RSpec.describe 'Creating a new Work', :js, :workflow do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:file1) { + '/world.png') } let(:file2) { + '/image.jp2') } let!(:uploaded_file1) { Hyrax::UploadedFile.create(file: file1, user: user) } let!(:uploaded_file2) { Hyrax::UploadedFile.create(file: file2, user: user) } before do # Grant the user access to deposit into an admin set. create(:permission_template_access, :deposit, permission_template: create(:permission_template, with_admin_set: true, with_active_workflow: true), agent_type: 'user', agent_id: user.user_key) # stub out characterization. Travis doesn't have fits installed, and it's not relevant to the test. allow(CharacterizeJob).to receive(:perform_later) end context "when the user is not a proxy" do before do sign_in user click_link 'Works' click_link "Add new work" choose "payload_concern", option: "GenericWork" click_button 'Create work' end it 'creates the work' do click_link "Files" # switch tab expect(page).to have_content "Add files" expect(page).to have_content "Add folder" within('span#addfiles') do attach_file("files[]", "#{Hyrax::Engine.root}/spec/fixtures/image.jp2", visible: false) attach_file("files[]", "#{Hyrax::Engine.root}/spec/fixtures/jp2_fits.xml", visible: false) end click_link "Descriptions" # switch tab fill_in('Title', with: 'My Test Work') fill_in('Creator', with: 'Doe, Jane') fill_in('Keyword', with: 'testing') select('In Copyright', from: 'Rights statement') # With selenium and the chrome driver, focus remains on the # select box. Click outside the box so the next line can't find # its element find('body').click choose('generic_work_visibility_open') expect(page).to have_content('Please note, making something visible to the world (i.e. marking this as Public) may be viewed as publishing which could impact your ability to') check('agreement') # These lines are for debugging, should this test fail # puts "Required metadata: #{page.evaluate_script(%{$('#form-progress').data('save_work_control').requiredFields.areComplete})}" # puts "Required files: #{page.evaluate_script(%{$('#form-progress').data('save_work_control').uploads.hasFiles})}" # puts "Agreement : #{page.evaluate_script(%{$('#form-progress').data('save_work_control').depositAgreement.isAccepted})}" click_on('Save') expect(page).to have_content('My Test Work') expect(page).to have_content "Your files are being processed by Hyrax in the background." end end context 'when the user is a proxy' do let(:second_user) { create(:user) } before do ProxyDepositRights.create!(grantor: second_user, grantee: user) sign_in user click_link 'Works' click_link "Add new work" choose "payload_concern", option: "GenericWork" click_button 'Create work' end it "allows on-behalf-of deposit" do click_link "Files" # switch tab expect(page).to have_content "Add files" within('span#addfiles') do attach_file("files[]", "#{Hyrax::Engine.root}/spec/fixtures/image.jp2", visible: false) attach_file("files[]", "#{Hyrax::Engine.root}/spec/fixtures/jp2_fits.xml", visible: false) end click_link "Descriptions" # switch tab fill_in('Title', with: 'My Test Work') fill_in('Creator', with: 'Doe, Jane') fill_in('Keyword', with: 'testing') select('In Copyright', from: 'Rights statement') # With selenium and the chrome driver, focus remains on the # select box. Click outside the box so the next line can't find # its element find('body').click choose('generic_work_visibility_open') expect(page).to have_content('Please note, making something visible to the world (i.e. marking this as Public) may be viewed as publishing which could impact your ability to') select(second_user.user_key, from: 'On behalf of') check('agreement') # These lines are for debugging, should this test fail # puts "Required metadata: #{page.evaluate_script(%{$('#form-progress').data('save_work_control').requiredFields.areComplete})}" # puts "Required files: #{page.evaluate_script(%{$('#form-progress').data('save_work_control').uploads.hasFiles})}" # puts "Agreement : #{page.evaluate_script(%{$('#form-progress').data('save_work_control').depositAgreement.isAccepted})}" click_on('Save') expect(page).to have_content('My Test Work') expect(page).to have_content "Your files are being processed by Hyrax in the background." sign_in second_user click_link 'Works' expect(page).to have_content "My Test Work" end end end