# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Frodo::Concerns::Caching do describe '.without_caching' do let(:options) { double('Options') } let(:klass) do context = self Class.new { include Frodo::Concerns::Base include context.described_class } end let(:client) { klass.new } subject { client } before do expect(client).to receive(:options).and_return(options).twice end it 'runs the block with caching disabled' do expect(options).to receive(:[]=).with(:use_cache, false) expect(options).to receive(:delete).with(:use_cache) expect { |b| client.without_caching(&b) }.to yield_control end context 'when an exception is raised' do it 'ensures the :use_cache is deleted' do expect(options).to receive(:[]=).with(:use_cache, false) expect(options).to receive(:delete).with(:use_cache) expect { client.without_caching do raise 'Foo' end }.to raise_error 'Foo' end end end end