Building any SaaS business with ease

DRY (Don't repeat yourself) for developing the same features over and over again. Let building any SaaS platform in a week instead of months with SaaSKit.

<%= link_to "Pro version", "#notify-me", data: { aos: "fade-up", "aos-delay": "200" }, class: "text-lg font-bold text-center text-white whitespace-no-wrap bg-brand-dark hover:bg-brand-darker rounded flex-1 sm:flex-initial px-6 py-3 mr-0 sm:mr-2 mb-2 sm:mb-0 transition-all transition-250 transition-ease" %> <%= link_to "", data: { aos: "fade-up", "aos-delay": "250" }, class: "text-lg font-bold text-center text-brand-dark whitespace-no-wrap bg-brand-lighter hover:bg-brand rounded flex-1 sm:flex-initial px-6 py-3 mb-2 sm:mb-0 transition-all transition-250 transition-ease" do %> <%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/github.svg"), class: "inline-block align-text-bottom mr-2 w-6 h-auto" %> View on Github <% end %>
<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/pablo-done.png"), class: "w-full h-full" %>

✨ Over 28 features

It saves you a lot of time for not re-implement the same boilerplate code.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/rails.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Ruby on Rails 6

SaaSkit is based on latest rails 6 rc1. That means you can now leverage new shine rails features like actiontext, actionmailbox.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/webpack.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>


All the JS libraries are already integrated well with webpack, so feel free to import any modern JS libraries as other new kid does.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/stimulus.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>


Don't waste time to implement SPA while you have a choice to apply the sprinkle JS effect with our pre-made stimulus controllers.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/tailwind.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>


We handcrafted all ui components based on tailwindcss and result is it bring us a highly customizable design without fighting to override other css.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/layout-top-panel-6.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Landing Pages

SaaSKit not restricted to provide boilerplate backend code only. We even offer eye-catching landing pages for you to put your SaaS in day one.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/shield-protected.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Authentication Pro

Well integrated with Devise to provide email authentication, email confirmation, forget password and account unlock features.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/facebook.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Social Login Pro

By utilizing omniauth authentication, Facebook login is supported out of the box. It's easy to extend it to support more providers as you wish.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/user.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

User Impersonation Pro

It's a handy feature to support your customers without asking their login credential every time to log in their account for supporting.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/layout-left-panel-1.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Dashboards Pro

User and admin dashboards are off-the-shelf provided which saves you a lot of time for not design and coding your dashboard from the stretch.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/right-circle.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

User Onboarding Pro

For helping your client to know more about your platform, we integrate user onboarding workflow, a helpful feature that every saas business must have.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/group.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Teams Pro

Like Github, teams is the core concept in the SaaS platform. It allows you to add your team members and share resources within the same scope.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/shield-check.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Role-Based Permission Pro

Well, integrate rolify and pundit gems, so that you can easily restrict the resource access per each role-based permission rules.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/repeat.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Subscription Pro

As it's the core feature for every SaaS business, our platform is designed to support each team to have one or more subscriptions.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/credit-card.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Payments Pro

SaaS businesses are not limited to subscription billing. Sometimes we want to charge a one-time fee only. No worry, we got this cover as well.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/sale-2.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Coupons Pro

There is no doubt everyone like discounts and coupons, so we already integrate it into our subscription billing and one-time payments workflow.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/file.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Invoices Pro

Your customer can download their PDF invoices right inside the platform, besides it even send the monthly or one time invoices to your client e-mails automatically.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/stripe.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Stripe Pro

It's the core payment gateway that we use for the subscription billing and one-time payments features. Now integrate the payment gateway is like a piece of cake.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/paypal.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Braintree/Paypal Pro

As stripe does not support all countries in the world, that why we also integrate Braintree as it supports PayPal out of the box.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/outlet.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

API Support Pro

Want to connect SaaSKit with your javascript or mobile clients. No problem, we already covered this and included all API interfaces for you.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/notifications-1.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Announcements Pro

Create announcements and notify your customers about any new features or updates. Keep them updated, and they will appreciate this.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/address-book-2.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Mailing List Subscription

Easy to add a mailing list subscription to any page you want. Now supporting MailChimp, and more providers will be added soon.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/mail-opened.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Email Templates Pro

