{ "entryways": [ { "building_type": "College", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.0, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 2.45, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "match SecondarySchool" }, { "building_type": "Courthouse", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.0, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 3.0, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "match MediumOffice" }, { "building_type": "FullServiceRestaurant", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.0, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 3.0, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "HighriseApartment", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.0, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 1.13, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Highrise not in table 4.18, using half of values from LargeHotel." }, { "building_type": "Hospital", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.03, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 3.8, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": 1.0, "canopy_size": 720, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "No source for canopy size, Table 5.41. Exterior Lighting Savings Summary for Addendum 90.1-07i doesn't indicate canopy lighting. Section 5.4.2 Exterior Lights in U.S. Department of Energy Commercial Reference Building Models of the National Building Stock shows their use." }, { "building_type": "Laboratory", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.0, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 2.45, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "match SecondarySchool" }, { "building_type": "LargeDataCenterHighITE", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": null, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": null, "others_doors_per_10,000": null, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": null }, { "building_type": "LargeDataCenterLowITE", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": null, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": null, "others_doors_per_10,000": null, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": null }, { "building_type": "LargeHotel", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.0, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 2.27, "entrance_canopies": 1.0, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": 1620, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "No source for canopy size, Table 5.41. Exterior Lighting Savings Summary for Addendum 90.1-07i doesn't indicate canopy lighting. Section 5.4.2 Exterior Lights in U.S. Department of Energy Commercial Reference Building Models of the National Building Stock shows their use." }, { "building_type": "LargeOffice", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.0, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 3.0, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "LargeOfficeDetailed", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.0, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 3.0, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "MediumOffice", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.13, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 3.0, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "MediumOfficeDetailed", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.13, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 3.0, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "MidriseApartment", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.0, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 1.13, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Midrise not in table 4.18, using half of values from LargeHotel." }, { "building_type": "Outpatient", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.1, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 5.19, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "PrimarySchool", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.07, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 3.3, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "QuickServiceRestaurant", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.0, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": 2500.0, "notes": "No source for drive through count, Table 5.41. Exterior Lighting Savings Summary for Addendum 90.1-07i doesn't indicate drive through lighting. Section 5.4.2 Exterior Lights in U.S. Department of Energy Commercial Reference Building Models of the National Building Stock shows their use." }, { "building_type": "Retail", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 1.84, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 2.93, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "SecondarySchool", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.1, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 2.45, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "SmallDataCenterHighITE", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": null, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": null, "others_doors_per_10,000": null, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": null }, { "building_type": "SmallDataCenterLowITE", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": null, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": null, "others_doors_per_10,000": null, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": null }, { "building_type": "SmallHotel", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.0, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 28.91, "entrance_canopies": 1.0, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": 720, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "SmallHotel appears to have exterior entries for all units, No source for canopy size, Table 5.41. Exterior Lighting Savings Summary for Addendum 90.1-07i doesn't indicate canopy lighting. Section 5.4.2 Exterior Lights in U.S. Department of Energy Commercial Reference Building Models of the National Building Stock shows their use." }, { "building_type": "SmallOffice", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.47, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "SmallOfficeDetailed", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.47, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "StripMall", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 0.05, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 6.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 6.6, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" }, { "building_type": "SuperMarket", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 1.84, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 2.93, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "SuperMarket not in table 4.18, using values from RetailStandAlone. Consistant with SuperMarket parking area used in U.S. Department of Energy Commercial Reference Building Models of the National Building Stock report." }, { "building_type": "Warehouse", "rollup_doors_per_10,000": 3.67, "entrance_doors_per_10,000": 1.0, "others_doors_per_10,000": 2.0, "entrance_canopies": null, "emergency_canopies": null, "canopy_size": null, "floor_area_per_drive_through_window": null, "notes": "Based on Table 4.18 Number of Doors by Door Type from Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010" } ] }