require 'optparse' require 'jubilee' require 'java' module Jubilee class CLI # Parsed options attr_accessor :options def initialize(argv) @argv = argv setup_options end def parse_options argv = @argv.dup @parser.parse! argv if @argv.last @options[:rackup] = argv.shift end end def run parse_options if @options[:daemon] puts "Starting Jubilee in daemon mode..." `jubilee_d #{(@argv - ["-d", "--daemon"]).join(" ")}` else @config = server =, @config.options) server.start puts "Jubilee is listening on port #{@config.options[:Port]}, press Ctrl+C to quit" starter = starter.block end end def setup_options @options = { debug: false, daemon: false, Port: 3215, ssl: false, environment: ENV["RACK_ENV"] || "development" } @parser = do |o| o.separator "" o.separator "Server options:" o.on "-c", "--config PATH", "Load PATH as a config file" do |arg| @options[:config_file] = arg end o.on "-d", "--daemon", "Daemonize the server" do @options[:daemon] = true end o.on "--dir DIR", "Change to DIR before starting" do |arg| @options[:working_directory] = arg end o.on "-p", "--port PORT", "Defind which PORT the server should bind" do |arg| @options[:Port] = arg.to_i end o.on "--host HOST", "Defind which HOST the server should bind, default" do |arg| @options[:Host] = arg end o.on "-e", "--environment ENV", "Rack environment" do |arg| @options[:environment] = arg end o.separator "" o.separator "SSL options:" o.on "--ssl", "Enable SSL connection" do @options[:ssl] = true end o.on "--ssl-keystore PATH", "SSL keystore path" do |arg| @options[:keystore_path] = arg end o.on "--ssl-password PASS", "SSL keystore password" do |arg| @options[:keystore_password] = arg end o.separator "" o.separator "Event bus options:" o.on "--eventbus PREFIX", "Event bus prefix, use allow-all policy by default" do |arg| @options[:eventbus_prefix] = arg end o.separator "" o.separator "Clustering options:" o.on "--cluster", "Enable clustering" do @options[:cluster_host] = "" end o.on "--cluster-port", "If the cluster option has also been specified then this determines which port will be used for cluster communication with other Vert.x instances. Default is 0 -which means 'chose a free ephemeral port. You don't usually need to specify this parameter unless you really need to bind to a specific port." do |port| @options[:cluster_host] = port end o.on "--cluster-host", "If the cluster option has also been specified then this determines which host address will be used for cluster communication with other Vert.x instances. By default it will try and pick one from the available interfaces. If you have more than one interface and you want to use a specific one, specify it here." do |host| @options[:cluster_host] = host end o.separator "" o.separator "Common options:" o.on "--verbose", "Log low level debug information" do @options[:debug] = true end o.on "-q", "--quiet" do @options[:quiet] = true end end @parser.banner = "jubilee <options> <rackup file>" @parser.on_tail "-h", "--help", "Show this message" do puts @parser exit 1 end end end end