module Database class Base DBCONFIG_BEGIN_FLAG = "__CAPISTRANODB_CONFIG_BEGIN_FLAG__".freeze DBCONFIG_END_FLAG = "__CAPISTRANODB_CONFIG_END_FLAG__".freeze attr_accessor :config, :output_file def initialize(cap_instance) @cap = cap_instance end def mysql? @config['adapter'] =~ /^mysql/ end def postgresql? %w(postgresql pg postgis).include? @config['adapter'] end def credentials credential_params = "" username = @config['username'] || @config['user'] if mysql? credential_params << " -u #{username} " if username credential_params << " -p'#{@config['password']}' " if @config['password'] credential_params << " -h #{@config['host']} " if @config['host'] credential_params << " -S #{@config['socket']} " if @config['socket'] credential_params << " -P #{@config['port']} " if @config['port'] elsif postgresql? credential_params << " -U #{username} " if username credential_params << " -h #{@config['host']} " if @config['host'] credential_params << " -p #{@config['port']} " if @config['port'] end credential_params end def database @config['database'] end def current_time"%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S") end def output_file @output_file ||= "db/#{database}_#{current_time}.sql.#{compressor.file_extension}" end def compressor @compressor ||= begin compressor_klass = @cap.fetch(:compressor).to_s.split('_').collect(&:capitalize).join klass = Object.module_eval("::Compressors::#{compressor_klass}", __FILE__, __LINE__) klass end end private def pgpass @config['password'] ? "PGPASSWORD='#{@config['password']}'" : "" end def dump_cmd if mysql? "mysqldump #{credentials} #{database} #{dump_cmd_opts}" elsif postgresql? "#{pgpass} pg_dump #{credentials} #{database} #{dump_cmd_opts}" end end def import_cmd(file) if mysql? "mysql #{credentials} -D #{database} < #{file}" elsif postgresql? terminate_connection_sql = "SELECT pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = '#{database}' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();" "#{pgpass} psql -c \"#{terminate_connection_sql};\" #{credentials} #{database}; #{pgpass} dropdb #{credentials} #{database}; #{pgpass} createdb #{credentials} #{database}; #{pgpass} psql #{credentials} -d #{database} < #{file}" end end def dump_cmd_opts if mysql? "--lock-tables=false #{dump_cmd_ignore_tables_opts} #{dump_cmd_ignore_data_tables_opts}" elsif postgresql? "--no-acl --no-owner #{dump_cmd_ignore_tables_opts} #{dump_cmd_ignore_data_tables_opts}" end end def dump_cmd_ignore_tables_opts ignore_tables = @cap.fetch(:db_ignore_tables, []) if mysql?{ |t| "--ignore-table=#{database}.#{t}" }.join(" ") elsif postgresql?{ |t| "--exclude-table=#{t}" }.join(" ") end end def dump_cmd_ignore_data_tables_opts ignore_tables = @cap.fetch(:db_ignore_data_tables, []) if postgresql?{ |t| "--exclude-table-data=#{t}" }.join(" ") end end end class Remote < Base def initialize(cap_instance) super(cap_instance) "Loading remote database config" @cap.within @cap.current_path do @cap.with rails_env: @cap.fetch(:rails_env) do dirty_config_content = @cap.capture(:rails, "runner \"puts '#{DBCONFIG_BEGIN_FLAG}' + ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_variable_get(:@config).to_yaml + '#{DBCONFIG_END_FLAG}'\"", '2>/dev/null') # Remove all warnings, errors and artefacts produced by bunlder, rails and other useful tools config_content = dirty_config_content.match(/#{DBCONFIG_BEGIN_FLAG}(.*?)#{DBCONFIG_END_FLAG}/m)[1] @config = YAML.load(config_content).inject({}) { |h, (k, v)| h[k.to_s] = v; h } end end end def dump @cap.execute "cd #{@cap.current_path} && #{dump_cmd} | #{compressor.compress('-', output_file)}" @cap.execute("ln -fs #{@cap.current_path}/#{output_file} #{@cap.current_path}/db/latest.sql.