class <%= exporter_class_name %> < Para::Exporter::Csv def name '<%= file_name %>' end protected # Defining the fields that you want to export will export all those fields # directly to the CSV file # def fields [:id] end # If you need special behavior in the row generation (rendering associated # models or other specific logic), you can return an array here that will # be written to the CSV # # For safe CSV writing, use the #encode method on every string in the # returned array. # # Example : # # fields = [...] #!(&:encode) # # def row_for(resource) # end # If you need complete control over you CSV generation, use the following # method instead of the #fields or #row_for methods, and return a valid CSV # string # # You can use the `csv` extension from the ruby stdlib, for example with the # CSV.generate method (more information ) # # def generate # end end