require 'chef/knife/profitbricks_base' class Chef class Knife class ProfitbricksLanCreate < Knife include Knife::ProfitbricksBase banner 'knife profitbricks lan create (options)' option :datacenter_id, short: '-D DATACENTER_ID', long: '--datacenter-id DATACENTER_ID', description: 'Name of the data center', proc: proc { |datacenter_id| Chef::Config[:knife][:datacenter_id] = datacenter_id } option :name, short: '-n NAME', long: '--name NAME', description: 'Name of the server' option :public, short: '-p', long: '--public', boolean: true, default: false, description: 'Boolean indicating if the LAN faces the public ' \ 'Internet or not; defaults to false' def run $stdout.sync = true print "#{ui.color('Creating LAN...', :magenta)}" connection lan = ProfitBricks::LAN.create( config[:datacenter_id], name: config[:name], public: config[:public] ) dot = ui.color('.', :magenta) lan.wait_for { print dot; ready? } lan.reload puts "\n" puts "#{ui.color('ID', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('Name', :cyan)}: #{['name']}" puts "#{ui.color('Public', :cyan)}: #{['public']}" puts 'done' end end end end