{"version":3,"names":["_t","require","_t2","react","cloneNode","jsxExpressionContainer","variableDeclaration","variableDeclarator","referenceVisitor","ReferencedIdentifier","path","state","isJSXIdentifier","isCompatTag","node","name","parentPath","isJSXMemberExpression","scope","isFunction","isArrowFunctionExpression","parent","breakOnScopePaths","push","binding","getBinding","violation","constantViolations","mutableBinding","stop","bindings","PathHoister","constructor","scopes","attachAfter","isCompatibleScope","key","Object","keys","bindingIdentifierEquals","identifier","getCompatibleScopes","indexOf","getAttachmentPath","_getAttachmentPath","targetScope","isProgram","hasOwnBinding","kind","parentKey","bindingParentPath","getAttachmentParentForPath","violationPath","pop","hasOwnParamBindings","bodies","get","i","length","_blockHoist","getNextScopeAttachmentParent","Array","isArray","container","isStatement","constant","run","traverse","attachTo","getFunctionParent","uid","generateUidIdentifier","declarator","insertFn","attached","isVariableDeclarator","isJSXElement","children","replaceWith","exports","default"],"sources":["../../../src/path/lib/hoister.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { react } from \"@babel/types\";\nimport {\n cloneNode,\n jsxExpressionContainer,\n variableDeclaration,\n variableDeclarator,\n} from \"@babel/types\";\nimport type * as t from \"@babel/types\";\nimport type Scope from \"../../scope/index.ts\";\nimport type NodePath from \"../index.ts\";\nimport type Binding from \"../../scope/binding.ts\";\nimport type { Visitor } from \"../../types.ts\";\n\nconst referenceVisitor: Visitor = {\n // This visitor looks for bindings to establish a topmost scope for hoisting.\n ReferencedIdentifier(path, state) {\n // Don't hoist regular JSX identifiers ('div', 'span', etc).\n // We do have to consider member expressions for hoisting (e.g. `this.component`)\n if (\n path.isJSXIdentifier() &&\n react.isCompatTag(path.node.name) &&\n !path.parentPath.isJSXMemberExpression()\n ) {\n return;\n }\n\n // If the identifier refers to `this`, we need to break on the closest non-arrow scope.\n if (path.node.name === \"this\") {\n let scope = path.scope;\n do {\n if (\n scope.path.isFunction() &&\n !scope.path.isArrowFunctionExpression()\n ) {\n break;\n }\n } while ((scope = scope.parent));\n if (scope) state.breakOnScopePaths.push(scope.path);\n }\n\n // direct references that we need to track to hoist this to the highest scope we can\n const binding = path.scope.getBinding(path.node.name);\n if (!binding) return;\n\n // we can handle reassignments only if they happen in the same scope as the declaration\n for (const violation of binding.constantViolations) {\n if (violation.scope !== binding.path.scope) {\n state.mutableBinding = true;\n path.stop();\n return;\n }\n }\n\n // this binding isn't accessible from the parent scope so we can safely ignore it\n // eg. it's in a closure etc\n if (binding !== state.scope.getBinding(path.node.name)) return;\n\n state.bindings[path.node.name] = binding;\n },\n};\n\nexport default class PathHoister {\n breakOnScopePaths: NodePath[];\n bindings: { [k: string]: Binding };\n mutableBinding: boolean;\n private scopes: Scope[];\n scope: Scope;\n private path: NodePath;\n private attachAfter: boolean;\n\n constructor(path: NodePath, scope: Scope) {\n // Storage for scopes we can't hoist above.\n this.breakOnScopePaths = [];\n // Storage for bindings that may affect what path we can hoist to.\n this.bindings = {};\n // \"true\" if the current path contains a reference to a binding whose\n // value can change and thus can't be safely hoisted.\n this.mutableBinding = false;\n // Storage for eligible scopes.\n this.scopes = [];\n // Our original scope and path.\n this.scope = scope;\n this.path = path;\n // By default, we attach as far up as we can; but if we're trying\n // to avoid referencing a binding, we may have to go after.\n this.attachAfter = false;\n }\n\n // A scope is compatible if all required bindings are reachable.\n isCompatibleScope(scope: Scope) {\n for (const key of Object.keys(this.bindings)) {\n const binding = this.bindings[key];\n if (!scope.bindingIdentifierEquals(key, binding.identifier)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n\n // Look through all scopes and push compatible ones.