We pre-designed email templates for use as transactional emails. So it will save you hours or days without design from the stretch.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/sending-mail.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Mailer Pro

You can now set up the mail providers by using our pre-configured mail settings. Right now, we are supporting Mailgun, Postmark, Sendgrid and mandrill.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/chart-bar-1.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Analytics Pro

We already pre-configured several analytics providers, including Google analytics, simple analytics, and segment. Just pick one, and you can start tracking right away.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/selected-file.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Error Logging Pro

Stop hoping your users will report errors. Use one of the pre-configured error logging services to monitor and fix crashes in real time.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/layout-top-panel-6.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Custom Error Pages Pro

We re-designed the custom error pages for you. Besides, you can even further customize those error pages to match your branding.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/display-1.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Test Coverage Pro

We write tests to keep the SaaSKit codebase healthy. Besides this, we even provide Minitest or RSpec for you to choose. Just pick the one you like and get started.

<%= image_tag asset_pack_path("media/images/cloud-upload.svg"), class: "w-auto h-8" %>

Deployment Pro

Deploying SaaSKit to the cloud is just a piece of cake. We will guide you through to deploy your saaskit to AWS, Google Cloud, or even digital ocean if you want a predictable fee.

<%= link_to "Show more 👇", "javascript:void(0)", class: "text-base lg:text-lg xl:text-xl font-bold hover:text-brand-dark transition-all transition-250 transition-ease", data: { action: "reveal#show" } %>

🚗 Want a test drive?

It's just one command to get started!


rails new appname --database=postgresql -m ^6000

💵 A lifetime of SaaSKit with a year of updates

Pick a single license for one site or unlimited licenses if you want to use it with multiple sites.


Perfect for creating a startup landing page with MailChimp mailing list subscription.

  • ✅ Ruby on Rails 6
  • ✅ Stimulus and Tailwind integration
  • ✅ Eye-catching Landing Pages
  • ✅ Mailing List Subscription
<%= link_to "Get Started", root_path, class: "inline-block text-lg font-bold text-center text-white whitespace-no-wrap bg-brand-dark hover:bg-brand-darker rounded px-6 py-3 w-full transition-all transition-250 transition-ease" %>

🏬 Pro

Perfect for rails developers or makers who want to start SaaS platforms with a short period.

Early bird price
$199   $ 99
  • ✅ All features listed in OSS
  • ✅ Authentication
  • ✅ Teams
  • ✅ Role-Based Permission
  • ✅ Subscription
  • ✅ Payments
  • ✅ Coupons
  • <%= link_to "More Features", "#features", class: "hover:text-brand-dark transition-all transition-250 transition-ease" %> ️️☝️
<%= link_to "Notify Me", "#notify-me", class: "inline-block text-lg font-bold text-center text-white whitespace-no-wrap bg-brand-dark hover:bg-brand-darker rounded px-6 py-3 w-full transition-all transition-250 transition-ease" %>

🏢 Unlimited Pro

Perfect for agencies or entrepreneurs who have multiple projects need to meet the deadline.

Early bird price
$799   $ 399
  • ✅ All features listed in Pro
  • ✅ Unlimited Sites
<%= link_to "Notify Me", "#notify-me", class: "inline-block text-lg font-bold text-center text-white whitespace-no-wrap bg-brand-dark hover:bg-brand-darker rounded px-6 py-3 w-full transition-all transition-250 transition-ease" %>

✉️ Notify me when it's release

Don't miss the early bird price deal. Join our mailing list to get notified!

<%= form_with model: @newsletter_form, url: subscribe_path, class: "w-full lg:w-1/2" do |f| %>
<%= render "errors", newsletter_form: @newsletter_form %>
<%= f.email_field :email, autofocus: true, autocomplete: "email", placeholder: true, class: "text-lg rounded flex-1 px-4 py-3 mr-0 mb-2 lg:mr-2 lg:mb-0 focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline appearance-none transition-all transition-250 transition-ease" %> <%= f.submit "Subscribe", class: "text-lg font-bold text-center text-white whitespace-no-wrap bg-brand-dark hover:bg-brand-darker rounded flex-initial px-6 py-3 cursor-pointer transition-all transition-250 transition-ease" %>
<% end %>