# frozen_string_literal: true require "bundler/current_ruby" module Bundler class CLI::Exec attr_reader :options, :args, :cmd RESERVED_SIGNALS = %w[SEGV BUS ILL FPE VTALRM KILL STOP].freeze def initialize(options, args) @options = options @cmd = args.shift @args = args if Bundler.current_ruby.ruby_2? && !Bundler.current_ruby.jruby? @args << { :close_others => !options.keep_file_descriptors? } elsif options.keep_file_descriptors? Bundler.ui.warn "Ruby version #{RUBY_VERSION} defaults to keeping non-standard file descriptors on Kernel#exec." end end def run validate_cmd! SharedHelpers.set_bundle_environment if bin_path = Bundler.which(cmd) if !Bundler.settings[:disable_exec_load] && ruby_shebang?(bin_path) return kernel_load(bin_path, *args) end # First, try to exec directly to something in PATH if Bundler.current_ruby.jruby_18? kernel_exec(bin_path, *args) else kernel_exec([bin_path, cmd], *args) end else # exec using the given command kernel_exec(cmd, *args) end end private def validate_cmd! return unless cmd.nil? Bundler.ui.error "bundler: exec needs a command to run" exit 128 end def kernel_exec(*args) ui = Bundler.ui Bundler.ui = nil Kernel.exec(*args) rescue Errno::EACCES, Errno::ENOEXEC Bundler.ui = ui Bundler.ui.error "bundler: not executable: #{cmd}" exit 126 rescue Errno::ENOENT Bundler.ui = ui Bundler.ui.error "bundler: command not found: #{cmd}" Bundler.ui.warn "Install missing gem executables with `bundle install`" exit 127 end def kernel_load(file, *args) args.pop if args.last.is_a?(Hash) ARGV.replace(args) $0 = file Process.setproctitle(process_title(file, args)) if Process.respond_to?(:setproctitle) ui = Bundler.ui Bundler.ui = nil require "bundler/setup" signals = Signal.list.keys - RESERVED_SIGNALS signals.each {|s| trap(s, "DEFAULT") } Kernel.load(file) rescue SystemExit, SignalException raise rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException Bundler.ui = ui Bundler.ui.error "bundler: failed to load command: #{cmd} (#{file})" backtrace = e.backtrace.take_while {|bt| !bt.start_with?(__FILE__) } abort "#{e.class}: #{e.message}\n #{backtrace.join("\n ")}" end def process_title(file, args) "#{file} #{args.join(" ")}".strip end def ruby_shebang?(file) possibilities = [ "#!/usr/bin/env ruby\n", "#!/usr/bin/env jruby\n", "#!#{Gem.ruby}\n", ] if File.zero?(file) Bundler.ui.warn "#{file} is empty" return false end first_line = File.open(file, "rb") {|f| f.read(possibilities.map(&:size).max) } possibilities.any? {|shebang| first_line.start_with?(shebang) } end end end