require 'spec_helper' describe WordsMatrix::Service do describe "#initialize" do context "no local options given" do let(:service) { } it "should use default options" do expect(service.matrix.grid.size).to eq WordsMatrix::Config::DEFAULTS[:n] expect(service.matrix.instance_variable_get(:"@min_length")).to eq WordsMatrix::Config::DEFAULTS[:min_length] expect(service.dictionary.instance_variable_get(:"@dict_path")).to eq WordsMatrix::Config::DEFAULTS[:dict_path] end end context "local options given" do let(:local_options) { {n: 5, dict_path: 'spec/fixtures/test_dict.txt', min_length: 4} } it "should use local options with higher priority" do service = expect(service.matrix.grid.size).to eq local_options[:n] expect(service.matrix.instance_variable_get(:"@min_length")).to eq local_options[:min_length] expect(service.dictionary.instance_variable_get(:"@dict_path")).to eq local_options[:dict_path] end context "invalid options" do it "should validate the matrix size" do local_options[:n] = double("something weird", to_i: 0) expect{ }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "matrix size should be a positive integer") end it "should validate the min word size" do local_options[:min_length] = 35 expect{ }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "min word length should be a positive integer and less than matrix size") end it "should check if dictionary file exists" do local_options[:dict_path] = 'no file here' expect{ }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "dictionary path is not a valid file path") end end end end describe "#find_words" do let(:sample_grid) { [ %w[A B C D E X], %w[F B L I M P], %w[K L M N O S], %w[P Q R S T X], %w[U V W A Y X], %w[A B C D E X] ] } let(:service) { 6, min_length: 4) } before { allow_any_instance_of(WordsMatrix::Matrix).to receive(:generate_grid).and_return(sample_grid) } it "should find all words not shorter than 4 chars" do expected_result = [ "BLIMP a nonrigid aircraft [n -S] : BLIMPISH [adj]", "DINS [v]", "EARL a British nobleman [n -S]", "LIMP lacking rigidity [adj LIMPER, LIMPEST] / to walk lamely [v -ED, -ING, -S]", "TOME a large book [n -S]"] service.find_words expect(service.words).to eq(expected_result) end end describe "#to_s" do let(:service) { 6, min_length: 4, dict_path: 'spec/fixtures/test_dict.txt') } before { service.find_words } it "should print the matrix content" do expect( service.to_s ).to include(service.matrix.to_s) end it "should print the words found" do expect(service.to_s).to include(service.words.join("\n")) end context "no words found" do it "should print a related message" do allow(service).to receive(:words).and_return([]) expect(service.to_s).to include("Words found:\nnone :(") end end end end