\n getCompatibleScopes() {\n let scope = this.path.scope;\n do {\n if (this.isCompatibleScope(scope)) {\n this.scopes.push(scope);\n } else {\n break;\n }\n\n // deopt: These scopes are set in the visitor on const violations\n if (this.breakOnScopePaths.indexOf(scope.path) >= 0) {\n break;\n }\n } while ((scope = scope.parent));\n }\n\n getAttachmentPath() {\n let path = this._getAttachmentPath();\n if (!path) return;\n\n let targetScope = path.scope;\n\n // don't allow paths that have their own lexical environments to pollute\n if (targetScope.path === path) {\n targetScope = path.scope.parent;\n }\n\n // avoid hoisting to a scope that contains bindings that are executed after our attachment path\n if (targetScope.path.isProgram() || targetScope.path.isFunction()) {\n for (const name of Object.keys(this.bindings)) {\n // check binding is a direct child of this paths scope\n if (!targetScope.hasOwnBinding(name)) continue;\n\n const binding = this.bindings[name];\n\n // allow parameter references and expressions in params (like destructuring rest)\n if (binding.kind === \"param\" || binding.path.parentKey === \"params\") {\n continue;\n }\n\n // For each binding, get its attachment parent. This gives us an idea of where we might\n // introduce conflicts.\n const bindingParentPath = this.getAttachmentParentForPath(binding.path);\n\n // If the binding's attachment appears at or after our attachment point, then we move after it.\n if (bindingParentPath.key >= path.key) {\n this.attachAfter = true;\n path = binding.path;\n\n // We also move past any constant violations.\n for (const violationPath of binding.constantViolations) {\n if (this.getAttachmentParentForPath(violationPath).key > path.key) {\n path = violationPath;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return path;\n }\n\n _getAttachmentPath() {\n const scopes = this.scopes;\n\n const scope = scopes.pop();\n // deopt: no compatible scopes\n if (!scope) return;\n\n if (scope.path.isFunction()) {\n if (this.hasOwnParamBindings(scope)) {\n // deopt: should ignore this scope since it's ourselves\n if (this.scope === scope) return;\n\n // needs to be attached to the body\n const bodies = scope.path.get(\"body\").get(\"body\") as NodePath[];\n for (let i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) {\n // Don't attach to something that's going to get hoisted,\n // like a default parameter\n // @ts-expect-error todo(flow->ts): avoid mutating the node, introducing new fields\n if (bodies[i].node._blockHoist) continue;\n return bodies[i];\n }\n // deopt: If here, no attachment path found\n } else {\n // doesn't need to be be attached to this scope\n return this.getNextScopeAttachmentParent();\n }\n } else if (scope.path.isProgram()) {\n return this.getNextScopeAttachmentParent();\n }\n }\n\n getNextScopeAttachmentParent() {\n const scope = this.scopes.pop();\n if (scope) return this.getAttachmentParentForPath(scope.path);\n }\n\n // Find an attachment for this path.\n getAttachmentParentForPath(path: NodePath) {\n do {\n if (\n // Beginning of the scope\n !path.parentPath ||\n // Has siblings and is a statement\n (Array.isArray(path.container) && path.isStatement())\n ) {\n return path;\n }\n } while ((path = path.parentPath));\n }\n\n // Returns true if a scope has param bindings.\n hasOwnParamBindings(scope: Scope) {\n for (const name of Object.keys(this.bindings)) {\n if (!scope.hasOwnBinding(name)) continue;\n\n const binding = this.bindings[name];\n // Ensure constant; without it we could place behind a reassignment\n if (binding.kind === \"param\" && binding.constant) return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n run(): NodePath | undefined {\n this.path.traverse(referenceVisitor, this);\n\n if (this.mutableBinding) return;\n\n this.getCompatibleScopes();\n\n const attachTo = this.getAttachmentPath();\n if (!attachTo) return;\n\n // don't bother hoisting to the same function as this will cause multiple branches to be\n // evaluated more than once leading to a bad optimisation\n if (attachTo.getFunctionParent() === this.path.getFunctionParent()) return;\n\n // generate declaration and insert it to our point\n let uid: t.Identifier | t.JSXExpressionContainer =\n attachTo.scope.generateUidIdentifier(\"ref\");\n\n // @ts-expect-error todo(flow->ts): more specific type for this.path\n const declarator = variableDeclarator(uid, this.path.node);\n\n const insertFn = this.attachAfter ? \"insertAfter\" : \"insertBefore\";\n const [attached] = attachTo[insertFn]([\n attachTo.isVariableDeclarator()\n ? declarator\n : variableDeclaration(\"var\", [declarator]),\n ]);\n\n const parent = this.path.parentPath;\n if (parent.isJSXElement() && this.path.container === parent.node.children) {\n // turning the `span` in `