and send multipart samples as text.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Returns the advanced cell configuration settings for the cell. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Changes the properties of a mailing.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of category names for cell UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
(Deprecated. Use the service listRTMConfigurations)
Provides a list of realtime messaging configurations.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1
Returns mailing volume information over a specified date range.
The report can be broken down by domain, cell (identifier), or time (day or hour) or
some combination of these dimensions. Valid dimensions include CELLID, DOMAIN, TIME.
For CELLID, you can use a cell identifier to limit the result to the specified cell.
For DOMAIN, you can use a domain name (e.g., to limit the results to mail
sent to the specified domain. Use '***OTHER***' for domains not tracked.
For TIME, use HOUR or H to obtain volume broken down per hour; use DAY or D to obtain
volume broken down per day. The response will be broken down per day if you do not
specify a value for this dimension.
Valid start and end date are required. Null is reserved for the future.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
Updates the Lproof group with the list of CIDs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Returns a list of mailings. Only a limited set of properties for each campaign are returned.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
(Deprecated. Use the service listMailingsByFilter)
Returns a list of mailings. Only a limited set of properties for each campaign are returned.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Lists all the symbols used in the cell. For example,
if the symbol "_FIRSTNAME__" appears in the cell
content, the list includes "FIRSTNAME".
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
(Deprecated. Use the service listAudiencesByFilter)
Lists the available audiences, using the specified filter settings. Does not list audiences that have a status of ARCHIVE, ARCHIVED, INACTIVE, or DELETED.
The filter* arguments are optional arguments used to filter the results. Dates in date ranges are inclusive.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Lists all audience classes available in the master database.
An audience class binds an audience list to a specific set of member columns in the master database.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a JSON structure of all current symbol mappings. See the
Developer's Guide for a description of the JSON data structure and
valid symbol definitions.
In a newly created cell (before calling resetSymbolMap) the structure
shows each symbol mapped to an empty literal value.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a full set of cell properties.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Retrieves eReports data for a particular mailing
and a particular report
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Look up member properties data. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Maps all the columns in a grid to symbols in the content.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Removes all symbol mappings.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Attempts to asynchronously mail all cells in a mailing at the
time previously set for merging and mailing. Does not require
that the cells have been proofed.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Returns the content object that has the specified ID. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Lists all the columns in the grid, excluding the key column.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Mark content as unhidden so that it appears in listContent results.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of content objects. Returns only a limited set of properties. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Looks up full information about an audience based on the alternate key.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
(Deprecated. Use the service listCellsByFilter)
Returns a list of cells filtered by the specified settings.
Returns only a limited set of cell properties. Filter settings are optional.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of mailings. Only a limited set of properties for each
campaign are returned.
Allows filtering by specific mailing type.
Updates a cell's main properties. Throws an exception if the domain
name of the fromAddress is not included in the set of supported
domain names and does not pass a basic validation check.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
(Deprecated. GoodMail no longer exists.)
Returns e-mail headers for use in GoodMail. GoodMail provides a way to guarantee the delivery of a message to an inbox.
You can use the results of this function as the parameter to updateCellHeaders(). Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Returns a list of symbols found in a content object.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of available web analytics vendors and their tokens. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Deletes a campaign. Throws an exception on failure (the
campaign does not exist, was previously deleted, or has any
mailings or cells that are in a state in which they cannot be
deleted (actively mailing or proofing).
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Deletes a realtime messaging configuration.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Creates a new campaign.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Lets you modify the target URL, report name, expiration date, enabled status, and UDF for the specified reportable link.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Look up recipient profile data. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Returns a list/array of all available values for each of the five mailing UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Marks content object as deleted. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Creates a data upload configuration for an existing suppression list.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of events filtered by a specified date range. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Allows a user to retrieve the individual MIME representations for
a piece of content related by a content ID. Currently, e-Dialog
Web Services support "Text" content, "HTML"
content, and "landing" page content parts.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Lets you set the date when the merger will occur and, separately,
when the cell will be sent.
If the merger is not complete by the date specified as the dropDate,
the cell is sent when the merger is complete.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Updates a grid that is stored in tab-delimited format.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Gets a list of defined master database unique key columns information.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list/array of all available values for each of the five audience UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list/array of all available values for each of the five campaign UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Cancels further processing of a cell. A cell must be in the PAUSED, MAILING, PROOFING, MERGING, or MERGED state to be cancelled.
MERGING, MERGED status support added in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Clones a mailing.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Creates a content object and stores it in the Content Library. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Gets the data upload status of the specified file.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Deletes a mailing.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns the status of the export job associated with the cell (ExportJobStatus object).
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Retrieves the rows and columns of a grid that is stored in tab-delimited format, including the key column.
For a grid stored in rows, use lookupGrid().
For a grid stored in XML, use lookupXMLGrid().
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.
Returns the status of the operation to build the proof sample.
One of the following: "Processing", Processed", "Failed", "None".
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Sets the audience lists attached to a cell.
The set of data fields available to custom publishing functions changes as audience lists change.
If an audience change invalidates any existing field mappings, this function does not touch those mappings.
However, adjusting audiences after setting field mappings may cause a cell to fail when mailed.
Calling this function will always set the recipient and suppression audiences.
Call the service lookupCellById or lookupCellByAlternateKey to get the current set of recipient and suppression audiences associated
with the cell.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list/array of all available values for each of the ten cell UDFs.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Attempts to asynchronously mail a cell. If the cell status is Mailing, Merging, or Merged, you cannot send the cell.
Does not require that the cell has been proofed.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Generates the random sample file that contains a subset of rows
from the full export file, with a maximum number of records set by the sampleSize.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.1.
Maps the specified symbol to a literal value. The value appears
in the resulting mail unless the literal value itself contains symbols.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Build an Audience based on a pre-defined Insight-Builder query.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.4.
Look up member properties data when a recipient clicks on a link in an e-mail. Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.2.
Retrieves complete information about an audience based on the ID.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.0.
Returns a list of available eReports report types.
Introduced in e-Dialog Web Services 1.3.