require File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' ) require 'ms/sequest/srf' require 'ms/sequest/srf/sqt' SpecHelperHeaderHash = { 'SQTGenerator' => 'mspire: ms-sequest', 'SQTGeneratorVersion' => String, 'Database' => 'C:\\Xcalibur\\database\\ecoli_K12_ncbi_20060321.fasta', 'FragmentMasses' => 'AVG', 'PrecursorMasses' => 'AVG', 'StartTime' => nil, 'Alg-MSModel' => 'LCQ Deca XP', 'Alg-PreMassUnits' => 'amu', 'DBLocusCount' => '4237', 'Alg-FragMassTol' => '1.0000', 'Alg-PreMassTol' => '1.4000', 'Alg-IonSeries' => '0 1 1 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0', 'Alg-Enzyme' => 'Trypsin(KR/P) (2)', 'Comment' => ['Created from Bioworks .srf file'], 'DynamicMod' => ['STY*=+79.97990', 'M#=+14.02660'], } ExpasyStaticMods = ['C=160.1901','Cterm=10.1230','E=161.4455'] MoleculesStaticMods = ["C=160.1942", "Cterm=10.1230", "E=161.44398"] SpecHelperHeaderHash['StaticMod'] = MoleculesStaticMods SpecHelperOtherLines =< 10) ok header_hash_match(header_lines, SpecHelperHeaderHash) other_lines = lines.grep(/^[^H]/) other_lines[0,4].join('').is SpecHelperOtherLines other_lines[-3,3].join('').is SpecHelperOtherLinesEnd del(@output) end it 'can get db info with correct path' do ok File.exist?(@output) lines = IO.readlines(@output) has_md5 = lines.any? do |line| line =~ /DBMD5Sum\s+202b1d95e91f2da30191174a7f13a04e/ end ok has_md5 has_seq_len = lines.any? do |line| # frozen line =~ /DBSeqLength\s+1342842/ end ok has_seq_len 80912 del(@output) end it 'can update the Database' do regexp ="Database\t/.*/opd1_2runs_2mods/sequest33/ecoli_K12_ncbi_20060321.fasta") updated_db = IO.readlines(@output).any? do |line| line =~ regexp end ok updated_db del(@output) end end describe "programmatic interface srf to sqt" do @srf = @basic_conversion = lambda { @srf.to_sqt(Srf_output) } @with_new_db_path = lambda { @srf.to_sqt(Srf_output, :db_info => true, :new_db_path => Ms::TESTDATA + '/sequest/opd1_2runs_2mods/sequest33') } @update_the_db_path = lambda { @srf.to_sqt(Srf_output, :new_db_path => Ms::TESTDATA + '/sequest/opd1_2runs_2mods/sequest33', :update_db_path => true) } before do @output = Srf_output end behaves_like "an srf to sqt converter" # this requires programmatic interface to manipulate the object for this # test it 'warns if the db path is incorrect and we want to update db info' do # requires some knowledge of how the database file is extracted # internally wacky_path = '/not/a/real/path/wacky.fasta' @srf.header.db_filename = wacky_path my_error_string = '', 'w') do |strio| $stderr = strio @srf.to_sqt(@output, :db_info => true) end ok my_error_string.include?(wacky_path) @srf.header.db_filename = @original_db_filename $stderr = STDERR ok File.exists?(@output) IO.readlines(@output) 80910 del(@output) end end describe "command-line interface srf to sqt" do def commandline_lambda(string) lambda { Ms::Sequest::Srf::Sqt.commandline( string.split(/\s+/) ) } end base_cmd = "#{Srf_file} -o #{Srf_output}" @basic_conversion = commandline_lambda(base_cmd) @with_new_db_path = commandline_lambda(base_cmd + " --db-info --db-path #{Ms::TESTDATA + '/sequest/opd1_2runs_2mods/sequest33'}") @update_the_db_path = commandline_lambda(base_cmd + " --db-path #{Ms::TESTDATA + '/sequest/opd1_2runs_2mods/sequest33'} --db-update" ) behaves_like "an srf to sqt converter" end