module MCollective # A simple helper to build cli tools that supports a uniform command line # layout. class Optionparser attr_reader :parser # Creates a new instance of the parser, you can supply defaults and include named groups of options. # # Starts a parser that defaults to verbose and that includs the filter options: # # oparser ={:verbose => true}, "filter") # # Stats a parser in non verbose mode that does support discovery # # oparser = # # Starts a parser in verbose mode that does not show the common options: # # oparser ={:verbose => true}, "filter", "common") def initialize(defaults={}, include_sections=nil, exclude_sections=nil) @parser = @include = [include_sections].flatten @exclude = [exclude_sections].flatten @options = Util.default_options @options.merge!(defaults) end # Parse the options returning the options, you can pass a block that adds additional options # to the Optionparser. # # The sample below starts a parser that also prompts for --arguments in addition to the defaults. # It also sets the description and shows a usage message specific to this app. # # options = oparser.parse{|parser, options| # parser.define_head "Control the mcollective controller daemon" # parser.banner = "Usage: sh-mcollective [options] command" # # parser.on('--arg', '--argument ARGUMENT', 'Argument to pass to agent') do |v| # options[:argument] = v # end # } # # Users can set default options that get parsed in using the MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS environemnt # variable def parse(&block) yield(@parser, @options) if block_given? add_required_options add_common_options unless @exclude.include?("common") @include.each do |i| next if @exclude.include?(i) options_name = "add_#{i}_options" send(options_name) if respond_to?(options_name) end @parser.environment("MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS") @parser.parse! @options[:collective] = Config.instance.main_collective unless @options[:collective] @options end # These options will be added if you pass 'filter' into the include list of the # constructor. def add_filter_options @parser.separator "" @parser.separator "Host Filters" @parser.on("-W", "--with FILTER", "Combined classes and facts filter") do |f| f.split(" ").each do |filter| begin fact_parsed = parse_fact(filter) @options[:filter]["fact"] << fact_parsed rescue @options[:filter]["cf_class"] << filter end end end @parser.on("-S", "--select FILTER", "Compound filter combining facts and classes") do |f| @options[:filter]["compound"] << [{"expr" => f}] end @parser.on("-F", "--wf", "--with-fact fact=val", "Match hosts with a certain fact") do |f| fact_parsed = parse_fact(f) @options[:filter]["fact"] << fact_parsed if fact_parsed end @parser.on("-C", "--wc", "--with-class CLASS", "Match hosts with a certain config management class") do |f| @options[:filter]["cf_class"] << f end @parser.on("-A", "--wa", "--with-agent AGENT", "Match hosts with a certain agent") do |a| @options[:filter]["agent"] << a end @parser.on("-I", "--wi", "--with-identity IDENT", "Match hosts with a certain configured identity") do |a| @options[:filter]["identity"] << a end end # These options should always be present def add_required_options @parser.on("-c", "--config FILE", "Load configuration from file rather than default") do |f| @options[:config] = f end @parser.on("-v", "--verbose", "Be verbose") do |v| @options[:verbose] = v end @parser.on("-h", "--help", "Display this screen") do puts @parser exit! 1 end end # These options will be added to most cli tools def add_common_options @parser.separator "" @parser.separator "Common Options" @parser.on("-T", "--target COLLECTIVE", "Target messages to a specific sub collective") do |f| @options[:collective] = f end @parser.on("--dt", "--discovery-timeout SECONDS", Integer, "Timeout for doing discovery") do |t| @options[:disctimeout] = t end @parser.on("-t", "--timeout SECONDS", Integer, "Timeout for calling remote agents") do |t| @options[:timeout] = t end @parser.on("-q", "--quiet", "Do not be verbose") do |_v| @options[:verbose] = false end @parser.on("--ttl TTL", "Set the message validity period") do |v| @options[:ttl] = v.to_i end @parser.on("--reply-to TARGET", "Set a custom target for replies") do |v| @options[:reply_to] = v end @parser.on("--dm", "--disc-method METHOD", "Which discovery method to use") do |v| raise "Discovery method is already set by a competing option" if @options[:discovery_method] && @options[:discovery_method] != v @options[:discovery_method] = v end @parser.on("--do", "--disc-option OPTION", "Options to pass to the discovery method") do |a| @options[:discovery_options] << a end @parser.on("--nodes FILE", "List of nodes to address") do |v| raise "Cannot mix --disc-method, --disc-option and --nodes" if @options[:discovery_method] || !@options[:discovery_options].empty? raise "Cannot read the discovery file #{v}" unless File.readable?(v) @options[:discovery_method] = "flatfile" @options[:discovery_options] << "file=%s" % v end @parser.on("--publish_timeout TIMEOUT", Integer, "Timeout for publishing requests to remote agents.") do |pt| @options[:publish_timeout] = pt end @parser.on("--threaded", "Start publishing requests and receiving responses in threaded mode.") do |_v| @options[:threaded] = true end @parser.on("--sort", "Sort the output of an RPC call before processing.") do |_v| @options[:sort] = true end @parser.on("--connection-timeout TIMEOUT", Integer, "Set the timeout for establishing a connection to the middleware") do |v| @options[:connection_timeout] = Integer(v) end end private # Parse a fact filter string like foo=bar into the tuple hash thats needed def parse_fact(fact) Util.parse_fact_string(fact) end end end