require 'test/test_helper' class ConfirmationTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest def visit_user_confirmation_with_token(confirmation_token) visit user_confirmation_path(:confirmation_token => confirmation_token) end test 'user should be able to request a new confirmation' do user = create_user(:confirm => false) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear visit new_user_session_path click_link 'Didn\'t receive confirmation instructions?' fill_in 'email', :with => click_button 'Resend confirmation instructions' assert_template 'sessions/new' assert_contain 'You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes' assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size end test 'user with invalid confirmation token should not be able to confirm an account' do visit_user_confirmation_with_token('invalid_confirmation') assert_response :success assert_template 'confirmations/new' assert_have_selector '#errorExplanation' assert_contain 'Confirmation token is invalid' end test 'user with valid confirmation token should be able to confirm an account' do user = create_user(:confirm => false) assert_not user.confirmed? visit_user_confirmation_with_token(user.confirmation_token) assert_template 'home/index' assert_contain 'Your account was successfully confirmed.' assert user.reload.confirmed? end test 'user already confirmed user should not be able to confirm the account again' do user = create_user visit_user_confirmation_with_token(user.confirmation_token) assert_template 'confirmations/new' assert_have_selector '#errorExplanation' assert_contain 'already confirmed' end test 'sign in user automatically after confirming it\'s email' do user = create_user(:confirm => false) visit_user_confirmation_with_token(user.confirmation_token) assert warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'not confirmed user and setup to block without confirmation should not be able to sign in' do Devise.confirm_in = 0 user = sign_in_as_user(:confirm => false) assert_redirected_to new_user_session_path(:unconfirmed => true) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'not confirmed user but configured with some days to confirm should be able to sign in' do Devise.confirm_in = 1 user = sign_in_as_user(:confirm => false) assert_response :success assert warden.authenticated?(:user) end test 'error message is configurable by resource name' do begin I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, :devise => { :sessions => { :admin => { :unconfirmed => "Not confirmed user" } } }) get new_admin_session_path(:unconfirmed => true) assert_contain 'Not confirmed user' ensure I18n.reload! end end end