module Pantograph module Actions module SharedValues GITHUB_API_STATUS_CODE = :GITHUB_API_STATUS_CODE GITHUB_API_RESPONSE = :GITHUB_API_RESPONSE GITHUB_API_JSON = :GITHUB_API_JSON end class GithubApiAction < Action class << self def run(params) require 'json' http_method = (params[:http_method] || 'GET').to_s.upcase url = construct_url(params[:server_url], params[:path], params[:url]) headers = construct_headers(params[:api_token], params[:headers]) payload = construct_body(params[:body], params[:raw_body]) error_handlers = params[:error_handlers] || {} secure = params[:secure] response = call_endpoint( url, http_method, headers, payload, secure ) status_code = response[:status] result = { status: status_code, body: response.body || "", json: parse_json(response.body) || {} } if status_code.between?(200, 299) UI.verbose("Response:") UI.verbose(response.body) UI.verbose("---") yield(result) if block_given? else handled_error = error_handlers[status_code] || error_handlers['*'] if handled_error else UI.error("---") UI.error("Request failed:\n#{http_method}: #{url}") UI.error("Headers:\n#{headers}") UI.error("---") UI.error("Response:") UI.error(response.body) UI.user_error!("GitHub responded with #{status_code}\n---\n#{response.body}") end end Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GITHUB_API_STATUS_CODE] = result[:status] Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GITHUB_API_RESPONSE] = result[:body] Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GITHUB_API_JSON] = result[:json] return result end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def description "Call a GitHub API endpoint and get the resulting JSON response" end def details [ "Calls any GitHub API endpoint. You must provide your GitHub Personal token (get one from [](", "Out parameters provide the status code and the full response JSON if valid, otherwise the raw response body.", "Documentation: [](" ].join("\n") end def available_options [ :server_url, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_SERVER_URL", description: "The server url. e.g. '' (Default: '')", default_value: "", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please include the protocol in the server url, e.g. https://your.github.server/api/v3") unless value.include?("//") end), :api_token, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_TOKEN", description: "Personal API Token for GitHub - generate one at", sensitive: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, type: String, default_value: ENV["GITHUB_API_TOKEN"], default_value_dynamic: true, optional: false), :http_method, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_HTTP_METHOD", description: "The HTTP method. e.g. GET / POST", default_value: "GET", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| unless %w(GET POST PUT DELETE HEAD CONNECT PATCH).include?(value.to_s.upcase) UI.user_error!("Unrecognised HTTP method") end end), :body, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_REQUEST_BODY", description: "The request body in JSON or hash format", is_string: false, default_value: {}, optional: true), :raw_body, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_REQUEST_RAW_BODY", description: "The request body taken verbatim instead of as JSON, useful for file uploads", type: String, optional: true), :path, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_PATH", description: "The endpoint path. e.g. '/repos/:owner/:repo/readme'", optional: true), :url, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_URL", description: "The complete full url - used instead of path. e.g. ''", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please include the protocol in the url, e.g.") unless value.include?("//") end), :error_handlers, description: "Optional error handling hash based on status code, or pass '*' to handle all errors", is_string: false, default_value: {}, optional: true), :headers, description: "Optional headers to apply", is_string: false, default_value: {}, optional: true), :secure, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_SECURE", description: "Optionally disable secure requests (ssl_verify_peer)", type: Boolean, default_value: true, optional: true) ] end def output [ ['GITHUB_API_STATUS_CODE', 'The status code returned from the request'], ['GITHUB_API_RESPONSE', 'The full response body'], ['GITHUB_API_JSON', 'The parsed json returned from GitHub'] ] end def return_value "A hash including the HTTP status code (:status), the response body (:body), and if valid JSON has been returned the parsed JSON (:json)." end def authors ["tommeier"] end def example_code [ 'result = github_api( server_url: "", api_token: ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"], http_method: "GET", path: "/repos/:owner/:repo/readme", body: { ref: "master" } )', '# Alternatively call directly with optional error handling or block usage server_url: "", api_token: ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"], http_method: "GET", path: "/repos/:owner/:repo/readme", error_handlers: { 404 => proc do |result| UI.message("Something went wrong - I couldn\'t find it...") end, \'*\' => proc do |result| UI.message("Handle all error codes other than 404") end } ) do |result| UI.message("JSON returned: #{result[:json]}") end ' ] end def is_supported?(platform) true end def category :source_control end private def construct_headers(api_token, overrides) require 'base64' headers = { 'User-Agent' => 'pantograph-github_api' } headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode64(api_token)}" if api_token headers.merge(overrides || {}) end def construct_url(server_url, path, url) return_url = (server_url && path) ? File.join(server_url, path) : url UI.user_error!("Please provide either `server_url` (e.g. and 'path' or full 'url' for GitHub API endpoint") unless return_url return_url end def construct_body(body, raw_body) body ||= {} if raw_body raw_body elsif body.kind_of?(Hash) body.to_json elsif body.kind_of?(Array) body.to_json else UI.user_error!("Please provide valid JSON, or a hash as request body") unless parse_json(body) body end end def parse_json(value) JSON.parse(value) rescue JSON::ParserError nil end def call_endpoint(url, http_method, headers, body, secure) require 'excon' Excon.defaults[:ssl_verify_peer] = secure middlewares = Excon.defaults[:middlewares] + [Excon::Middleware::RedirectFollower] # allow redirect in case of repo renames UI.verbose("#{http_method} : #{url}") connection = connection.request( method: http_method, headers: headers, middlewares: middlewares, body: body, debug_request: PantographCore::Globals.verbose?, debug_response: PantographCore::Globals.verbose? ) end end end end end