jekyll-imgproxy-tag =================== `jekyll-imgproxy-tag` is a jekyll plugin that provides a Liquid tag that generates a fully secure, fully qualified url to an image asset stored on Amazon S3, and served via the [imgproxy] tool. Example tag: ``` {% imgproxy_url path: "/path/to/image.jpg", resizing_type: 'fill', width: 800, format: "webp" %} ``` [imgproxy]: What's *imgproxy*? ------------------ > "imgproxy is the blazing fast and secure image processing tool". It is an image optimizer written in Go that you can self-host as an alternative to the larger commercial image optimization services like Imgix, Filestack, Cloudinary, et al. More information can be found on the [imgproxy website]. [imgproxy website]: Ok, how do I start with this? ----------------------------- Step 1: have imgproxy running somewhere. For now, this library assumes you are generating secure addresses to the images you are serving, so you will need to take note of the **salt** and **key** that you are setting for your imgproxy instance. Typically these are ENV's set with the `IMGPROXY_KEY` and `IMGPROXY_SALT` keys. Cool. I wrote those down. Now what? ----------------------------------- In your Gemfile, add this gem: ```ruby gem 'jekyll-imgproxy-tag' ``` And do the `bundle install` dance. *** Add the plugin to Jekyll's `_config.yml` file: ```yaml plugins: - jekyll-imgproxy-tag ``` *ALSO* add some required imgproxy config to that same `_config.yml` file: ```yaml imgproxy: base_url: key: the-very-long-KEY-that-is-set-in-your-imgproxy-instance salt: the-very-long-SALT-that-is-set-in-your-imgproxy-instance aws_bucket: your-s3-bucket-name ``` If you're checking that config file into source control then you might not want to save that sort of sensitive information in your repo. As a result, this plugin supports fetching environment variables by prepending `ENV_` in the values before the name of your ENV's. If you use something like Netlify this is pretty handy. ```yaml imgproxy: base_url: key: ENV_IMGPROXY_KEY salt: ENV_IMGPROXY_SALT aws_bucket: ENV_AWS_BUCKET ``` Ok. Now ... how do I *USE* this? -------------------------------- Now you're ready to use this in your pages and/or posts. The most base liquid tag usage is `{% imgproxy_url path: '/path/AFTER/your/bucket/dot.jpg' %}`. If the sample object is in S3 bucket at `s3://my-bucket/images/photos/puppy.jpg` then your path would be `/images/photos/puppy.jpg`. Woof 🐶. The options you may pass in to transform and optimize your image, and the corresponding information on their significance in imgproxy's docs, are as follows: * `resizing_type` * example: `{% imgproxy_url path: '/path/image.jpg', resizing_type: 'fill' %}` * Sample resizing types: `fit`, `fill`, `fill-down`, `force`, `auto`. Refer to the ... * [imgproxy docs]( * `width` * example: `{% imgproxy_url path: '/path/image.jpg', width: 960 %}` * [imgproxy docs]( * `height` * example: `{% imgproxy_url path: '/path/image.jpg', height: 400 %}` * [imgproxy docs]( * `gravity` * example: `{% imgproxy_url path: '/path/image.jpg', gravity: 'sm' %}` * Note, there are many options. Provided option, `sm`, means "smart gravity". * Please refer to the [imgproxy docs]( * `quality` * example: `{% imgproxy_url path: '/path/image.jpg', quality: '85' %}` * Note, this the resulting quality represented in percentage, from 0 to 100. * [imgproxy docs]( * `max_bytes` * example: `{% imgproxy_url path: '/path/image.jpg', max_bytes: '100000' %}` * Note, these are ***BYTES***, not Kilobytes. (100000 bytes == 100kB) * [imgproxy docs]( * `cache_buster` * example: `{% imgproxy_url path: '/path/image.jpg', cache_buster: 'string' %}` * [imgproxy docs]( * `format` * example: `{% imgproxy_url path: '/path/image.jpg', format: 'webp' %}` * Sample formats: `png`, `jpg`, `webp`, `avif`, `gif`, etc. More info at ... * [imgproxy docs]( Are there any gotchas? ---------------------- Hey, I'm glad you asked. There are! 1. Currently **this plugin only works with assets that exist in Amazon S3**. Imgproxy needs to be set up to access. 2. Ensure that your instance of imgproxy has **sufficient (IAM) access to your S3 bucket(s) via the aws key and secret**. 3. If you're serving very large images, you may run into some issues. You can increase the max source image resolution via an environemt variable at your running imgproxy instance. For example `IMGPROXY_MAX_SRC_RESOLUTION=22.0` would allow for up to 22 megapixels. If it helps, there's [an online megapixels calculator here]( 4. Setting `IMGPROXY_DEVELOPMENT_ERRORS_MODE=1` on your imgproxy instance will provide more detailed error messages. For those of you setting up imgproxy yourself [there are many facets for configuration]( Development =========== 1. Clone this repo 2. `bundle` 3. `bundle exec rake` 4. New features should be paired with appropriate test coverage. (Please, and thank you.) *** Currently not implemented but I would be thrilled to receive PR's or feedback on: - [ ] Support for [plain source URL's]( - [ ] Support for unsafe (unsigned) paths. - [ ] Support for [serving local files]( And, I'm always open for feedback - [@jayroh]( 🐦.