require 'optparse' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[client dsl]) include Blather::DSL options = {} optparse = do |opts| opts.banner = "Run with #{$0} [options] user@server/resource password [host] [port]" opts.on('-D', '--debug', 'Run in debug mode (you will see all XMPP communication)') do |debug| options[:debug] = debug end opts.on('-d', '--daemonize', 'Daemonize the process') do |daemonize| options[:daemonize] = daemonize end opts.on('--pid=[PID]', 'Write the PID to this file') do |pid| if !File.writable?(File.dirname(pid)) $stderr.puts "Unable to write log file to #{pid}" exit 1 end options[:pid] = pid end opts.on('--log=[LOG]', 'Write to the [LOG] file instead of stdout/stderr') do |log| if !File.writable?(File.dirname(log)) $stderr.puts "Unable to write log file to #{log}" exit 1 end options[:log] = log end opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts opts exit end opts.on_tail('-v', '--version', 'Show version') do require 'yaml' version = YAML.load_file File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. VERSION.yml]) puts "Blather v#{version[:major]}.#{version[:minor]}.#{version[:patch]}" exit end end optparse.parse! at_exit do unless client.setup? if ARGV.length < 2 puts optparse exit 1 end client.setup(*ARGV) end def run(options) $stdin.reopen "/dev/null" if options[:log] log =[:log], 'a') log.sync = options[:debug] Blather.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG if options[:debug] $stdout.reopen log $stderr.reopen $stdout end trap(:INT) { EM.stop } trap(:TERM) { EM.stop } { } end if options[:daemonize] pid = fork do Process.setsid exit if fork[:pid], 'w') { |f| f << } if options[:pid] run options FileUtils.rm(options[:pid]) if options[:pid] end ::Process.detach pid exit else run options end end