#{compressor.file_extension}") self end def download(local_file = "#{output_file}")! dump_file_path, local_file end def clean_dump_if_needed if @cap.fetch(:db_remote_clean) @cap.execute "rm -f #{dump_file_path}" else "leaving #{dump_file_path} on the server (add \"set :db_remote_clean, true\" to deploy.rb to remove)" end end # cleanup = true removes the mysqldump file after loading, false leaves it in db/ def load(file, cleanup) unzip_file = File.join(File.dirname(file), File.basename(file, ".#{compressor.file_extension}")) # "cd #{@cap.current_path} && bunzip2 -f #{file} && RAILS_ENV=#{@cap.rails_env} bundle exec rake db:drop db:create && #{import_cmd(unzip_file)}" @cap.execute "cd #{@cap.current_path} && #{compressor.decompress(file)} && RAILS_ENV=#{@cap.fetch(:rails_env)} && #{import_cmd(unzip_file)}" @cap.execute("cd #{@cap.current_path} && rm #{unzip_file}") if cleanup end private def dump_file_path "#{@cap.current_path}/#{output_file}" end end class Local < Base def initialize(cap_instance) super(cap_instance) "Loading local database config" dirty_config_content = @cap.run_locally do capture(:rails, "runner \"puts '#{DBCONFIG_BEGIN_FLAG}' + ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_variable_get(:@config).to_yaml + '#{DBCONFIG_END_FLAG}'\"") end # Remove all warnings, errors and artefacts produced by bunlder, rails and other useful tools config_content = dirty_config_content.match(/#{DBCONFIG_BEGIN_FLAG}(.*?)#{DBCONFIG_END_FLAG}/m)[1] @config = YAML.load(config_content).inject({}) { |h, (k, v)| h[k.to_s] = v; h } end # cleanup = true removes the mysqldump file after loading, false leaves it in db/ def load(file, cleanup) unzip_file = File.join(File.dirname(file), File.basename(file, ".#{compressor.file_extension}")) # execute("bunzip2 -f #{file} && bundle exec rake db:drop db:create && #{import_cmd(unzip_file)} && bundle exec rake db:migrate") "executing local: #{compressor.decompress(file)}" && #{import_cmd(unzip_file)}" execute("#{compressor.decompress(file)} && #{import_cmd(unzip_file)}") if cleanup "removing #{unzip_file}" File.unlink(unzip_file) else "leaving #{unzip_file} (specify :db_local_clean in deploy.rb to remove)" end "Completed database import" end def dump execute "#{dump_cmd} | #{compressor.compress('-', output_file)}" self end def upload remote_file = "#{@cap.current_path}/#{output_file}" @cap.upload! output_file, remote_file end private def execute(cmd) result = system cmd @cap.error "Failed to execute the local command: #{cmd}" unless result result end end class << self def check(local_db, remote_db) unless (local_db.mysql? && remote_db.mysql?) || (local_db.postgresql? && remote_db.postgresql?) raise 'Only mysql or postgresql on remote and local server is supported' end end def remote_to_local(instance) local_db = remote_db = check(local_db, remote_db) begin ensure remote_db.clean_dump_if_needed end local_db.load(remote_db.output_file, instance.fetch(:db_local_clean)) end def local_to_remote(instance) local_db = remote_db = check(local_db, remote_db) local_db.dump.upload remote_db.load(local_db.output_file, instance.fetch(:db_local_clean)) File.unlink(local_db.output_file) if instance.fetch(:db_local_clean) end def backup(instance) remote_db = remote_db.dump end def restore_latest(instance) remote_db = remote_db.load("#{instance.current_path}/db/latest.sql.#{remote_db.compressor.file_extension}", true) end end end