module ActivityNotification # Controller to manage Swagger API references. # @See class ApidocsController < ActivityNotification.config.parent_controller.constantize include ::Swagger::Blocks swagger_root do key :openapi, '3.0.0' info version: ActivityNotification::VERSION do key :description, 'A default REST API created by activity_notification which provides integrated user activity notifications for Ruby on Rails' key :title, 'ActivityNotification' key :termsOfService, '' contact do key :name, 'activity_notification community' key :url, '' end license do key :name, 'MIT' key :url, '' end end server do key :url, '{version}' key :description, 'ActivityNotification online demo including REST API' variable :version do key :enum, ['v2'] key :default, :"v#{ActivityNotification::GEM_VERSION::MAJOR}" end end server do key :url, 'http://localhost:3000/api/{version}' key :description, 'Example Rails application at localhost including REST API' variable :version do key :enum, ['v2'] key :default, :"v#{ActivityNotification::GEM_VERSION::MAJOR}" end end tag do key :name, 'notifications' key :description, 'Operations about user activity notifications' externalDocs do key :description, 'Find out more' key :url, '' end end tag do key :name, 'subscriptions' key :description, 'Operations about subscription management' externalDocs do key :description, 'Find out more' key :url, '' end end end SWAGGERED_CLASSES = [ Notification, NotificationsApiController, Subscription, SubscriptionsApiController, self ].freeze # Returns root JSON of Swagger API references. # GET /apidocs def index render json: ::Swagger::Blocks.build_root_json(SWAGGERED_CLASSES) end end end